Following is my assessment of the real value that I bring to business information systems projects executed to my standards, using my methods with my leadership giving rise to an exceptional system solution outcome:
1. Solid understanding of economics – what makes businesses profitable and HOW to make them more profitable
Four years’ formal exposure to economics and economic principles and the way markets work.
Includes building and operating sophisticated fundamental economic models to forecast stock market share dividend yields for premium shares. Resulted in a deep understanding of how companies generate profits and the sensitivities of competitiveness and profitability to marginal performance. All of this relative to Critical Profit Drivers – this enables me to identify opportunities others would miss.
2. Experience of, and understanding of, leadership and ability to relate to CEO vision and challenges in ways that add considerable value
Four years’ experience in Command of a Military Regiment so a thorough understanding of management and leadership and the ability to understand CEO issues and objectives in ways that add considerable value.
3. Own first hand business experience
I have been in business for my own account since 1989 – I have devoted large amounts of time and energy to understanding my core goal “to bring the disciplines of engineering to the Information Technology industry” but I have also succeeded in staying in business, marketing myself and building a brand. I have chosen to remain a one man business through much of this time because I prefer to be free to allocate my time as I choose and do NOT want the hassle of paying salaries and to allow me to devote time to my relationship with my Father in Heaven. That said, I have a solid understanding of what it takes to run a business.
4. Deep understanding of strategy, the essence of business and competitiveness
I have integrated strategic thinking based on the work of Professor Malcolm McDonald and Michel Robert into my work for 22 years, building on my formal military strategic training, with the result that my solutions are highly strategically aligned and support sustainable, extremely high competitive value outcomes.
5. Practical hands-on understanding of data and how to create value from data
My PhD involved the design of a very complex multi-dimensional multi-variate laboratory test program that resulted in 7,000 pages of laboratory data and over 100,000 data points. Accordingly I have an exceptional understanding of data and how to analyse it so that I see opportunities to add value that others do not.
6. Deep understanding of classification schemes and taxonomies and how to use these to unlock substantial corporate value
I have been exposed to, studied and applied classification schemes and taxonomies since the age of 15. I have developed a level of understanding and thinking in this field, both in terms of developing classifications and exploiting the resulting data that far exceeds the norm and therefore enables me to add huge value.
7. Diverse and practical understanding of software design and how to create high value software components that facilitate competitive advantage
Exposure to software design and development from the early days of computers coupled to detailed study of software design, framed with formal engineering training, has enabled me to repeatedly conceptualize and design pieces of exceptionally high value and highly affordable software that has made a huge difference to clients – for example see the ASCO and CRM case studies and the Software Page on the website. This enables me to go far beyond the norm of what most in the field are able to do, and also deeply understand the limitations and potential of software resulting in highly effective solutions -- the REAL issues in software.
8. Intense passion for, and proven ability in, creating high value strategic solutions that work and deliver
Intense passion for engineering and designing and building things that work well, which has been focused on Business Information Systems for 27 years and which enables me to craft and execute projects that deliver exceptional value far above the norm.
9. Practical understanding of operating an engineering laboratory that provides a robust approach to testing and quality control ensuring that solutions work when deployed
Four years’ experience of designing and operating a complex and diverse engineering laboratory test programme. This has given me a deep understanding of testing and test design that is exceptionally high value in terms of ensuring that software solutions are rigorously tested before deployment, dramatically reducing risk.
10. Broad accounting experience and understanding of accounting principles that ensures my solutions are solid and add value at the financial management level
Many hours of ticking and reconciling transactions, designing Charts of Accounts and financial statements, integrating operational systems with financial modules and solid understanding of basic financial management and accounting principles ensures that all my solutions are compliant from an accounting perspective. My solutions are proven to reduce audit costs and greatly increase management information.
11. Many years of experience managing contractors to obtain specification compliance and high standards
I managed a contractor for the first time at the age of 21 and have managed contractors as required ever since. I understand how to work with contractors and how to manage them to obtain budget and outcome compliance and high quality workmanship.
12. Basic understanding of psychology – a critical component of business systems
The abstract nature of business systems means that the psychology of change and related issues is of paramount importance. I understand enough of the basics to manage this component effectively.
13. Thorough understanding of communications – vital component of business system implementation
Experienced communicator both in writing and verbally. Trained Professional Speaker. Spoken at around 90 public conferences each with a tailored custom presentation. Understand the importance of communication in running business systems projects and also the need for precise language in every area of the project. Prolific writer as evidenced by the articles on my website.
14. Long experience of projects – how to bring projects in on time and on budget that meet or exceed expectations
I have been undertaking projects from my teenage years, I know what is required to manage a project to a tight deadline with high quality deliverables.
15. Deep dislike of failure ensures that I manage risk intensely to deliver high value LOW risk solutions
I HATE failure and therefore take ALL necessary measures to prevent failure and thereby ensure successful project outcomes.
16. Profound understanding of the REAL Issues in Business Systems failure and success
Been speaking on business systems failure since 1991, been investigating failed and sub-optimal outcomes and prescribing solutions since 1989. Developed the definitive classification of the REAL issues causing business systems failure and the Critical Factors for Success in 2003 and wrote the book. Been lecturing on these ever since and applying them in practice. Fundamental to understanding how to prevent failure of business systems projects and unlock the FULL potential of the investment.
All focused into an intense passion to enable my clients to thrive through providing exceptional high value solutions that go way beyond the norm as suggested by the diagram below, where I claim to produce solutions at the top of the curve on the right, relative to an industry norm which is at the bottom of the curve on the left:

All these factors together result in business system outcomes that deliver exceptional value measured in terms of long term business competitiveness, growth and profitability.
This expertise can be harnessed to assisting you to remediate and strengthen existing installations as well as to turnaround failed projects and design and execute new projects.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can assist you to unlock the full potential of your business information systems.
Dr James A Robertson PrEng
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