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Procurement Documents

Full set of the standard procurement documents that I supply to clients who make use of my services with regard to systems procurement

The documents are redacted and in some cases fairly large components that are client specific have been deleted.  The document set is a mixture from different clients to provide practical examples

I offer a full range of services to undertake the strategic requirements analysis, tailor the procurement plan and documents to your specific requirements and facilitate the procurement process

There is still content to be added to this page and formatting of the content already added, please accept my apologies for the inconvenience and email me should you require more information

<<< PREVIOUS SUB-SUB-SECTION:  Part 3 -- Executive Engagement, Bid Compliance, Adjudication and other matters

NEXT SECTION:  Guidance and Advisory Services >>>

JARandA Standard Procurement Documents

The full document pack in WinZip format is available to download using the link below.  Individual documents are available on the links at the end of each section

Download Complete Document Pack in WinZip zip format

00a Approach and Instructions for Completion

Overview of the procurement approach and instructions for completing the tender document pack


Draft for Discussion


Procurement Approach

and Instructions for Completion

of the Request for Proposal Pack

Relating to Procurement of a


Integrated Business Information Systems Solution


Main Business Area Management, Supply Chain 

Management, Data Warehousing, ERP 

and other software together with

Integration, Implementation and

Project Management Services

For the Client Group

Table of Contents

1.  Introduction

The approach originated in 1989 when I set out to bring “the disciplines of engineering to the Information Technology and ERP industry”.  A key element of that vision is to achieve the extremely high levels of certainty and reliability with regard to outcome that characterizes engineering projects.  This can be summarized by the statement “when you approach an engineer to design a bridge you get the bridge that you asked for and it stands up.

One of the discoveries that I made early on in this process was that about 70% of IT and ERP projects failed outright and that a further 20% materially failed to meet management expectations.  By 2003 the Financial Mail reported that “19 out of 20 ERP Implementations do not deliver what was promised”.  Subsequently reports leaked out of major failures in major multi-national companies, Dow Chemicals, Nike and Disney were mentioned but facts are hard to come by.  Other reports continue to indicate that ERP implementations are either failing outright or are failing to deliver on management expectations.  Gartner reported some years ago that despite the huge investments in ERP and Business Intelligence “most organizations are not making better decisions than five years ago”.  Overall, the indications are that the situation may well be deteriorating rather than improving.  I attribute a lot of these failures to the absence of an Engineering Approach in the ERP industry generally.

Throughout this time I have been progressively testing methods based on my engineering and other training, finding things that work, and things that do not work and refining my methods.

For many years, based on my initial Civil Engineering grounding, I have been seeking a way to conduct the specification of requirements and manage the procurement in such a way that a robust and enforceable contract that safeguards the clients’ interests is achieved.  I have been involved in assisting clients with procurement for about 25 years and have progressively refined the approach and gathered information that pointed to possible techniques.  Recently I have run a number of procurement processes to a standard that I regard as “moderately successful” one of which finally delivered a high value and appropriate outcome to the client at a cost that I estimate was about 25% of the true cost to the Implementer because we had managed to pin down a robust definition of the requirement, robust tender documents and a robust and enforceable contract.

All of this experience came to a head when Client Executive contracted me to design the procurement process for the new ERP for Client – by pooling our collective knowledge and experience we have, I believe, developed an exceptionally robust process design together with an extremely solid document pack which draws heavily on the Engineering model.

This document sets out the headlines of the approach and the thinking behind the approach so that these are on record when Client are ready to go ahead with the procurement.  Notes are also provided with regard to the work that still needs to be done before these documents are ready to go out to Tender.


2.  Principles applied in the approach

The following broad principles characterize the approach.

2.1 Maximize risk carried by Implementer and Vendor to achieve equitable risk

Transfer the risk that belongs with the Implementer and the Software Vendor to them.  Conventional ERP and IT contracts are generally one sided and transfer most of the risk to the client.  The approach used here is directed at achieving a robust, enforceable contract that equitably shares risk according to the ability of the parties to manage that risk.


2.2 High level of Professional accountability of Implementer

Require a comparable level of Professional Accountability from the Implementer as is required from Engineers in the Main Business Area Industry.  This includes severe penalties for negligence.  They are the experts, they know their software and what is required to implement it, they must systematically gain knowledge of the business of the Client and develop a detailed design and be accountable for the effectiveness of the solution.


2.3 Rigorously define the Requirement

Rigorously define the Requirement such that change in scope is excluded unless the clients business changes tangibly at a significant level – this is the big piece of work to be done at Client before they can go out to Tender.  This includes a comprehensive catalogued and prioritized “Collection of Reference Documents” – discussed further down.


2.4 Close traditional loopholes – enforceable fixed price

Close all the traditional loopholes in ERP contracts, items such as deliberate underpricing and deliberate omission of items.  This is achieved by setting a tolerance on the first, second and third offer prices which limit the extent to which the final price may exceed each of these offers.  This is coupled to clauses that give the final bidder unlimited access to the business in order to fully discover the exact requirement before finalizing their price.


2.5 Three stage progressive price elaboration

The procurement process involves three formal stages starting with a widely distributed invitation to bid extended to Software Vendors and other parties that it is considered appropriate to invite:

2.5.1 First bids based on the full documentation pack and limited direct exposure to the business.  From these bids a short list of three to four bidders is expected to result.  The final price may not exceed this price by more than 40%.

2.5.2 Second bids by the short list following more detailed exposure to the business and more detailed exposure of the business to the bidders and their offerings.  The final price may not exceed this price by more than 20%.

2.5.3 A final negotiated price developed with the preferred bidder based on in-depth discovery and requirements sessions facilitated by the Implementer to ensure that their team is fully informed about the Client Business and that the requirements are fully understood and documented.  Concurrently with this process the final project plan will developed and all contractual negotiations will take place.


2.6 Detailed Bill of Services leads to “allowables” based payments

The approach place considerable reliance on a very detailed “Bill of Services” drawn up by the Client’s independent Consulting ERP Engineer.  Bidders are given the option to ignore items and to add in more detail.  The final Bill of Services forms the basis of an allowables based payment approach similar to that in the Main Business Area Industry – if there is no allowable there is no payment.

An agreed contingency to be jointly managed may be agreed.

A 10% performance retention will be withheld on all intermediate milestone payments and released against Certificate at key stages.


2.7 Client Compact with regard to conduct of Client Staff

Terms governing the conduct of Client Personnel and guaranteeing that the right people will be in the room for workshops and give full attention, that sessions will start on time and not be cancelled at the last minute, that documents will be thoroughly reviewed in accordance with laid down schedules, etc.  There are payments to the Implementer over and above the fixed fee in the case of non-performance by the Client in any of these areas.  This is a vital counterpoint to the robust contractual terms and penalties on the Implementer.


2.8 Robust contracting of Implementer Personnel including Continuity

Robust terms relating to the caliber of consultants supplied, guarantees with regard to availability, continuity, competence, etc to ensure that quality work is done.


2.9 Certificate based payment approach

Certificate based payment approach with formal acceptance of written stated accountability and impact coupled to multi-level authorization that ensures that each person signing the certificate thinks twice before signing.  Possession of a signed certificate entitles the Implementer to raise extra charges if they can prove that their work is in accordance with the documentation or other item covered by the Certificate and that changes are being requested outside what was agreed to.


2.10 Lawyer on the project team

A lawyer on the project team – Client Legal Advisor attends key meetings and reviews key documents in order to ensure contract compliance and send a clear message that there IS an intention to take action in the case of non-performance.  Having this in place focusses all parties on ensuring that such legal action is not required.


2.11 Independent ERP Engineer as Project Facilitator

The Client is advised and supported by a highly experienced “ERP Consulting Engineer” as Project Facilitator.  This person serves as an advisor to the client and is NOT a “Project Manager” – the Project Management rests with the Implementer.  The Project Facilitator monitors, guides, facilitates, translates and exercises quality control in support of the Client Executive Sponsor.  This person does not exercise control over the Implementer, such control is exercised by the Client Executive Sponsor based on advice from the Project Facilitator.  This is broadly the role placed by the Consulting Architect / Consulting Engineer but tailored to the ERP implementation context and adapted considerably to fit the very specific dynamics of such a project.


2.12 Owner Contract Manager

The Owner (Client) Contract Manager is an executive who manages the Implementer contractually and coordinates the input of the Business Team.  In traditional language this role is that of “Client Project Manager” but this term is avoided in order to prevent any misunderstanding with regard to where the overall coordination, administration and execution management of the project rests.


2.13 Precision Configuration based approach

The Implementation will be based on the “Precision Configuration” principles advocated by myself (James Robertson), this is a vital element of ensuring a high value, high reliability outcome – the definition of who will lead this element of the project must be clearly agreed as part of Client’s actions to finalize the Request for Proposal pack.


2.14 High level of Executive Custody

A high level of Executive Custody coupled to high levels of Business Engagement is provided for with the CEO or Deputy CEO serving as Executive Sponsor liaising directly with the Implementer Executive Sponsor (also an Executive) in order to ensure that the project is directed at the right level.


2.15 Implementer Strategic Solution Architect

The Implementer Strategic Solution Architect is a highly experienced a very senior strategically orientated ERP Implementation expert who understands the Client Business and who is responsible for making sure that the entire solution fits together.  This person’s role includes facilitating all key workshops.


2.16  Basil Rad Senior Business Advisory Team at Executive level

The Senior Business Advisory Team is a panel of Executives representing all areas of the business who are chaired by one of their members or the Project Executive Sponsor.  This team is responsible for ensuring that the project receives “top down” strategic guidance from the business, that the right people are in every sub-team and that the Implementer Team has access to the best possible insight into the business and how it runs flowing from a high level strategic view.


2.17  Highly detailed project schedule

The final Project Schedule will be a highly detailed Gantt Chart based on the Bill of Services but refined down to the level of individual tasks with a duration of one to three weeks maximum such that tasks are either not begun, in process or completed in Project Board meeting report packs and no task is in progress for more than one Project Board meeting.


2.18  Strict terms with opt-out provision

The entire approach is based on a very robust and thorough method and contractual terms in the Request for Proposal.  There are provisions for bidders to decline to comply with specific terms with the understanding that this may prejudice them.  This allows us to refine the terms during the process in the event that we find that all or most bidders are finding a particular clause too onerous and there is willingness to relax this clause.


2.19  Laboratory Approach

The configuration will be comprehensively tested, reports and training material developed and training given in a formal “Business Systems Engineering Laboratory” as defined in a separate document.  This rigorous approach to testing configuration and developing reporting and training material is a fundamental element of ensuring a high value sustainable outcome.

These principles have informed the overall approach, there are many other principles and concepts that have been applied and woven into the approach but which do not seen necessary to comment on at this point.


3.  Overview of the Contents of the Request for Proposal Pack and what still needs to be done by Client

The following documents, supplied electronically and on paper, make up the Request for Proposal Pack and are discussed briefly below together with comments on what still has to be done before Client can go out to tender.

00a Briefing Attendance Register

The briefing Attendance Register is for use at the various briefings.

00b Table of File Contents

This section of the document is structured in accordance with the Table of File contents.

01 Invitation to Bid

Letter to issue to prospective bidders must be transferred to letterhead and adjusted as required.

02 Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

This is a suggestion, Client my want to have their Legal Advisors draft a much more rigorous document.  This document is intended to be issued to prospective bidders before they are admitted to the first briefing and it therefore needs to be sufficiently concise that the process is not delayed.

There is reciprocity insofar as bidders will be disclosing very detailed information about their methods and prices and they are therefore entitled to comparable protection in terms of Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure.

03 Request for Proposal

Contractually the Request for Proposal (RFP) contains most of the contractual clauses and sets the tone for the entire procurement.  This document has evolved from a number of predecessors and Client Executive and I have put in considerable time into refining it.  I am therefore confident that it is a solid document.  However, it must be subject to thorough legal review and amendment as necessary to arrive at a legally enforceable document that will form the basis of the contract.  If any changes are made elsewhere in the document pack the RFP will need to be harmonized with them.

04 Headline Requirement Specification

The Headline Requirement Specification sets out the requirement from a strategic executive perspective.  The present document is very much in a concept draft form and requires a senior analyst, such as myself, to interview one on one each of the executives and senior managers responsible for all of these areas, distil the essence of the requirement from them, document it, review it with them and further refine until they are satisfied that each section in this document is a solid high level statement of what is required in order to operate that business element.

A high quality document here will play a very big role in achieving a high quality outcome and a poor quality document here will have the reverse impact.  This element is not a large amount of time but it is a limited amount of high quality work both in terms of the involvement of executives and senior managers and also in terms of facilitation by a highly experienced analyst.  The wrong analyst in this role will set the project up for at best a sub-optimal outcome and at worst outright failure.

04b Client Mining – Summary of Points from Executive Interview with the CEO -- Antonie Fourie

This document needs to be reviewed with Antonie before it is incorporated into the Headline Requirements.

05 Laboratory Approach

This document sets out the Laboratory Approach in quite a bit of detail including the overall workflow.  These steps tie into corresponding detail in the Bill of Services.  The setting up and operation of this Laboratory will be a key aspect of final planning and then project initiation.

06 Standard Client Procurement Documents

Whatever standard documents Client want to include in accordance with their Supply-Chain-Management and other protocols.

07 Client Integrated Annual Report

The Client Integrated Annual Report as background and context so that bidders have a solid understanding of the basics of the business.

08a Requirements Discovery Plan

This is the plan that I drew up for myself when it was expected that I would carry out the work.  This will need to be adapted to the availability and approach of whoever is contracted to do this work when Client go ahead with the project.

08b Procurement Timeline

This is the schedule that was drawn up based on the tentative approval given in October 2012, it will need to be adjusted once the project is formally initiated.

09 Business Unit Schedule

A tentative listing of major business units in accordance with the Annual Report.  This will require consideration at the executive level with additional detail needed from the Corporate Administration function.

10 Schedule of Required Software

This schedule is tentative and will almost certainly change and be refined during the detailed initial requirements workshops.  It forms the basis of the relevant components in the Bill of Services, Bid Compliance Checklist and Bid Adjudication Schedule in addition to the logic in the Headline Requirements document and the Detail Requirements document.

11 Bill of Services + Summary + Rate Schedule

In a sense the Bill of Services is the heart of the commercial offer.  This provides the detail of every piece of work to be done together with the allowable fee associated with each piece of work.  This will need to be refined in accordance with the outputs of the Headline and Detailed Requirements analysis.

12 Bid Compliance Checklist

The Bid Compliance Checklist started out as a checklist to be used by the Adjudication team to ensure compliance before undertaking detailed adjudication of bids.  It was then realized that by providing this document to the bidders electronically and in hard copy they would be better able to check the completeness of their offering so this document therefore forms part of the RFP Pack for distribution and response.  This document must be harmonized with whatever changes are made elsewhere in the document pack.

13a Bid Adjudication Schedule

The Bid Adjudication Schedule also started out as an internal document but is now included in the pack for the bidders in order to ensure that they understand Client’s priorities and are able to make sure that they address them all.

This document is very much a concept draft for review.  It needs to be discussed with the Business Executives involved with the project in order to ensure that the lists and the weights accurately reflect the priorities of the business.

13b Gut Feel Schedule – possibly not for distribution

The Gut Feel Schedule originated during a procurement where it was recognized that there was a need for a headline level “gut” assessment in addition to the more tangible Bid Adjudication Schedule.

This document also requires comprehensive Executive Review and Refinement.

Client may prefer to withhold this document from bidders.

14 Table of Contents of Submission

The purpose of this document is to ensure that all offers are structured in exactly the same way thereby facilitating comparing offers quickly and easily.

All bidders are required to comply with this Table of Contents.

15 Certificates to Use on the Project

These are drafts for discussion.  There are probably others that need to be added and the wording needs to be reviewed and tightened up by a Lawyer.  These certificates are a key element of creating a psychological context of accountability that focusses all team members on doing the job right no matter what the other pressures.

16a Detailed Requirements Specification

At this stage this is just a place holder.

The detailed document must be built on top of the Headline Requirements once these have been determined and documented.

16b Client Division 2 – Preparation and Agenda for first round requirements workshops

This is a sample to be adapted to workshops in each business unit.

17 Schedule of Reference Documents

The document included here is simply the opening plus the template for the entire catalogue.

Populating this set of appendices, which will run to a significant number of Lever Arch files, should proceed hand in hand with the development of the Detailed Requirement.

The collection should be rigorously comprehensive and Business Unit heads should be required to certify that all documents are included.

Printouts of all spreadsheets in use and inputs and outputs from any custom software is required.

The complete Reference Document pack will be issued to all first round bidders.  They may be required to return the original and all copies if they are filtered out but nevertheless I recommend that all sensitive information should either be redacted with a black marker or other means or removed in the electronic copy before printing.

The final preferred bidder will need to be given a complete set of documents WITHOUT redaction so the pack must be assembled with this in mind in order to avoid a massive administrative headache when the final stage of the procurement process commences.

The assembly of this collection should proceed hand in hand with the detailed requirements workshops.  In other words documents should be brought to the workshop, discussed and rated in terms of importance and additional information recorded as necessary.  The Headline Requirements Workshops should focus on headlines and NOT documents. 

The overall approach requires a comprehensive and rigorous documentation process before Client can go out to Tender.  This should be viewed as comparable to the work done by the Architects and to some extent Consulting Engineers before a Main Business Area tender is put to the market.

I hope that the above adequately introduces the approach and what still needs to be done.  Please do not hesitate to email or phone if you require further information.  I would be delighted to assist in taking Client through the next stages of the process should the opportunity present itself.


Dr James A Robertson PrEng

24 March 2013

Download 00a Approach and Instructions for Completion in Microsoft Word docx format

00b Invitation to Bid

A simple invitation letter which you can tailor and elaborate on as you see fit.

Invitation to Assemble a Team to Bid

to Supply a Financial Solution and Data Warehouse for Client

It gives us great pleasure to invite your company to assemble a team to supply, configure and commission a Financial Systems solution and associated Data Warehouse for Client in accordance with the requirements and tender procedure that we have developed.

This solution must share data with our proprietary in-house developed software suite.

Your offer should include provision, configuration, commissioning and support of the required software modules by a highly experienced and dependable team who will work with us to craft a solution that will support the business for many years to come.

We will provide you with a detailed request for proposal and supporting sample documentation and outline the tender process at a briefing to be held at our offices at 10h00 on Thursday 8 May 2014.

Kindly RSVP … and provide details of delegates.

Directions to our offices are attached.

We look forward to meeting your team at the briefing.

Yours faithfully

Chief Executive

Download 00b Invitation to Bid in Microsoft Word docx format

00c Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

A simple confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement which you can tailor and elaborate on as you see fit and which may vary depending on your legal jurisdiction and your attorney.  I recommend that this initial document is kept simple as you want ALL persons attending the initial tender briefings to sign this

You would possibly have a much more comprehensive agreement for your short list bidders and possibly more comprehensive still for your final choice although I personally hold that very detailed documents of this sort tend to be excessive


Given by:- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ID Number : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(“The recipient”)

On behalf of:- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company Number : . . . . . . . . . . . .

(“The recipient COMPANY”)

In favour of Client (Pty) Ltd

(“the Discloser”)

By attending this briefing, the Recipient shall be privy to, and receive highly strategic, privileged and confidential information from the Discloser.

The Recipient agrees that:-

1.     He / she is duly authorized by Recipient Company to represent Recipient Company

2.     He / she shall acquire no right, title or interest in any information disclosed to it by the Discloser pursuant to this Undertaking.

3.     He / she shall not disclose, publish, utilise, employ, exploit or in any other manner whatsoever use the confidential information in any manner, for any reason or purpose whatsoever other than for the purpose of preparing a tender submission to Client without the prior written consent of the Discloser, which consent may be withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of the Discloser.

4.     Where this information is disclosed to personnel and contractors of the Recipient and associated companies for the purpose of responding to this tender inquiry such personnel will be required to comply with the terms of this agreement.

5.     Any unauthorised publication or other disclosure of the confidential information may cause irreparable loss, harm and damage to the Discloser. 

6.     This Undertaking shall remain in force for a period of 3 years after the date of signature thereof by the Recipient.

The Recipient undertakes that in respect of the confidential information it shall owe the Discloser a duty of the utmost good faith and shall not in any way act in a manner which is inequitable towards the Discloser.

Dated at: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  on this the  . . . . . day of   . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2014.

Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name (please print): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Download 00c Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement in Microsoft Word docx format

00d Attendance Register

Simple attendance register
Client -- First Tender Briefing -- (Date)-- Attendance Register
First Name Surname Company Email Address Mobile Phone File Taken NDA Signed


Download 00d Attendance Register in Microsoft Excel xlsx format

00e File Table of Contents

The tender documents are issued in one or more large files, this is the table of contents for the file

Client Request for Proposal for a 

Financial Systems Solution

Table of File Contents

1.    Invitation to Bid and Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

2.    Request for Proposal

3.    Headline Requirements Specification

4.    Procurement Timeline

5.    Schedule of Required Software

6.    Bill of Services + summary + rate schedule

7.    Bid Compliance Checklist

8.    Adjudication Schedule

9.    Table of Contents to be used for submission files

10.    Certificates to be used on the project

11.    Schedule of Reference Documents

Download 00e File Table of Contents in Microsoft Word docx format

01 Request for Proposal for Business Systems Solution

This is the heart of the tender and contains a large number of tough clauses that are directed at ensuring a realistic bid with a robust platform for realistic negotiation and a tough contract that is directed at ensuring performance

There is a more detailed version of this document at the end of this page for larger projects with a more detailed procurement process

Request for Proposal

Relating to an

Integrated Financial Solution


A Financial Suite and Data Warehouse,


Data Sharing, Implementation and

Project Management Services


Table of Contents

1.  Request for Proposal......................................................................... 2

1.1    Introduction............................................................................ 2

1.2    Overview................................................................................ 2

1.3    Project Objectives.................................................................. 2

1.4    Headlines of Approach........................................................... 2

1.5    Submission of Proposals........................................................ 4

1.6    Terms of Engagement............................................................ 4

1.7    Pricing Approach.................................................................... 8

1.8    Scope of Work........................................................................ 12

1.9    Proposed Client Undertakings to Balance Fixed Price........... 16

1.10  General Requirements............................................................ 19

1.11  Project Governance – Project Board and Project Management Team................................................................................................ 20

1.12  Key Personnel......................................................................... 21

1.13  Track Record........................................................................... 22

1.14  Extent of Work – Project Schedule.......................................... 22

1.15  Retention.................................................................................. 23

1.16  Conditions for Proposals.......................................................... 23

1.17  Multi-Party Proposals through a Single Prime Contractor........ 25

1.18  Key Contact Person................................................................. 26

1.19  Assistance to Organizations Submitting Proposals.................. 27

1.21  Timing....................................................................................... 27

1.22  General Notice.......................................................................... 27

2.  Project Governance and Roles............................................................. 28

2.1    Overview of governance........................................................... 28

2.2    Detailed specification of roles................................................... 30

2.3    Reporting and Monitoring on the Project.................................. 35

3.  Critical Implementer Selection Criteria................................................. 36

4   Business Systems Laboratory.............................................................. 40

5   Procurement process............................................................................ 41

6   Headline Requirements and Reference Documents............................. 43

7   Conclusion............................................................................................. 44


1. Request for Proposal

1.1      Introduction

This document will form the basis of the evaluation process.

Bidders are required to conduct themselves as trusted professional advisors and take all necessary steps to ensure a high value, high quality, and sustainable project outcome.

The final solution should be tailored to the exact way of doing business of Client.


1.2      Overview

Client is a moderate size ….

Client currently operates in … and the rest of the world and is expanding rapidly.

This document is targeted at Business Information System (ERP) Software Vendors with the intention that these parties will assemble the most suitable software and implementation tea to bid on this project.  The document sets out the requirements with a view to software vendors and implementers making formal submissions.  The goal is to work towards a negotiated fixed price for the project and towards this end vendors and implementers are expected to engage with us during the Tender Process in order to be able to offer a fixed price.


1.3      Project Objectives

1.3.1 To specify and procure a comprehensive Financial Suite and Data warehouse and data sharing solution which is capable of serving Client for the next twenty years.

1.3.2 To implement this software and associated services by means of a tightly run, high quality, systems engineering project with maximum business engagement and optimum solution fit at optimized low cost.


1.4      Headlines of Approach

1.4.1 Position the new Client systems to support optimum operational effectiveness in support of strategic growth objectives;

1.4.2 Create a strategic resource that supports competitive advantage;

1.4.3 Robust engineering approach in all respects;

1.4.4 Submission of an offer constitutes an explicit guarantee that the offer fully meets the requirement stated in this RFP, unless explicitly excluded, within the specified costs.  An affidavit confirming this is required;

1.4.5 This RFP is specifically targeted at Software Vendors who are required to nominate and partner with the most appropriately qualified Implementers, Integrators and Project Managers;

1.4.6  A single legal entity as Prime Contractor, which may be either the Software Vendor or an Implementer / Integrator, is required to take full responsibility for all components of the offer and the ultimate solution.  This Prime Contractor may collate an offering comprising multiple software products and / or implementation partners;

1.4.7 The offer must be made by a single Prime Contractor who accepts full contractual responsibility for the performance of the software as well as the performance of their team including performance of sub-contractors and partners;

1.4.8 Key Implementation Personnel to be committed for the duration of the project;

1.4.9 Precision configuration -- all configuration and validation data will be designed in consultation with Client to high standards of structure and precision – to be facilitated by Dr James Robertson to the standards advocated by him; 

1.4.10 Client owns the data engineering which will be developed with the assistance of the Project Facilitator.  Includes Chart of Accounts and other taxonomies, master data and differentiating business processes;

1.4.11 Acceptance of each review cycle of specifications, testing or any other iterative refinement process will include a formal declaration by both the Client team members involved AND the Implementer team members involved that the iteration has been thoroughly and rigorously executed – both sides will face sanction if it is found that this declaration is unfounded.  Refer to the form in Section 10 of this file;

1.4.12 All master data cleaning will be undertaken by a combination of Client personnel and Implementer personnel – split to be agreed;

1.4.13 This document, as accepted during the proposal process, will become an integral part of the Contract Documentation;

1.4.14 Bill of services (allowables) costing approach with fixed price per software and implementation element (including management, configuration and customization);

1.4.15 Client will NOT pay for travelling time or kilometers within Xxx.  Travel outside of Xxx is NOT expected to be required;

1.4.16 There will be NO additional disbursements, travel time or travel costs permitted over and above what is in the Bill of Services unless claimed against the capped contingency under exceptional circumstances;

1.4.17 Proposal documentation is required to exactly follow the Table of Contents contained in Section 9 of this file;

1.4.18 High level of business engagement;

1.4.19 Optimize use of internal resources;

1.4.20 Client will provide office space and furniture for on-site work.

1.5      Submission of Proposals

Submission of Proposals will take place as follows:

Five bound proposal sets together with both a physical and electronic copy of this Request for Proposal and all Annexures signed by an officer of the proposing company to be delivered to the offices of Client at, xxx by 17h00 on Friday the 20th of June 2014.


1.6      Terms of Engagement

The contract is for the supply of a specific system, or combination of systems, together with support of these systems for as long as they are in use at Client or until terminated by Client for any reason.

All submissions must address all requirements for sustainability, access to source code, sustainable support and other issues specified in this document.

This document is supported by other documents of which the Bid Compliance Checklist, Bill of Services and Software Schedule must be fully completed.  The file sections are:

1.  Invitation to Bid

2.  Request for Proposal

3.  Headline Requirements Specification

4.  Procurement Timeline

5.  Schedule of Required Software

6.  Bill of Services + summary + rate schedule

7.  Bid Compliance Checklist

8.  Adjudication Schedule

9.  Table of Contents to be used for submission files

10. Certificates to be used on the project

11. Schedule of Reference Documents

12…. Collections of Reference Documents on a Department by Department basis        

1.6.1  Invitation to Bid

Covering letter.

1.6.2  Request for Proposal

This document.

1.6.3  Headline Requirements Specification

Document setting out the high level requirements.

1.6.4  Procurement Timeline

The timeline for this procurement process.  Bidders are required to diarize these dates and to arrange their affairs in order to attend all briefings.  Failure to attend any of these events may prejudice submissions or result in disqualification.

1.6.5  Schedule of Required Software

Schedule based on items identified by Client from consideration of the Business Requirement – bidders are at liberty to add, combine or strikeout items in order to accurately describe their offer.

1.6.6  Bill of Services + summary + rate schedule

Detailed schedule for cost analysis is provided.  This schedule must be fully completed in the Spreadsheet provided without any structural change and will form the basis of the cost proposal – rows and columns may be added appropriately as required.

The final offer price must be derived directly off this schedule.  This schedule will furthermore form the basis for determining payment quanta and milestones to the successful bidder and will also form the basis of the detailed project schedule.  In the event of a discrepancy between the Bill of Services and other documentation the Bill of Services will be regarded as the final authority with regard to the scope of work and the budget.

The Project Schedule (Gantt Chart) will be derived directly from the Bill of Services.

Project scheduling should take place using a Critical Chain approach (all slack accumulated to the end of the timeline for allocation by the Project Manager in consultation with Client).

The overall approach to pricing the offer is based on the “Bill of Services” which is provided electronically.

All prices and fees must be quoted EXCLUDING VAT.

The Bill of Services lists all the headline activities that we consider necessary to achieve the desired outcome.  Bidders are free to bid in more or less detail than the Bill of Services but it must be noted that the final Bill of Services will form the basis of the contract and all payment and performance milestones will be based on the Bill of Services.

The Bill of Services will give rise to a schedule of “Allowable Fees” which will determine what is paid for every activity.  Every item is required to constitute a fixed price offer and the entire summation of the Bill of Services will give rise to the offer price.

Bidders are required to complete the Spreadsheet supplied by Client electronically and to provide both a signed printed copy and an electronic version of the data that can be used by the adjudication team to evaluate and analyze the offer.

The first round offer must include a high level Gantt Chart based on the Bill of Services.

1.6.7  Bid Compliance Checklist

All the items on this checklist must be furnished and all ite that require signature of declarations must be signed or initialed, as indicated in the table.  If any of the documents listed in this checklist are missing or if any of the required declarations have not been signed the submission may prejudice of disqualify offers.

1.6.8  Bid Adjudication Schedule

This schedule sets out the basis for evaluation.  Proposers are advised to ensure that their offer fully addresses all the criteria set out in this section.  Failure to supply information in support of compliance with all these criteria may prevent the bid adjudication panel from accurately assessing your submission and may therefore prejudice your chances of being awarded the contract.

1.6.9 Table of Contents to be used for submission files

Bid submissions must be in files or bound documents that exactly follow the structure set out in this document.

1.6.10 Certificates to be used on the project

Key documents to be used during the offer process and during the operation of the project.

1.6.11 Schedule of Reference Documents

Schedule listing all reference documents in the subsequent sections with brief comments on their importance to the project.

1.6.12 Onwards -- Collections of Reference Documents on a Department by Department basis

Sample Documentation with regard to the manner in which Client currently conducts business within the ambit of this requirement.  This documentation is NOT complete NOR is it definitive in ter of the ite required in the final solution.  It is merely intended to provide contextual information.  The successful bidder is required to budget to undertake COMPREHENSIVE discovery and investigation in order to fully scope the required deliverables.  As a minimum requirement all of these documents and reports MUST be catered for in the bid.


1.7      Pricing Approach

The approach to pricing the contract will be as follows:

1.7.1  The final requirement is for a fixed contract price; 

1.7.2  The Vendor Selection Process will comprise three stages; Stage 1 – Market Scan:

This stage will commence with a presentation of the requirement and the business and handing out of the documentation pack.

First offer is for an all-inclusive price with all options catered for.  Bidders will make a formal presentation of their offer to the adjudication panel.

Bids are required to be presented at a tolerance of 30% on the final price, that is, the final price may NOT exceed the Stage 1 price by more than 30% -- this is in order to discourage deliberate low bidding.

This bid will be evaluated and a short list developed.  It is envisaged that this stage will reduce the number of eligible bidders to around three; Stage 2 – Discovery and Due Diligence:

The short list bidders will be requested to arrange a site visit to one of their clients as a reference site, this will include a private discussion between the adjudication panel and the client concerned with the bidder being absent.

Bidders will also each be granted a four hour working session with Client to gain better understanding of the business and the requirement.

The revised bids are required to be presented with a tolerance of 15% (the final price may not exceed the stage 2 offer price by more than 15%).

Bidders will then deliver a three hour presentation at which they will present their revised offer and answer questions.  Points of clarification with regard to the offer will also be dealt with in this stage.

At the end of this stage a preferred bidder will be selected. Stage 3 (Finalization of Offer and Contracting):

Stage 3 will take place on a fixed price basis as a separately costed item in the bid submission.

The preferred bidder after Stage 2 will engage with Client to finalize the scope of work and the price.  Final price will be a negotiated fixed price after the successful bidder has engaged in:

                                                  i. Detailed discovery;

     ii. Detailed exposure of their software and methods to Client;

                                                  iii. Detailed project planning and budgeting;

                                                  iv. Detailed contractual negotiations; 

The project price and final contract will be agreed and contracted during this stage; Once this final price has been contracted no change of pricing will be considered unless Client fundamentally fails to perform in terms of granting due access to the business or the scale or nature of Client’ business changes materially to the extent that a Change of Scope is negotiated; The final price may include not more than 5% contingency as set by the bidder but draw down on that contingency will require approval by Client and verification that it is related to a real change in the requirement or omission on the part of Client; Bids must include prices for all required operating systems and databases; Bids must specify the exact hardware requirements but should NOT include prices for hardware; Client reserve the right NOT to take all modules or to negotiate a phased approach of agreed duration; Client reserve the right to identify a gap in an offer and to require the bidder to provide software or services to close that gap in order to qualify for Stage 2 or Stage 3; Client reserve the right NOT to accept any offers and to exit the Procurement Process on completion of Stage 1, Stage 2 or Stage 3; Client reserve the right to move directly to Stage 3 on completion of Stage 1 and bypass the short list process should they decide that one offer is far more appropriate than any of the others; Section 1.9 of this document contains a list of undertakings given by Client in order to make a fixed fee practical and equitable.


1.7.3    The Stage 1 offer  must include: Files containing the submission must follow exactly the Table of Contents set out in Section 9 of this file; Overview of the proposed implementation approach; Motivation as to why the proposed software and implementation team is most appropriate to meeting the needs of Client; List of assumptions made in the Cost Proposal; List of contractual  terms that the Implementer is unable to or unwilling to comply with together with proposed alternative terms which are considered acceptable; List of queries and points requiring clarification; List of high level business functionality and / or scope requirements that are not met by the proposed solution and alternative solutions that may be available; Bill of Services (Cost Proposal) fully completed; Summary of professional fee rates for standard work, travelling and standing time per staff designation; Travelling rate per kilometer and any other costs; Schedule of extraordinary or non-standard requirements in the Request for Proposal  that are considered to drive costs excessively (£1,000 minimum per item) – that is drive costs above levels that they would consider necessary in order to produce a high quality outcome – unless such items are identified in the bid there will be no basis for the proposer to later contend that the requirements were unnecessarily onerous.

Bidders are requested to propose changes which could result in material savings whilst maintaining the overall intent of the RFP; Schedule of any other costs that may not be catered for above. A proposal that does not contain detailed pricing in the specified format may be disqualified.


1.8      Scope of Work

The scope of work comprises the supply of a system or combination of systems configured, customized, integrated and fully commissioned to meet the detailed requirements of Client as set out in the Requirements Specification contained in Section 3 of this file.

Deliverables must be installed and implemented at the offices of Client in Xxx.  Remote users must be able to log in to the system if required.

The successful proposer will be required to perform the following:

1.8.1 Provide comprehensive Project Management and Project Administration services;

1.8.2  Provide Change Facilitation (Change Management) services at an agreed level;

1.8.3 Actively and formally manage project risk, taking into account the “Factors causing Business Information Systems investment failure” and the “Critical Factors for Business Information Systems Success” as defined by James Robertson as well as any other identified risk elements.  A comprehensive Risk Register should be maintained for review at Monthly Project Meetings or more frequently as required;

1.8.4 Provide functional and operational software to meet all stated requirements;

1.8.5 Undertake detailed discovery to fully understand the business and scope the requirement;

1.8.6 Develop a detailed specification of the exact business requirement, by module as appropriate, including all necessary facilitation, documentation and other elements required to fully define the optimum business application of the software supplied and ensure its effective and efficient deployment and operationalization within the business;

1.8.7 Undertake a gap analysis identifying shortfalls in the offering relative to the in-depth definition of requirement evaluated in the detailed analysis undertaken in the previous point;

1.8.8 Configure software to fit the requirement.  This will be done in the Laboratory prior to deployment in the live environment (refer discussion to the Laboratory approach document).  Configuration must be designed to work across the entire business and to accommodate future reasonably foreseeable growth.

Configuration will include but NOT be limited to: Software settings; Business Model in the General Ledger and related modules; Master Chart of Accounts and operational Charts of Accounts for individual Business Units – bidders are required to quote for facilitating the design of the Chart of Accounts; Fixed Asset classification; Product classification– note that Client own substantial inventory of xxx devices, components, accessories, etc and that these move constantly between branches and head office as well as moving internationally.  Devices are installed on vehicles and then removed from vehicles at a later date, such as in a repair situation, these devices have serial numbers.  There are other ite that are NOT serialized; Classification of Personnel; Other specific classifications; Unique attributes on Products and other classification master data; General record level attribute settings; Business Process models and workflows; Reports, models and dashboards; Other configuration settings

1.8.9 Establish and operate a comprehensive Business Systems Laboratory in accordance with the laboratory approach document in order to fully test and refine the configuration and optimize as necessary.  Set up the laboratory in conjunction with Client, test reports, standardize and document policies and procedures, create training material, train personnel and refine as necessary using a statistically representative data sample in order to ensure that the software can be deployed in the business with high reliability;

Testing of the complete configuration, including testing of any customization or custom development, will take place in the Laboratory with rigorous representative sample testing by senior business personnel.  The deployment of the software will ONLY take place once these personnel certify that the installation is robust and comprehensive AND once the implementer and the software vendor certify that they are satisfied that ALL possible situations have been thoroughly tested.

Process optimization and documentation, development of reports and business intelligence models, development of training materials and training will ALL take place in the Laboratory PRIOR to commissioning of the software in the business.  Please refer to the detail in the Bill of Services in Section 6 of this file.

Commissioning is the putting into service of the system in the business.

Once the laboratory installation is certified as being fit for deployment all staff will be trained up in the laboratory and ONLY then will production operation commence.

1.8.10 Advise and guide Client with regard to selection of statistically comprehensively representative test data for the Laboratory, take-on of that data, verification of that data;

1.8.11 Customize software if necessary to fit the requirement given that zero customization is preferred.  Any customization or custom development will be required to be undertaken using a fully qualified software development team to internationally recognized software design, construct, test and deploy standards that must be agreed to before development commences.  Design of customization must be undertaken by a senior and highly experienced Solution Architect.  Only developers situated in Xxx, Xxx may be used unless the developers are part of the team that wrote the original software;

1.8.12  Train Client’s staff in all aspects of the operation of the software.  This includes training of the internal implementation team and module specialists {super users} and training of users;

1.8.13 Assist with the cleansing of Master Data.  The level of effort expected from Client personnel to be clearly spelt out in the proposal;

1.8.14 Assist with take-on of Master Data, opening balances and other data to be transferred from the existing systems.  Only essential data will be carried forward other than into the Data Warehouse.  Recommended approach to be clearly discussed in the proposal;

1.8.15 Establish a full featured Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Environment to accommodate all future data from all modules as well as from the custom developed software in use by Client, unless otherwise agreed and to accommodate all relevant history;

1.8.16 Take-on all history, into the ERP or Data Warehouse as agreed – allow for three stages of history take-on – first take-on, increment since first take-on, final increment;

1.8.17 Assist with verification of take-on data.  Level of involvement to be clearly spelt out in the proposal;

1.8.18 Commission the software in the business until fully operational in ALL respects in terms of the functionality supplied.;

1.8.19 Manage phased acceptance (sign-off) and handover to Client as major milestones are completed, refer to the milestones in the Bill of Services.  Handover is the final acceptance of the system in full production in a component of the business;

1.8.20 Provide hands-on support as required to ensure effective and efficient operation of the software.  This includes hands-on on-site support for: the first month after go-live; the next 3 months; the next 6 months; extra provision for the first month end; first year end; first two months following the above year end; This must include provision for Change Facilitation during these period IF bidders consider this necessary – note that Client is of the view that a well-designed solution should require minimum external Change Facilitation;

1.8.21 Provide hot-line support as required to ensure effective and efficient operation of the software on a long-term basis;

1.8.22 Provide for ongoing support and maintenance of the software;

1.8.23 Provide standard software maintenance, updates and enhancements in perpetuity.  Vendors are required to declare the annual license fees for the first five years and thereafter the maximum year on year license fee increases that will be requested;

1.8.24 Provide rates for custom additions and alterations to the software as required for the first two years after commissioning;

1.8.25  Other services as may be required from time to time.

1.9      Proposed Client Undertakings to Balance Fixed Price

The fixed fee required by Client places the Implementer at risk financially if the Client team does not perform as expected.

Accordingly, the following undertakings are proposed.  Bidders may suggest alternate or additional measures if they consider them appropriate.

In exchange for the fixed price required, Client undertake to: 

1.9.1 Best team

Mobilize appropriately experienced and equipped staff who are able to competently guide the configuration and implementation from a Business perspective and make inputs to the project;

1.9.2 Retain team

Within reason keep this team available for the duration of the project;

1.9.3 Executive engagement

Ensure that the agreed level of Executive Engagement is maintained at all times;

1.9.4 On time, full attendance and full engagement

Ensure that designated personnel arrive on time for all scheduled meetings, work sessions, etc and attend for the full scheduled duration;Ensure that team members engage actively in these sessions i.e. NOT reading emails, sending s’s, or distracted in other ways;

1.9.5 Off-line work diligently and thoroughly performed

Ensure that all off-line (out of workshop) work such as review of documentation, testing, etc is conscientiously carried out with full engagement and constructive contribution by set dates;

1.9.6 Tight management of iterations

Ensure that Client personnel do all that is required in order to complete each iteration of a piece of work thoroughly and diligently such that the work is completed in the agreed number of iterations and to agreed deadlines;

1.9.7 Timeous response to unavoidable time impacts

Timeously notify the Implementer Project Manager and workshop Facilitator in the event of unexpected illness or accident that necessitates rescheduling or substitution;

1.9.8 Reasonable compensation for standing time of Implementer Team members attributable to Client

Pay for standing time when workshops commence late or are rescheduled at the last minute because of late arrival or non-arrival of key Client personnel where it can be demonstrated that the implementer staff member concerned could not be utilized in alternative productive activities;

1.9.9 Schedule delays caused by Client

Make allowance in promised delivery dates for schedule delays in Critical Path ite caused by Client or its personnel;

1.9.10 Pay for extended work or rework resulting from Client team omissions or wrong decisions

Pay for extended work or rework resulting from failure of Client personnel to conscientiously and thoroughly review documents, conduct testing, clean data, etc.  In other words, if an iteration is agreed as complete and then during commissioning it is found that reasonably foreseeable issues were NOT identified during that iteration as a consequence of omission or carelessness on the part of Client staff the implementer will be entitled to payment for the rework or extended work;

1.9.11 Claims for standing time

Where the implementer wants to claim standing time or rework notification of intention to claim must reach the Client Contract Manager within one business day of the event taking place;

1.9.12 Maintain a harmonious team atmosphere at all times

Ensure that team members conduct themselves courteously, constructively and harmoniously and take measures to discipline and, if necessary remove, staff members who become contentious, argumentative or who generate strife;

1.9.13 Notwithstanding the above, Client will NOT pay the Implementer for: Implementer under quoting or under estimating scope

None of the above should be taken as indicating that Client will pay for under quoting or under estimating on the part of the bidder; Implementer sloppiness

Where work has been done by implementer staff that is sub-standard or contains excessive errors indicative of a lack of precision and attention to detail Client reserve the right to “stop the clock” and postpone further work sessions until the work has been redone to an acceptable standard; Implementer team member lack of knowledge or experience

Where Implementer team members are found to lack the knowledge or experience necessary to play their role.

1.10  General Requirements

The overall requirements for the software and solution are as follows:

1.10.1 The software solution shall either comprise a total solution using standard modules from standard packages (which is the preferred solution) or a combination of standard modules integrated with specialist third party modules.  Limited customization may be permitted but is NOT encouraged.

1.10.2 Where it is necessary to integrate with existing systems then appropriate provisions must be made in the Bill of Services and an appropriate contractual agreement with that party must be supplied as part of the Offer Pack;

1.10.3 Where the offering comprises entirely standard software the vendor must warrant at proposal stage that all requirements can be met with the standard software with proper configuration and must include a written guarantee to this effect in their proposal offer.

Configuration of the software must at all times reflect the practical reality of the business as determined by the Client Project Team.  Where there are differences of opinion within the Client Project Team the view of the Executive Sponsor, advised by the Client Project Facilitator will be final.

The lead Implementer Solution Architect responsible for designing the configuration must be highly experienced and be able to operate comfortably at the Executive level and evidence strategic thinking abilities at a level that ensures that the final solution is strategically appropriate and meets long term strategic goals.

1.10.4 Submission of an offer constitutes an implicit guarantee that in the event of it being found that the standard package does NOT fully meet the requirement, the standard package will be modified by the vendor as required or custom development undertaken around the standard software at no extra cost.  A formal certificate confirming acceptance of these ter is provided in Section 10 of this file and is a necessary pre-requisite for the offer to be considered.

1.11   Project Governance – Project Board and Project Management Team

Refer to Section 2 of this document for details of proposed governance and to section Section 2.3 for details of proposed regular project meetings relating to the overall management of the project.

The key roles on the project are:  (should Client CFO be included here)

1.11.1 Client Executive Sponsor – Client CEO -- Client CEO.

1.11.2 Client Internal Systems Executive – Client Executive

1.11.3 Client Project Facilitator – Dr James Robertson 

1.11.4 Client Contract Manager –  Client Manager Xxx

1.11.5 Software Vendor Executive Sponsor

1.11.6 Lead Implementer / Integrator Project Director

1.11.7 Lead Implementer Team Leader

1.11.8 Lead Implementer Strategic Solution Architect

1.11.9 Lead Implementer ERP and Finance Specialist

Implementers are invited to make suggestions for improvement.

1.12   Key Personnel

1.12.1 Bidders must provide a list of the key personnel who will work on the project together with CV's of each of the key personnel as part of their offer as well as other documentation supporting the knowledge and experience that qualifies them for their proposed role.

1.12.2 Senior key personnel must attend the short list proposal presentations (Stage 2) and must be contractually bound to the project;

1.12.3 Key personnel may be interviewed during the short list process (Stage 2) with regard to their knowledge and experience and availability for the project; 

1.12.4 Client reserves the right to decline any key person put forward at the proposal presentation or during subsequent negotiations;

1.12.5 Once the contract has been awarded substitution of key personnel will only be considered in the event of death or serious injury or major illness or other unavoidable circumstance;

1.12.6 Bidders and key personnel are expected to guarantee the availability of key personnel for the duration of the contract – a certificate to this effect is required with regard to each key person put forward and must be signed by the employer, the prime contractor if different to the employer and the team member themselves.  “Transfer to another project”, "received an offer of better employment" or “leaving the country” are NOT acceptable reasons for substitution;

1.12.7 If for any reason any of the key personnel has to be substituted, they may only be substituted by personnel with equivalent knowledge, experience and proven track record.  The need to substitute, plus the details of the person it is proposed to substitute with, must be presented in writing at a formal meeting with Client called to discuss the situation;

1.12.8 Client has the right to veto substitution; if necessary the vendor may have to sub-contract such a team member back in for the duration of the project.  Switching losses including rework and “getting up to speed” of a substitute will be for the account of the implementer;

1.12.9 Failure of the implementer to comply with this requirement may result in cancellation of the contract or suspension of the contract until the implementer complies.  Client will NOT be liable for any costs associated with such contract suspension or termination;

1.12.10 The project will NOT proceed in the absence of the full complement of personnel that formed part of the offer;

1.12.11 Should it be found at any time that a key person does not evidence the level of knowledge, experience and ability presented in the tender submission Client reserves the right to require the replacement of that person;

1.12.12 Key personnel must be available as required at reasonable levels of involvement for critical inputs throughout commissioning and for the first year after formal handover in order to ensure continuity of knowledge and experience of the solution.  In the event that they leave the employ of the Implementer the Implementer will be required to sub-contract them in when required failing which Client reserves the right to contract them directly.

1.13   Track Record

Proposers must furnish comprehensive evidence of their knowledge and experience of implementing the proposed software in Xxx AND in Xxx.  References with contact telephone numbers and email addresses must be furnished and site visits will be required in the case of short list (Stage 2) bidders.

References and reference sites must be logically relevant to Client.  Use of generic non-relevant references or reference sites may result in proposers being disqualified.

1.14   Extent of Work – Project Schedule

Proposers must furnish a high level project schedule based on the Bill of Services (same level of detail and same Work Breakdown Structure).

The final project schedule must be developed to a level of management detail of not more than two weeks elapsed time per work breakdown structure element such that the exact progress of the project relative to plan can be accurately reported at monthly project board meetings.  Any particular work package should be “not commenced”, “in progress” or “completed” at monthly project status meetings and may not be “in progress” for more than one monthly project status meeting – if this rule is broken an orange flag is to be raised and if an activity runs over three status meetings a red flag is to be raised.

James Robertson will give guidance as to how to quickly and effectively build a Gantt Chart to the required level of detail.

1.15   Retention

A performance retention of 10% will be withheld on all interim payments against the following major milestones:

1.15.1 Completion and signed acceptance of the Laboratory Configuration – that is, the entire configuration is accepted for deployment in the business – see certificate in Section 10 of this file.  On acceptance of this certificate 50% the of retention amount withheld to this point will be paid;

1.15.2 Formal declaration of project completion and final handover to Client – at this point the software must have been in FULL operation and fully bedded down and stable with all practical operational issues resolved for thirty days to the satisfaction of the Executive Sponsor – balance of retention will be paid.  See certificate in Section 10 of this file.

1.15.3 Software licenses will be paid as the software is deployed or users are added in the production environment.  Software licenses are not payable for the Laboratory phase.

1.16   Conditions for Proposals

All Proposers responding to this Request for Proposal must meet the following conditions in order to be considered.  See also the Bid Compliance Checklist in Section 7 of this file and the Bid Adjudication Schedule in Section 8 of this file:

1.16.1 Proposers MUST attend the Request for Proposal briefing; 

1.16.2 Proposers must complete all the bid for;

1.16.3 Proposal documentation must be structured according to the Table of Contents provided in Section 9 of this file;

1.16.4 Proposers must fully complete the Schedule of Software, the Bill of Services and the Compliance Checklist;

1.16.5 The submitted price proposal must be based on the Bill of Services;

1.16.6 The proposal must include a covering letter clearly stating the name of the firm and the name, address, and telephone number of the proposer’s representative;

1.16.7 Proposers must certify that they have received, read and understood the Request for Proposal and all accompanying documents and that their proposals take full account of the contents of these documents;

1.16.8 The proposer must address all of the requirements as stated in this document;

1.16.9 The proposer must identify all major (principal) requirement cost driver components in the specification and appendices which drive a cost contribution in excess of R25,000 over and above the standard software product that is being offered – this item relates to implementation costs and contract terms;

1.16.10 Proposers who fail to fully respond to the principal requirements in this Request for Proposal may not be considered;

1.16.11 Proposers must submit five (5) bound copies of their proposal, structured in accordance with the prescribed Table of Contents in Section 9 of this file, to Client together with a full electronic copy on CD;

1.16.12 All proposals submitted must include a section number index, and all pages of the proposal must be numbered on a per section basis;

1.16.13 Proposers must include the Bill of Services cost schedule both in hard copy and electronically -- fully completed – the hard copy must be initialled on every page;

1.16.14   Proposers must return one copy of this Request for Proposal with EVERY PAGE initialled to signify that the Proposer has read and accepts the entire document.  This copy must also be submitted electronically as a scanned pdf;

1.16.15 The organization submitting the proposal shall furnish such additional information as Client may reasonably require during the evaluation process;

1.16.16 Client shall NOT be liable for any costs incurred by bidding organizations in participating in the bidding process – stages 1 and 2;

1.16.17 Client reserves the right to visit the premises of the proposer if deemed necessary;

1.16.18 Any false declaration of information may result in the exclusion of the proposal from consideration.  If a false declaration comes to light once work is in progress all costs associated with consequential impacts of the false declaration will be for the account of the Prime Contractor.  In such event that such false declaration results in direct costs to Client, Client reserve the right to deduct these costs from the Retention or other payments;

1.17   Multi-Party Proposals through a Single Prime Contractor

Client requires a single provider, named the “Prime Contractor”, to offer a complete solution. This solution may comprise one or more standard software products or modules from one or more Software Vendors implemented by one or more Implementation Service suppliers.  Prime Contractors may assemble any mix of products and implementation, integration, project management and technology related service providers as they deem most appropriate.  The Prime Contractor may be a Software Vendor or an Implementation Firm;

1.17.1 There must be a clearly defined Prime Contractor and clearly defined contractual arrangements between the Prime Contractor and each of the other partners;

1.17.2 The Prime Contractor will be held accountable for providing all partner products and services as accepted on award of the contract;

1.17.3 The Prime Contractor should also furnish a document signed by each sub-contractor / partner confirming their agreement with all elements of the proposal relating to their services and software as well as their commitment to the project for its entire duration;

1.17.4 The Prime Contractor must accept full technical and contractual accountability and liability for the performance of all sub-contractors / partners;

1.17.5 The Prime Contractor is required to quote for all services associated with the complete deployment of the solution.

This includes: Detailed requirements analysis Gap analysis Customization if found to be necessary Configuration Testing – including setting up and running a laboratory to test the configuration Commissioning (Implementation) Post implementation support Hot line / help desk support Other support Updates and upgrades Enhancement Other services as may be required from time to time

The full scope of work is set out in the Bill of Services

1.18   Key Contact Person

Bidders must nominate a Key Contact Person who will receive all correspondence with regard to the bid and who will be responsible for ensuring that all other members of their team are updated with such additional information.  Client ONLY accepts responsibility for making such information available to the Key Contact Person.

1.19   Assistance to Organizations Submitting Proposals

Proposers may address requests for information or clarification by email to the following people please include both of these people in all correspondence.  Replies will be made by email to ALL organizations that have been invited to bid:

xxx – Contract Manager

Dr James Robertson – Strategic Advisor to Client at James@JAR-and-A.com

Cut-off for questions is 16h00 two business days before the due date for submission of offers to Client – that is Wednesday the 23rd of May2014.( James, please confirm)

1.20    Final Approval

Offers will be adjudicated in accordance with the process and schedule set out in detail in the “Procurement Schedule” in Section 5 of this document.

Client reserves the right to accept any offer that is presented and reserves the right to reject all offers if it sees fit.

1.21   Timing

The timing of the procurement process will determine the commencement date of the project.  The successful bidder is expected to commence work within three weeks from acceptance of the final fixed cost proposal and plan and signing of the contract.

1.22   General Notice

The selection of the preferred contractor will be based on the criteria in the Bid Adjudication Schedule in Section 8 of this file.

As such, whilst cost is extremely important, the lowest cost offer will not necessarily be successful.

Client reserve the right to terminate the process at conclusion of stage 1, 2 or 3.

If proposals do not comply with the terms of this RFP, such proposal may not be considered and may be disqualified.

Should you need to know more about Client please visit our website at http://www.Client.com/

2.     Project Governance and Roles

The approach to Project Governance has been developed in order to maximize Client engagement and ownership of the solution while at the same time creating a framework that allows the successful bidder to manage deliverables and risk against a fixed price.

Bidders are invited to submit suggestions for improvement.

The overall project governance and management structure is discussed below:

2.1  Overview of governance

The governance proposed comprises the following major components:

2.1.1  Client Executive Sponsor – Client CEO:

The ultimate customer and customer authority -- Client CEO Client CEO;

2.1.2  Client Internal Systems Executive – Client Executive

Xxx is the General Manager of Sister Company, sister company to Client and is responsible for the in-house software systems and also the xxx devices.  Close collaboration will be required with regard to sharing data between the Financial Suite and the operational software;

2.1.2   Client Business Team Leader– Client CFO:

The owner of the detailed business requirement and responsible for the business team, reports directly to the Client Executive Sponsor.  Ensures that the business requirement is accurately documented and fully satisfied, ensures that the most appropriate personnel form part of the business team and that they participate to the extent necessary – Client CFO Client CFO;

2.1.2   Client Contract Manager –  Client Manager Xxx:

Handles contract management together with Client legal affairs manager and coordinates and directs the Client team and their input –  Client Manager Xxx;

2.1.3   Client Project Facilitator – Dr James Robertson PrEng:

Reports directly to executive sponsor and translates and shapes overall requirement and direction in close consultation with Contract Manager.  Facilitates input from and coordination between all high level parties as agent of and advisor to Client --  Dr James Robertson PrEng;

2.1.4   Implementer Executive Sponsor:

Heads up the Implementer team with mandate from the Prime Contractor team and their respective organizations to direct the project at a high level.  Preferably a director of the Prime Contractor.  Interacts closely with the Client Executive Sponsor and Client Project Facilitator and other members of the Project Management Team;

2.1.5   Prime Software Vendor Executive Sponsor:

(if different from the Implementer Executive Sponsor). Represents interests of the Prime Software Vendor at monthly meetings and other foru.  Assisted by the Vendor staff member who was involved in the sale.  Preferably one and the same person;

2.1.6  Implementer Team Leader:

Runs the project for the Prime Contractor on a day to day basis reporting directly to the Implementer Executive Sponsor and manages the Implementer Team.  This is NOT a classic IT Project Manager role it is a leader, that is giving direction and exercising initiative, role;

2.1.7  Implementer Strategic Solution Architect:

This is an extremely experienced solution Architect who demonstrates a robust intuitive understanding of the Client business and business generally and who guides the Implementer Project Team in ter of technical content with regard to configuration, data and all related subjects.  This person is of comparable seniority to the Implementer Team Leader or may  be more senior but has NO line authority.  This person reports directly to the Implementer Executive Sponsor and NOT the Implementer Team Leader / Project Manager.  The Implementer Strategic Solution Architect will work closely with the Client Project Facilitator in crafting a precision solution for Client.  The Implementer Strategic Solution Architect is expected to facilitate all major design workshops in consultation with the Client Project Facilitator and to conceptualize and manage the integration of the entire solution;

2.1.8   Business Advisory Team:

Client subject matter experts encompassing all functional areas to be supported by the system.  Ensure business and technical requirements are comprehensively documented and functionally correct and accurately implemented;

2.1.10  Implementer Finance Suite Team Leader:

This is an Implementation Consultant with considerable knowledge and experience of the application of the ERP and Finance Modules of the Core Software.  May be the overall team leader in this case;


2.2 Detailed specification of roles

These roles are discussed in more detail below:

2.2.1   CEO as Executive Sponsor – Client CEO

The role of the Executive Sponsor is as follows: Ultimate business and contract executive accountability for the project Contract management through Contract Manager so that Executive Sponsor role is kept as limited as possible Advised and guided by Project Facilitator as trusted advisor Custodian of the integrated business view of the solution Does NOT require technical knowledge – owns the question “does this ACCURATELY represent the business?” High level directional decisions only Supported by Business Advisory Team with regard to detail


2.2.2   Contract Manager – Client Manager Xxx Direct accountability to Executive Sponsor; Day to day management of Implementer advised by Facilitator; Day to day line responsibility for routine matters relating to non-executive members of the Client project team; Peer to peer liaison with other Client managers; Day to day contract management and contract administration with Project Facilitator (external advisor); Works closely with Project Facilitator in putting the project together, running the procurement and running the project – this is the business manager most intimately involved with the day to day running of the project.


2.2.3   Project Facilitator – Dr James Robertson PrEng Highly experienced Business System specialist – “Business System Engineer”; Trusted advisor to the Executive Sponsor and the business; NOT an executive position (facilitator); Operates through peer influence with Client managers in Business Team; Tough quality management of contractor as agent of sponsor in partnership with the Contract Manager; Authority by proxy; Translator between the Business and the Implementation Contractor; Consolidated, integrated view of the business and required solution; Intuitive strategic insight into the business; Knows what works and what does not – mature OWN experience; Independent thought leader – retains this relationship throughout; Guides overall project communication; Close liaison with Implementer Executive Sponsor.


2.2.4  Implementer Executive Sponsor Director of the Implementation Contractor with Executive Mandate to run the project on behalf of the Integrated Implementation Team. Reports directly to Client Executive Sponsor, highest point of relationship management between client and Implementation Team. Operates on a peer level with Client Project Facilitator. Gives direction to Implementer Project Manager. Deep and mature experience of implementing the Financial Suite of choice – knows the product well. Strategic thinker who understands the essence of Client business and how to support it to thrive. Results orientated, gets things done, quick and effective decisions. Able and willing to mobilize specialists from their organization as required.


2.2.5   Software Vendor Executive

Attend monthly Project Board meetings to hold Implementer accountable from the Software Vendors perspective.


2.2.6   Project Board

The project Board comprises the Executive Sponsor, Business Team Leader, Contract Manager, Project Facilitator and Implementer Project Director, Implementer Team Leader and such other personnel as may be identified during detailed project design.

The role of the Project Board is to provide overarching integrated governance, assurance to Client Board and shareholder as well as coordinated liaison across the entire project.

The Project Board will meet monthly to discuss all executive level issues that require attention, resolution or direction.


2.2.7   Business Advisory Team Managers representing each and every significant business area impacted by the project, both support and operations; Supported by other staff for day to day activities; Collectively represent the entire business; Ensure overall direction and decisions ACCURATELY fit the business; Ensure that all key role players within the business engage fully; Advise the Executive Sponsor on overall direction and policy with regard to the project and associated business change; Ensure that both legs of every integration component work effectively; Advise the Project Facilitator and Implementer Project Manager with regard to ensuring full business complexity is accurately taken into account; Appoint, manage and take responsibility for those individual members of the Business who represent their areas of responsibility; Underpin and support Executive Sponsor’s mandate and thereby Contract Manager and Project Facilitator mandates.


2.2.8   Implementer Team Leader Day to day Project Management and running of the project. Reports directly to Implementer Project Director. Highly experienced with implementation of chosen system. Significant Transport industry experience a major recommendation. Oversees all project administration, project schedule, budget, workshop coordination and all other project management and administration tasks. Oversees all project specialists and responsible for all day to day project staffing issues. This is a leadership role NOT an administrative role, administrative tasks may be delegated.


2.3     Reporting and Monitoring on the Project

Reporting and monitoring will take place as follows:

2.3.1 Weekly Project Meeting for coordination of progress and to address issues relating to day to day project progress;

2.3.2 Monthly Project Board meeting at which formal progress will be reported in terms of work packages scheduled for completion versus actual completion and all associated issues will be addressed;

2.3.3  Quarterly Project Board meeting to assess overall status;

2.3.4 Joint Business Team meeting monthly for the purpose of overall solution design coordination;

2.3.5 Detailed Project Specialist and other meetings as required.


3.  Critical Implementer Selection Criteria

The buying decision will be a composite of the most suitable software AND a high level of certainty that the implementer team is able to deliver a high quality outcome and can be held contractually liable for damages that result to the business in the event of a failed or sub-optimal implementation.

The following Critical Success Factors will be applied in selecting the implementer:

3.1 Strategic understanding of, and insight into, the business – including what makes it thrive

Understand our business and where we are going to take the business.  Demonstrate an intuitive feel.  Communicate this in the opening sections of the submission, during the site visit and in the presentation;


3.2 Maturity and executive custody

Mature and experienced project team leadership (sponsor, team leader and other key team members).  Contractually named and committed senior team members approved by Client who remain on the Project for the full duration of the Contract and cannot be removed by the implementer.  These team members must provide thought leadership and be able to interface effectively with Client executives. 

The account executive who markets the contract should remain on the project team and remain accountable for his undertakings for the duration of the contract.


3.3 Industry Track Record

Track record with comparable client businesses.  Demonstrated commitment to working in partnership.  Size of backup and support.  Implementation experience over a variety of relevant organizations.


3.4 Implementer track record in Xxx

Experience of implementations in Xxx would be a recommendation;


3.5 Legally accountable

Software company and Implementer accept accountability for their actions and advice including go-live certification. 

Willing to sign a robust legal contract which addresses all points in the bid documentation and other points that may be identified during negotiations after the contract is awarded.

Submission of a price proposal will be taken as signifying willingness to comply with these terms


3.6 Fit for purpose

The software company and implementation partner must certify in writing that the software is fit for purpose and will work effectively for all divisions of Client.


3.7 Team members to be contracted

The following key team members are to attend the formal short list (stage 2) bid presentations.  CV’s are to be provided and Client may interview each person privately in order to satisfy themselves that the candidate is suitable.

Once accepted a team member may not be removed from the project by the Implementer except in extreme circumstances such as death, serious long term illness or serious long term injury.

Team members to be contracted are:

3.7.1 Implementer Project Executive Sponsor;

3.7.2 Implementer Strategic Solution Architect;

3.7.3 Implementer Team Leader;

3.7.4 Implementer Financial Suite team leader;

3.7.5 One person may fill more than one of these roles provided they are suitably qualified.


3.8 Software vendor liability

The software vendor is liable for business damage or disruption that results in quantifiable financial loss consequent on software defects.  Guaranteed turnaround time for rectification of mission critical defects that impair business operation.

Guaranteed turnaround for rectification of defects that impair business operation.


3.9 Implementation partner liability

The implementation partner is liable for business damage or disruption that results in quantifiable financial loss that is NOT consequent on negligence by Client personnel or on project policy decisions taken by Client personnel that go against a written dissenting opinion tabled by the implementer.

A certificate from the insurer confirming that the Prime Contractor carries Professional Indemnity Insurance at a level commensurate with the scale of the offer price and magnitude of possible damages.

Force majeure is excluded from liability.


3.10 Right to maintain and repair

The software company and implementation partner will be required to contractually recognize the right of Client to maintain and repair the software installation in perpetuity subject to commercially valid (market related) license fees being paid.

This includes but is not limited to:

3.10.1 Right to decline an upgrade and receive open ended support on the current version at reasonable rates;

3.10.2 Right to a copy of the source code and development environment if such support is declined;

3.10.3 Right to the source code if support is withdrawn for any reason other than breach by Client or force majeure;

3.10.4 Six months to reinstate support after force majeure failing which support will be deemed to have been withdrawn permanently;

3.10.5 Other measures necessary to ensure that Client are able to use the software forever if required.


3.11 Implementer Go-Live Certificate

Implementer to certify in writing that the installation is ready to run live and accept liability for damages if live operation is unstable or unreliable at a level that causes business damage as a consequence of acts or omissions on the part of the Implementer team.


3.12 Software Vendor Go-Live Certificate

Software company to certify in writing that the installation is ready to run live and accept liability for damages if software is unstable or unreliable at a level that causes business damage when in production – this clause applies even after go-live.


3.13 Deliver on deadlines and budget

Bidder must evidence a history of projects where deadlines and budgets have been consistently met – document with contactable references;


3.14 Methodology

Proven implementation methodology customized to the specifics of this client and project;


3.15 Willingness to comply with Laboratory requirements

Willing to run laboratory to our specification and timeline – refer Section 4 of this document and the Bill of Services.

Do not run live until the entire configuration has been fully tested in the Laboratory and signed off by relevant parties, refer specification below and details in the Bill of Services.

4  Business Systems Laboratory

Refer to separate document.


5  Procurement process

The procurement process to be followed is set out below:


The overall procurement approach will comprise a three stage process directed at converging on a well-considered binding fixed price for the entire configuration, customization and commissioning of the final selection of systems (Financial Suite, Data Warehouse and associated specialist modules) for Client.

This process is outlined below – dates are set out in the schedule at the end of this section and in the Procurement Schedule:

Stage 1:

Issue of a Request for Proposal and associated documents to identified core software vendors and other invited parties.

The issue of the documentation will take place at a formal briefing on the 8th of May 2014. (James please confirm, as this was adjusted this morning) The vendors will take the documents for review and comment by prospective implementation partners.

Vendors will be required to indicate the Implementation Partner/s (Prime Contractor) of choice and their commitment to bid on the final RFP by 17h00 on the 5th of May 2014

This stage will take bidders through a structured process to enable them to understand the nature and scale of Client’s business together with the headline requirements directed at enabling each bid team to make a formal submission to Client accompanied by a formal written proposal containing a fixed price offer.

Bidders may submit requests for further information or clarification, such requests must be made in writing by email and replies may be copied to all short list bidders.

Offers are to be submitted by not later than the 22nd of May 2014 at Client Offices.  First round offer is for an all-inclusive price with a tolerance of 30%.  In other words, the final fixed price may NOT exceed the initial offer by more than 30%.  This is to discourage under-quoting in the first round.

Review and adjudication of received submissions is expected to reduce the list of bidders to be taken forward to Stage 2 to a short list of around three bidders.  Adjudication is scheduled to be complete by Close of Business on the 30th of May 2014.  Client reserves the right to contact any bidder during this period for clarification of the offer;


Stage 2:

The short list bid tea will each be required to arrange a visit to a reference site during the period from the 5th to the 13th of June.

Bidders will be given a four hour private session with the Client team so that both sides can clarify any issues that require attention.  These sessions will take place from the 5th to the 13th of June.

The short list bidders will each be allocated a three hour session at which they will formally present their offers revised to take account of the abovementioned sessions.  These offers are to be to a tolerance of 15%.  While preparing their presentations they may seek clarification or amplification from Client.

These sessions will include walkthroughs and presentations of their software offerings.  This presentation will be to the Client evaluation team;

On the basis of the above representations and submissions Client will identify a single preferred bidder to proceed to Stage 3 not later than close of business on the 27th of June 2014;

Client reserves the right to revisit this selection should unforeseen obstacles be encountered with the selected bidder in Stage 3;


Stage 3:

The final stage of the procurement process will grant the successful bidder a month to undertake full discovery, analysis and documentation of the Client business requirement in order to arrive at a fixed contract price for the balance of the project.  This work will take place against a fixed fee stipulated in the original and revised offers and subject to the same tolerances as the overall price.  During this period the project schedule will be fully developed and agreed and the contract and all other related matters will be finalized by close of business on -the 31st of July 2014.

Work is scheduled to commence on 04th of August 2014 subject to Board approval.


6  Headline Requirements and Reference Documents

The headline requirements are contained in Section 3 of the tender files.

The reference documentation is contained in Sections 11 onwards of the tender files.


7  Conclusion

A robust procurement process geared towards achieving a robust and cost efficient solution that will serve Client for at least the next twenty years has been set out.

Client are seeking a long term partnership with a Vendor – Implementer combination that is a close strategic and cultural fit and capable of sustaining a highly successful long term business partnership.

We look forward to receiving your offers


Client CEO

Chief Executive -- Client

Download 01 Request for Proposal for Business Systems Solution in Microsoft Word docx format

02 Laboratory Approach to be Applied

The Business Simulation Laboratory is a fundamental component of a successful project.  This document specifies the manner in which the laboratory will be run
It is vital to test the software and the configuration thoroughly in the laboratory with the express purpose of breaking the software and the configuration by testing situations that cause the software either to fail or to fail to return the correct result
One the software and configuration have been adjusted to the point where it is NO longer possible to cause failure then the configuration can be used as a platform for configuring workflow, developing and testing reports and business intelligence models, developing policies and standards, developing training manuals and interactive training material and training staff
The project should ONLY go live once all the above had been successfully completed and ALL staff are trained up in the laboratory
At this stage the Certificate authorizing deployment should be signed by all parties.  As you will see further down the page this is a fairly onerous certificate and should ONLY be signed if ALL parties are FULLY satisfied the software and configuration is fully stable and all elements that are necessary for a successful deployment are in place


Draft for Discussion


Specification of Laboratory Approach

Relating to an Integrated Financial Solution


A Financial Suite and Data Warehouse,


Data Sharing, Implementation and

Project Management Services

Table of Contents

1.  Laboratory Definitions. 

1.1.  Laboratory. 

1.2.  Engineering.

1.3.  Prototype.

1.4.  Implementation.

1.5.  Test.

1.6.  Walkthrough.

1.7.  Software Walkthrough.

1.8.  Configuration Walkthrough.

2. Laboratory Principles.

2.1.  Prototyping environment.

2.2.  Representative data.

2.3.  Fully equipped.

2.4.  Life of project.

2.5.  Accurately model the real world.

2.6.  Break it till it breaks no more.

2.7.  Business Intelligence Development.

2.8.  Standards, Policies and Procedures.

2.9.  Computer Based Training Material 

2.10. Basis of go-live certificate.

2.11. Basis of live instance.

2.12. Goal of the Laboratory.

2.13. Bill of Services.

3. Laboratory Specification.

4. Laboratory Stages.

5.  Laboratory Completion – Certificate of Readiness to Commence Live Operation

6.  Ongoing Laboratory Operation

Specification of the Business Simulation Laboratory

This document sets out the Laboratory approach that is to be applied.

The Laboratory approach that is set out in this document has been developed by James Robertson over several decades and is geared to minimizing commissioning risk and maximizing reliability in the final commissioned Business Information Systems solution.

1.   Laboratory Definitions

The following terms are applied:

1.1.   Laboratory

A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific research, experiments, and measurement may be performed. (Wikipedia)

In the context of this document a System Configuration Laboratory is a room equipped with computers, visual aids, etc in which the configuration of a system is developed, refined and tested until it is stable and suitable for commissioning.  The Laboratory is also used to develop and test reports, training material, etc.  The goal of the Laboratory is that when the Laboratory work is completed the system is ready for deployment with a high certainty of a robust, reliable and sustainable outcome.

1.2.   Engineering

Engineering is the discipline, art, skill and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes that safely realize improvements to the lives of people.

The American Engineers' Council for Professional Development has defined "engineering" as “The creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property.” (Wikipedia)

1.3.   Prototype

A prototype is an early sample or model built to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from. (Wikipedia)

A prototype is a carefully and professionally constructed test sample of a system that in final form is intended to be put into economic operation by the developers (Robertson)

In the context of this document the entire configuration of all systems will be developed in Prototype form in the Laboratory until it reaches a point where it can be deployed in the business with a high level of certainty of a reliable and sustainable outcome.

1.4.   Implementation

Implementation is the realization of an application, or execution of a plan, idea, model, design, specification, standard, algorithm, or policy. (Wikipedia)

In the context of this document the Laboratory is a central component of the Implementation of the designated systems in the business.  The main characteristic of a Laboratory based implementation is that every aspect of the configuration is comprehensively tested in the Laboratory such that the deployment of the software in the business is a Commissioning rather than an implementation with the bulk of the Implementation undertaken in the Laboratory.

1.5.   Test

A test can be considered as a technical operation that consists of determination of one or more characteristics of a given product, process or service according to a specified procedure. (Wikipedia)

In the Laboratory approach every component of the configuration will be comprehensively tested using statistically representative data such that the configuration is proven to be reliable and dependable.  This is fundamentally different from “User Acceptance Testing” insofar as it requires a much higher level of rigour and reproducibility.  Automated testing software may be used to run repetitive testing cycles.

1.6.   Walkthrough

In software engineering, a walkthrough or walk-through is a form of software peer review "in which a designer or programmer leads members of the development team and other interested parties through a software product, and the participants ask questions and make comments about possible errors, violation of development standards, and other problems".

A walkthrough differs from software technical reviews in its openness of structure and its objective of familiarization. It differs from software inspection in its ability to suggest direct alterations to the product reviewed, its lack of a direct focus on training and process improvement, and its omission of process and product measurement. (Wikipedia)

1.7.   Software Walkthrough

In the context of the Laboratory approach a software walkthrough is a systematic step by step practical demonstration of a piece of software directed at ensuring that the people present in the session gain a solid insight into the software and how it works directed at ensuring that the design work that follows is grounded in a solid understanding of how the software “machine” works.

1.8.   Configuration Walkthrough

A configuration walkthrough is a systematic step by step practical demonstration of a piece of software configured to fit a particular element of the business using real data directed at ensuring that the configuration accurately fits the understanding of the people present in the walkthrough with a view to ensuring a tight fit to the business.

2.    Laboratory Principles

The following principles are applicable to the Configuration Engineering Laboratory:


2.1.   Prototyping environment

The laboratory is a rigorous, carefully controlled prototyping and testing environment managed by a very senior and very practical manager who has a clear high level holistic view of how the entire solution fits together and who clearly understands the critical role of the laboratory.  This manager is to be supplied by the Implementer.




2.2.   Representative data

The laboratory is populated with comprehensive, carefully selected representative data – perhaps 0.1% of the data that is in the live system but representative of all possible scenarios.

There are very specific principles to be applied in the selection of this data.  Selection of this data will be guided by the Project Facilitator.

2.3.   Fully equipped

The laboratory is situated in room with sufficient workstations, a server, backup device  (to permit rapid roll-back to previous test states), data projector, flip chart, white board, etc.

2.4.   Life of project

The laboratory is established at the very start of the project and runs until the Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence environment are fully operational and the system has been fully commissioned.

2.5.   Accurately model the real world

All configuration settings are tested in the laboratory until they accurately model the precise desired operation of the business and all required customization and custom development has been comprehensively and rigorously tested and accepted.

Executives and managers must be able to undertake structured facilitated walkthroughs of the laboratory configuration and see their business at all times – if it does not make sense to the executives and / or managers the process stops until the configuration has been modified so that it does make sense to them.

2.6.   Break it till it breaks no more

The primary initial goal of the laboratory is to break the configuration and once it cannot be broken to optimize it, document it, develop training material and computer based training material (CBT) in it, use it as a training environment, use it for the testing of reports and establish the Data Warehouse operating against it.

2.7.   Business Intelligence Development

A full set of management reports, dashboards, etc are to be developed and tested in the laboratory BEFORE production operation commences.

2.8.   Standards, Policies and Procedures

A full set of operational standards, policies and procedures must be developed during the project and embedded in the training given in the laboratory and thereafter.

2.9.   Computer Based Training Material

A full set of Computer Based Training material with regard to standard operating practices for all primary areas of business operation that uses the software must be developed in the laboratory and deployed as part of the final deliverable.

2.10.  Basis of go-live certificate

The configuration does NOT go-live until it has been comprehensively tested in the laboratory and accepted by all senior project team members.

The go-live certificate will be issued at the end of a structured walkthrough of the entire configuration by the entire top management of the project – this walkthrough may take several days and may have to be suspended several times for adjustments.

If the top team are not satisfied with the results of the walkthrough, further walkthroughs will be held until all members of the top team are willing to accept the configuration.

2.11.  Basis of live instance

The laboratory configuration forms the basis of the live instance of the software – the entire configuration is to be copied onto the production server and all transaction data files cleared and all counters reset.

The final empty configuration will be reviewed and tested during a trial run of the start-up process in the Laboratory.

2.12.  Goal of the Laboratory

The goal of the Laboratory is to ensure that the final live installation is an excellent fit to the business, that all staff are properly trained at go-live, that there are no surprises and that there is minimal well managed risk to the business on go-live.

2.13.  Bill of Services

More details of the Laboratory are set out in the Bill of Services.

3.    Laboratory Specification

The Laboratory is a well-equipped room with a full installation of all software components in which all aspects of the installation can be effectively tested.

The set-up of the Laboratory must be designed in such a way that all realistic scenarios and operational conditions can be simulated.  This may require additional workstations and child Laboratory installations at remote sites in order to fully test the performance of communication, etc at practical levels.

It is important that the workstations, server/s, network operate at peak efficiency so that testing can proceed quickly.  Testing relating to workstation, network and server performance must take place as a distinctly separate activity, maximum performance in the Laboratory is vital in order to ensure that testing proceeds as efficiently as possible and takes as little time of business and contractor personnel.

The room must be sufficiently large for an audience to be able to attend walkthroughs and there must be a data projector so that groups of people can participate in walkthroughs.

Other presentation aids such as flip charts and white boards must also be provided.

4.    Laboratory Stages

The following Laboratory Stages are to be followed – see also the Bill of Services:


Establishment of Laboratory


Detailed planning of integrated laboratory simulation programme

-- goal of the laboratory is to BREAK IT until IT cannot be broken


Specify laboratory facility


Procure equipment and establish laboratory facility


Collate and consolidate detailed statistically significant test packs for each

 module into one integrated test pack


Testing of individual modules


Commission and test individual modules in the laboratory as they become



Test Integration


Test integration of modules as they become available


Testing and acceptance of the integrated solution


Technical integration


Technical testing of integrated solution until the entire solution works technically

 -- 3 iterations


Other activities necessary to get the integrated solution to a point where it can be

 utilized by the business team -- 3 iterations


Business operational integration


Operational testing of the integrated solution until the entire solution works at a

 business operational level -- 3 iterations


Other activities necessary to get the integrated solution to a point where it can be

 presented to executives -- 3 iterations


Simulation and review of the integrated solution -- first iteration


Comprehensive simulation of live operation with a small but statistically significant

 test data pack


Systematic presentation and walkthrough of entire solution with executives


Other activities relative to first iteration


Simulation and review of integrated solution -- second iteration


Revise, refine and optimize solution


Comprehensive simulation of live operation with small but statistically significant

 test data pack until ready to present to execs


Systematic presentation and walkthrough of entire solution with executives


Other activities relative to second iteration


Simulation and review of integrated solution -- third iteration


Revise, refine and optimize solution


Comprehensive simulation of live operation with small but statistically significant

 test data pack until ready to present to execs


Systematic presentation and walkthrough of entire solution with executives


Other activities relative to third iteration


Development and testing of integrated reports and BI models, etc


Development of integrated reports -- 3 iterations with Executive review


Development of integrated BI reports, models and dashboards -- 3 iterations

 with executive review


Development of executive level strategic BI reports, models and dashboards

 -- 3 iterations with executive review


Specification, configuration, testing, refinement and documentation of integrated

 workflows / operating procedures -- 3 iterations


Specify and configure workflows -- iteration 1


Define workflows from executive level and document


Review and refine with management


Review and refine with operational personnel


Configure in the system




Specify and configure workflows -- iteration 2


Define workflows from executive level and document


Review and refine with management


Review and refine with operational personnel


Configure in the system




Specify and configure workflows -- iteration 3


Define workflows from executive level and document


Review and refine with management


Review and refine with operational personnel


Configure in the system




Finalize and accept workflows


Management review


Executive review




Development of training materials


Documentation of policies and standards -- 3 iterations


Development of user manuals -- 3 iterations


Development of Computer Based Training material with tests and performance

 measures with executive review -- 3 iterations


Other activities necessary to develop a comprehensive training environment for

 the enterprise




Training of Operational Personnel


Overall system operation, integration impacts -- who is affected by what I do

 -- how the whole system fits together


Policies, standards, protocols, escalation, authorities, etc

 -- includes speed and accuracy of data capture for all personnel with significant

 keyboard input requirements


Touch typing test for all personnel responsible for significant keyboard input

 -- touch typing classes for those who do not achieve a minimum standard of 20

 words per minute at 99% accuracy

 -- team must include an instructor


Training on CBT until reach required standard -- multiple repetitive cycles


Comprehensive operational simulation until all staff are trained to a level where they can

 migrate to new system easily -- at least 3 iterations


Other training related activities for operational personnel


Declaration of operational readiness


Training of supervisory personnel


Overall system operation, integration impacts -- who is affected by what I do

 -- how the whole system fits together


Policies, standards, protocols, escalation, authorities, etc

 -- includes speed and accuracy of data capture for all personnel with significant

 keyboard input requirements where applicable


Touch typing test for all personnel responsible for significant keyboard input

 -- touch typing classes for those who do not achieve a minimum standard of 20

 words per minute at 99% accuracy


Training on CBT until reach required standard where applicable -- multiple repetitive



Comprehensive training in conjunction with operational simulation until all supervisory

 staff are trained to a level where they can migrate to the new system easily

 -- at least 3 iterations


Other training related activities for supervisory personnel


Declaration of supervisory readiness


Training of Managers


Overall system operation, integration impacts -- who is affected by what I do

 -- how the whole system fits together


Policies, standards, protocols, escalation, authorities, etc

 -- includes speed and accuracy of data capture for all personnel with significant

 keyboard input requirements where applicable


Touch typing test for all personnel responsible for significant keyboard input

 -- touch typing classes for those who do not achieve a minimum standard of 20 words

 per minute at 99% accuracy


Comprehensive training in conjunction with operational simulation until all managers

 are trained to a level where they can migrate to the new system easily

-- at least 3 iterations


Other training related activities for managers


Declaration of management readiness


Training of Executives


Overall system operation, integration impacts -- who is affected by what others do

 -- how the whole system fits together


Policies, standards, protocols, escalation, authorities, etc


Comprehensive training in conjunction with operational simulation until all executives

 are trained to a level where they can migrate to the new system easily

-- at least 3 iterations


Other training related activities for executives


Declaration of executive readiness


Formal declaration of readiness to commence live operation -- issue certificate

 of readiness


Declaration by each Implementer Team Leader


Declaration by each Business Team Leader


Declaration by Implementer Project Leader


Declaration by Implementer Project Director


Declarations by Client Heads of Departments


Declaration by Client Project Facilitator


Declaration by Client Contract Manager


Declarations by Client Divisional Heads


Declaration by Client Executive Sponsor


Approval by EXCO


Shareholder approval

5.  Laboratory Completion – Certificate of Readiness to Commence Live Operation

As noted above the final stage of any aspect of Laboratory operation is the issue of a Certificate of Readiness to Commence Live Operation.

This certificate must be progressively signed by all team members and includes a clear statement that the persons signing the Certificate are fully satisfied that the system is ready to be deployed in the business.

The goal of this certificate is to create a context in which no-one will sign the certificate until they are fully satisfied that the configuration is ready to be commissioned.

6.  Ongoing Laboratory Operation

Once the entire system is operational throughout the entire business the laboratory as a dedicated facility may be closed down.

Download 02 Laboratory Approach to be Applied in Microsoft Word docx format

03 Business Information System Requirements Definition

The Business Requirements Specification is a strategically focused document, that is it lifts out the essence of the business and how it thrives in a structured and weighted manner so that there is NO uncertainty on the part of the bidders as to the exact nature of the business
The strategic essence must lift out the fundamentals of the busines and particularly what is unusual, the elements that deliver competitive advantage and which are therefore the most vulnerable to inappropriate action
This is NOT the place for generic industry definitions or for long lists of standard software functionality -- development of the requirements specification requires a mature and highly experienced consultant with a solid understanding of strategic essence AND a solid understanding of systems and how systems integrate with the business to deliver high value outcomes

Requirement Specification

Relating to an

Integrated Financial Solution


A Financial Suite and Data Warehouse,


Data Sharing, Implementation and

Project Management Services

Release 1





Client is a privately owned, Xxx based Xxx Company.

Client’s Head Office is in Xxx and the installation will be hosted there.

Client have a number of branches and franchises around Xxx as well as internationally.  While the solution must be capable of being deployed in these offices as required this tender is ONLY for deployment in Xxx.

The current financial suite is based on Pastel Partner coupled to an existing in-house developed operational software suite which will be retained.  The financial components of the solution are in large measure manual and based on Excel and will not support the business to achieve its strategic growth objectives.  It has therefore been decided to procure a comprehensive suite of financial business information systems including General Ledger, Debtors, Creditors, Fixed Assets, Cash Book and Inventory.  A Data Warehouse is also required.  These systems will share data to the extent necessary with the existing operational systems developed by Client.

This Request for Proposal is being issued with a view to appointing a single prime contractor on a fixed price basis to supply all required system components and integrate these with one another and with the systems that are already in use within the company.

This document constitutes the Requirements Definition for this assembly of systems.

Critical Consideration – Trusted Professional Advisors

In interpreting this document and the RFP it is vital to understand that Client are seeking to appoint a single firm as trusted professional advisor for the entire project.  This firm will be held fully accountable for delivering the required outcome on a fixed price, fixed outcome basis.

The Strategic Advisor to the CEO, Dr James Robertson, who has drafted these documents will provide quality assurance and contractual review advisory services to Client CEO but is NOT responsible for the outcome.

Bidders must fully satisfy themselves that they fully understand the requirement and are required to undertake comprehensive requirement definition workshops as part of the deliverable.

This document headlines the requirement at a strategic level in order to ensure that bidders understand the high level scope of work and therefore forms the conceptual foundation for the detailed design.

Client CEO

Chief Executive

Section 1
Strategic Business Systems Definition
The Essence of the Client Business Systems Requirement

The following points describe the headline elements that constitute the essence of the Client business requirement.  These are the points which if overlooked or compromised in the design and implementation of the solution will DAMAGE the business and the factors which if ACCURATELY accommodated will support the business in its strategic (growth) goals.

Percentages at the end of headings indicate the relative importance of these factors in achieving the project goals.  ALL components are required in order to achieve a viable business solution:

1.1  Business is growing rapidly -- Highly competitive business – xx%

Client is growing rapidly and systems are required to support that growth.  Client operates in an environment competing with 4 other major xxx companies.  The efficiency and effectiveness of its business systems is therefore of paramount importance.

1.2  Own complex system includes invoicing, installation xxx, commission payments, etc – xx%

Client sister company Client Sister Company has developed a suite of software for Client that takes account of customer billing, installation xxx, commission and royalty payments, etc.

The new financial suite must be able to share data with these systems using simple data interchange formats such as XML, CSV or similar.

1.3  Throughout Xxx, Xxx, the World – xx%

Client operates throughout Xxx with both branches and franchises.  The system must be capable of being deployed affordably in both of these types of branch in time. Truck utilization – 16%

Client operates in the following countries in Xxx and expansion is expected.  Some of these branches are wholly owned and others are franchises.  The system chosen must be capable of being deployed in these countries as required on an affordable basis.

Client currently operates in … in the rest of the world, in some cases as wholly owned subsidiaries and in other cases as franchises.  The system selected must be capable of being affordably deployed in these locations on an as required basis.

1.4  High volume low value debtors transactions and credit control is a critical requirement – xx%

The nature of Clients business is that customers are billed monthly, individual invoice amounts are relatively small, there are a large number of customers and missed payments and defaults are significant.

The solution that is adopted must be geared to managing this sort of debtor environment including xxx accounts that have been handed over for collection.

1.5  Xxx device inventory management – xx%

Xxx devices represent a substantial stock holding with items being moved from location to location and country to country on a daily basis.  An inventory solution that can handle this effectively is required.  The existing in-house systems track inventory during the installation process and will continue to do this.  The inventory management solution is required to manage inventory up to the point at which it is handed over for installation.

1.6  Debit order processing – xx%

Client obtain most payments by debit order.  The system is required to provide comprehensive facilities for managing debit orders based on a payment instruction that will be generated in the existing systems.

1.7   Single Prime Contractor – Integrator / Implementer -- fully accountable – xx%

A fundamental business requirement is to outsource as much risk as possible for the system procurement and implementation on a fixed price basis.

We are looking for a service provider who can guarantee a successful outcome in terms of the final integrated business technology solution.

It is anticipated that the final solution will comprise a portfolio of software elements which must all be integrated at the DATA level to accomplish seamless single point of entry operation.

  1.8 Precision Configuration that models the real world

In developing the solution the entire solution must be configured with a high level of precision that accurately models the real world.  This requirement informs ALL the above items.

Implementers must evidence that they have particular expertise in this area, particularly with regard to developing an enterprise Chart of Accounts that will support global consolidation in the Data Warehouse and is coupled to a robust management model.

Section 2
Headline Business Requirement

The following components define the headlines of the business requirement and will form the basis of adjudication

Percentages at the end of headings indicate the relative importance of these factors in achieving the project goals.  ALL components are required in order to achieve a viable business solution:

1.1  Data sharing -- ability to integrate effectively with current systems    

The current in-house developed systems are very comprehensive with regard to the core operations of the business and the new financial suite is required to share data with these systems on an agreed basis.

It has been agreed that this sharing of data will take place using simple and reliable methods such as the transfer of data files in, for example, XML or CSV format on a regular scheduled basis.  The exact break point between the in-house system and the new financial suite will be established on the basis of what is technically optimum.  The following items must be addressed in the offer.

1.1.1 Low technology data file transfer in -- XML, CSV or similar

1.1.2 Low technology data file transfer OUT -- XML, CSV or similar

1.1.3 Track Record -- references -- software

1.1.4 Track Record -- references -- implementer                                               


1.2   Finance functionality                          

There are a number of aspects of financial suite functionality that are critical to this project, these are listed below:

1.2.1  Robust enterprise Chart of Accounts that supports global consolidation

It is vital that the bidders evidence experience and thought leadership with regard to the development of an enterprise Chart of Accounts that will accommodate the full complexity of the Client operation globally

1.2.2 Moderately high volume of low value invoices from in-house developed systems

The existing in-house developed systems will generate the invoices as at present but these must be handed over to the Debtors module for Debtor account management and debit order processing                  

          1.2.3 Very flexible debit order processing       

This will include the processing of debit orders.  The in-house system will raise the charges but the processing of debit orders must be managed by a module to be supplied as part of the financial suite solution.  It is envisaged that this will probably take the form of a third party add-on module for the financial suite

1.2.4 Credit Control including debtors dialer and synchronization of screens with in-house  system 

Because of the debit order based billing and the nature of the business default on debit orders is a frequent occurrence.  There is a need for a debtors dialer function that will assist with the follow-up of overdue amounts, lead operators through a prioritized list of calls and associate management screens in the Debtors module and the in-house system for credit control purposes through, for example, a common ODBC link.

            1.2.5 Manage accounts handed over for collection

The number of accounts handed over for collection at any time is considerable.  There is a requirement for a component, probably an add-on module, that will synch with the collection agency so that Client have visibility of the state of collections

            1.2.6 Bank reconciliation

Because of the very large number of small payments there is a requirement for an automated bank reconciliation – ties in to the requirement for debit order processing

            1.2.7 Standard Finance Functionality

The following are routine finance suite applications; the requirement here is for comprehensive functionality that supports the way that Client does business.  It is assumed that all mainstream financial suites will meet this requirement.  Vendors are requested to highlight what they consider to be particular strengths of their offering insofar as these relate to Client

               General Ledger



               Cash Book Inventory                                 

               Fixed Assets

          1.3   Data warehouse and business intelligence capability

Given the reliance that exists on the in-house developed suite of software a fully-fledged Data Warehouse is regarded as essential.  This should comprise services and products relating to extract, transform and load as well as with regard to reporting and modelling (”business intelligence”).  The reference document pack includes examples of the basic reports that are required.  Provision must be made for more comprehensive and sophisticated models and reports.

Fully pre-mapped onto the financial suite

    Easily mapped onto the existing Client databases

            Easy to use

            Track Record -- references -- software

    Track Record -- references -- implementer

1.4   Compliance with overall tender requirements and project approach

Bids will also be adjudicated in terms of the following criteria:

            Have accepted terms of the bid as presented in the RFP, etc

            Proven track record


            Team offered


1.5  Satisfies other requirements                            

            Under our control -- do it ourselves, host ourselves

It is the culture of Client to do as much as possible themselves, the offer must recognize this and support this culture

            Standard Financial Suite should suffice                      

The following are routine financial suite applications, the requirement here is for comprehensive functionality that supports the way that Client does business.  It is assumed that all mainstream financial suites will meet this requirement.  Vendors are requested to highlight what they consider to be particular strengths of their offering insofar as these relate to Client

                        General Ledger



                        Cash Book


                        Fixed Assets

             Suitable for a business the size and complexity of Client  


1.6  Global consolidation when required in the future -- in Data Warehouse

It must be possible to consolidate financial and other performance data in the Data Warehouse solution

            Different countries

            Different currencies

            Track Record -- references -- software

            Track Record -- references -- implementer

1.7  Global operation when required in the future 

Must be able to be deployed in other countries on an “as required” basis with the understanding that in some countries, such as those with xxx based tax systems, xxx and others, that systems that are unique to those countries may be used in place of the standard financial suite.  Ability to operate in those countries is a recommendation but NOT a requirement

Global footprint and growth although only deploy Xxxn head office at present                   

          Different countries

          Different currencies

Different tax regimes

          Track Record -- references -- software

          Track Record -- references -- implementer

Business is growing dramatically locally and globally, solution must be able to grow 


1.8  Additional modules offered by vendors (not specific to finance)                              

Vendors are requested to bring our attention to any other relevant modules or add-on components that they are able to offer

1.9  Hardware and network impacts are light and manageable

The solution should NOT place heavy demands on the network and hardware

The above factors are critical in understanding the requirement and specifying the solution.  If the above factors are NOT fully catered for this will constitute a significant deficiency in the overall solution.


The above constitutes the headline requirement.

Bidders are required to assess the suitability of their software, assemble the required portfolio of software and satisfy themselves as to the scope of work in arriving at their bids.

Client CEO

Chief Executive

Download 03 Business Information System Requirements Definition in Microsoft Word docx format

Random Selection of Articles by Dr James Robertson

Cnf 092 Doing things differently and better -- ASCO Case Study 2

Case Study of the strategic benefits derived by African Sales Company from a successful ERP implementation that made use of Precision Configuration techniques to create a highly structured brand orientated Product Class master coupled to several pieces of custom developed software tailored to give the client capabilities that none of their competitors had, this supported significant competitively based strategic growth as well as operational efficiencies
Cnf 011 The Benefits of Management Information Systems to the Professional Practice -- V3 Consulting Engineers Case Study

Case study with regard to a fully integrated business information system (ERP) with Cubic Business Model in the financial suite which delivered exceptional benefits in terms of management information and management effectiveness as well as substantial efficiencies including head count reduction and drastically reduced audit time and cost
Cnf 037 The Reasons Why More Than 70% of Corporations are Dissatisfied with their I.T. Investment : How Senior Management can Respond Proactively to Overcome This Syndrome in Their Organizations

The factors causing sub-optimal business information system project outcomes and executive frustration and what is required to overcome these problems
Cnf 060 Why Information Technology In Managed Healthcare Does Not Deliver What Is Expected And How To Fix It -- Slides

Healthcare industry standard codes like ICD 10 and CPT 4 are amongst the worst examples of bad computer data engineering practice in the world today, there is huge scope for improvement in ways that will allow the application of computer based maintenance management techniques to be applied in countries where there is a severe shortage of qualified medical practitioners, the case for investing in such code schemes is present

04 Procurement Timeline and Diary

The procurement timeline is a relatively simple Gantt Chart -- I lay it out in Excel, it is quick and serves the purpose, see the sample attached
The goal of the timeline is to set out the overall timing of the procurement process in sufficient detail that all parties are fully aware of the sequence of events that is planned so that they can schedule accordingly

Item Description  
0 Stage 0  
0.1   Briefing of software companies and issue of tender documents
0.2   Bidders assemble teams  
0.3   Notification to Client of Lead Implementer (Prime Contractor) and team composition
      by NOT later than 16h00  
1 Stage 1  
1.1   Briefing of lead implementers and teams
1.2   Implementers prepare offers - liaise as required
1.3   Clarification for bidders  
      two hour Q&A session to enable bidders to obtain clarification all bidders attend
1.4   Implementers finalize offers
1.5   Implementers submit offers (5 sets) by not later than 17h00 at Client Offices
1.6   Comparative evaluation of offers -- bidders may be contacted for clarification
1.7   Bidders advised of outcome -- short list of not more than four bidders
2 Stage 2  
2.1   Four hour site visits (including travelling time) to reference sites
      Bidders will be advised of time slots, drawn by lot, when advised they are on the short list
2.2   Two hour slots per bidder to sit with Client team
      to obtain clarification in order to bring offer to 5% tolerance
      Easter weekend  
2.3   Bidders prepare for presentations
2.4   Presentations by Short Listed bidders
      4 hours including a walkthrough of their software, team and offer and time for questions
      Second offer may be lower than first offer as greater clarity is obtained but may NOT exceed
        the tolerance of 10% on the initial offer
2.5   Selection of preferred bidder
2.6   Notification of bid outcome by Close of Business
3 Stage 3  
3.1   Finalisation of quote with preferred bidder
        Note that final price may NOT exceed the initial offer by more than 10% 
        and second offer by more than 5%
3.1.1     Further discovery in order to finalize price
3.1.2     Develop detailed project schedule (Gantt chart)
3.1.3     Contractual and commercial negotiations
        James Robertson out of town from 12th to 22nd April
3.2   EXCO review and approval  
3.3   Signing of Contract  
4 Board approval  
5 Commence with system implementation

Download 04 Procurement Timeline and Diary in Microsoft Excel xlsx format

05 Software Schedule

The software schedule is a list of all functional software elements that it is assessed are required.  This is a basis for bidders to add and subtract the modules and products that they have to offer in order to make up the mosaic that constitutes the complete response to the requirement
The software schedule correlates directly with the Bill of Services and the two should be set up to align with one another


    Serial       Item
  1 Finalization of bid -- detailed planning, contracting, etc
  No software expected to be required
  2 Establishment
  No software expected to be required
  3 Project Management and Change Facilitation
  Project Management software to be supplied by 
  4 Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence
  1 Data warehouse database, extract, transform, 
  2 Business Intelligence Software
  Basic Reporting
  Advanced Reporting
  Other Recommended Elements
  Total Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence  
  5 Client Business Management Related Software
  1 Overall Client Business Management Solution
  2 Manage ProductionAsset1 Utilization and Turnaround
  ProductionAsset1 Utilization and Turnaround
  Operations Board
  Interface with xxx
  xxx Monitoring and Reporting
  Total Client Business Specific Modules  
  6 Other Specialist Modules
  1 Software to Manage xxx Operating Costs
  2 xxx control and logging software
  3 Software to manage xxx Center operations
  4 Software to manage Sub-Contractors
  5 Software to manage quoting
  6 CRM -- Microsoft Dynamics
  7 Software for xxx Operations -- ClientSubsidiary
  8 Confirm can handle basic xxx Management
  9 Proof of Delivery Document Management 
  Total Specialist Modules
  7 Finance and Administration Modules
  1 Finance
  1 General Ledger
  2 Accounts Receivable
  3 Accounts Payable
  4 Cashbook
  5 Assets Register
  6 Other Finance
  2 Human Resources
  3 Payroll 
  Total Finance and Administration
  8 Laboratory
  Refer to Laboratory columns in this spreadsheet 
  Computer Based Training software
  Quote for hardware for the laboratory in a separate schedule
  Total Laboratory 
  9 Custom Development
  Expected that development software will be provided
  10 Overall System Integration Requirements
  Any software or other technology required
  11 Operational commissioning and ramp-up
  Any software or other technology required
  12 Operational support
  Any software or other technology required
  13 Contingency
  Any software or other technology required
            Grand Totals

Download 05 Software Schedule in Microsoft Excel xlsx format

06 System Procurement Bill of Services

The Bill of Services is directly comparable to the Bill of Materials on a Construction Project -- it is intended to list ALL the services that are required in order to execute the project and deliver the required business outcome

The Bill of Services is prepared by a person with considerable experience in the implementation of business information systems who is able to draft a comprehensive list.  This list may then be fine tuned by bidders to reflect their particular methods and approach

The Bill of Services is the basis on which the bid is priced and the basis on which the contractor is paid -- if it is NOT in the Bill of Services there is NO basis for a claim

The Bill of Services is priced on the basis of a rates schedule that provides links that MUST be a direct ratio of employee remuneration -- the consulting engineering profession generally has salary based rates formulae that can be borrowed -- it is entirely UNACCEPTABLE that contractors charge average rates over widely differing staff competence grades

It is particularly unacceptable that they under charge for senior personnel and over charge for junior personnel -- this provides a perverse incentive for sub-standard and over priced work


Implementer Schedule of Rates per hour (discounted where full utilization is expected)
All rates are EXCLUDING VAT Rate to be used for bidding in the Bill of Services Name/s of person/s nominated to play this role Rate for Travelling outside of xxx
  Implementation Director
  Project Manager
  Laboratory Manager
  Strategic Solution Architect
  Senior Implementer
  Junior Implementer
  Senior Solution Architect
  Senior Developer
  Documentation Specialist
  Computer Based Training Developer
  Typing Instructor
Other Team Members
  Other 1
  Other 2
  Other 3
  Other 4
  Other 5
  Other 6
  Other n
Vehicle Rate per km outside of xxx

Bill of Services


Columns are days per personnel category as per the rate schedule, extended in the yellow column followed by currency value of hours multiplied by rate in the blue block

    Serial       Item      
2 1 Finalization of bid -- detailed planning, contracting, etc -- phase 3 of bidding process for selected vendor
3 1 Introduction of core team that will run the project -- both sides
4 2 Discovery as required
5 3 Final Definition of Scope in terms of exact modules and products to be procured and implemented
6 4 Develop comprehensive project plan
7 5 Contractual negotiations
8 6 Acceptance and signing of contract
9 7 Other bid finalization activities
12 Total finalization of bid    
15 2 Establishment
16 1 Introduce full project teams
17 2 Move into project office, connect to network and other settling in
18 3 Agree communication, document management and other protocols
19 4 Install and commission Computer Based Training software
20  -- team must included an experienced CBT developer with experience in developing educational material
21 5 Other establishment activities
24 Total establishment    
27 3 Project Management and Change Facilitation
28 1 Project Management and liaison
29 1 Develop detailed project schedule down to +/- 2 week per work package
30  -- at monthly Project Status meetings a work package is either not started, in progress or complete
31  -- the same package is NOT permitted to be in progress for more than one meeting -- red flag to be raised if break this rule
32 2 Quarterly Project Status Review meetings
33 3 Monthly Project Board meetings
34 4 Monthly Project Status meetings
35 5 Weekly Project meetings
36 6 Implementer Project Manager in role
37 7 Other project management activities
40 Total project management and liaison  
42 2 Communication and Change Facilitation
43 1 Liaison and communication
44 2 Develop change facilitation plan
45 3 Communication activites
46 4 Engagement activies
47 5 Problem diagnosis activites
48 6 Other change facilitation activities
51 Total Communication and Change Facilitation
53 Total Project Management and Change Facilitation
56 4 Configuration and Integration of Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence
57 1 Develop overall solution definition
58 1 Executive workshops -- "if we could give you any information you can think of what would you ask for?"
59 2 Operational workshops -- "if we could give you any information you can think of what would you ask for?"
60 3 High level conceptual design and review of practicallity and cost implications
61 4 Agree portion of budget to be reserved for unexpected requirements once system is operational
62 5 Detailed planning of end user Business Intelligence deliverable
63 6 Detailed design of end user Business Intelligence deliverable
64 7 Agree final scope of Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence solution
65 8 Other Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Solution definition activities
68 Total Develop overall Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence solution definition
70 2 Comprehensive walkthrough of as-delivered tables, ETL, models, dashboards, reports, etc in Data Whouse & BI solution
71 1 High level analysis of requirements to achieve a total solution
72 2 Detailed planning of overall data warehouse configuration and implementation -- including budget related trade-off's
73 3 Other Data Warehouse configuration planning activities
76 Total Comprehensive walkthrough of as-delivered DW and BI
78 3 Develop DW & BI for modules not covered in core datawarehouse
79 1 Familiarization with system and database design
80 2 Design schema's
81 3 Build database
82 4 Specify ETL
83 5 Develop ETL
84 6 Develop basic inquiry and analysis capability
85 1 Specify basic models, reports and dashboards
86 2 Develop basic models, reports and dashboards
87 7 Develop intermediate level inquiry and analysis capability
88 1 Specify intermediate complexity models, reports and dashboards
89 2 Develop intermediate complexity models, reports and dashboards
90 8 Develop advanced level inquiry and analysis capability
91 1 Specify complex models, reports and dashboards
92 2 Develop complex models, reports and dashboards
93 9 Executive adoption
94 10 Other activities relative to the third party module
97 Total warehouse and BI for additional modules
99 Total Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence
102 5 Business Management Related Software
103 1 Overall Business Management Solution
104 1 Liaison and consultation with module specialists
105 2 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
106 3 In-depth consultation with Client Business Specialists
107 4 Develop best practice standards for configuration in Client
108 5 Develop Client codes facilitated by JAR
109 6 Laboratory configuration and testing
110 1 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
111 2 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
112 3 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
113 4 Specify, document and test module specific workflows (processes)
114 5 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
115 6 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution
116 7 Adoption of solution
117 8 Other Business Management module configuration and integration related activities
120 Total Overall Business Management Solution
122 2 Manage Client Asset Utilization
123 1 Liaison and consultation with module specialists
124 2 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
125 3 In-depth consultation with Client Specialists
126 4 Develop best practice standards for configuration in Client
127 5 Develop Client codes facilitated by JAR
128 6 Laboratory configuration and testing
129 1 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
130 2 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
131 3 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
132 4 Specify, document and test module specific workflows (processes)
133 5 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
134 6 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution with executives 
135 7 Adoption of solution
136 8 Other Client Asset Utilization and Turnaround module configuration and integration related activities
139 Total Client Asset Utilization and Turnaround
160 4 Interface with Client Asset Tracking Systems
177 Total Interface with Client Asset Tracking Systems
179 5 Client Asset Milestone Monitoring and Reporting
196 Total Client Asset Milestone Monitoring and Reporting
220 6 Other Specialist Modules
221 1 Software to Manage Client Asset Operating Costs -- interfacing with third party systems
222 1 Liaison and consultation with module specialists
223 2 Integration must be comprehensively proven with site references if a 3rd party product is proposed
224 3 Design integration with third party systems if not already proven
225 4 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
226 5 In-depth consultation with Client subject matter experts
227 6 Develop best practice standards for configuration in Client
228 7 Develop Client codes guided by JAR
229 8 Laboratory configuration and testing
230 1 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
231 2 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
232 3 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
233 4 Specify, document and test workflows (processes)
234 5 Specify & develop Computer Based Training material
235 6 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution
236 9 Other Client Asset Operating Cost module configuration and integration related activities
239 Total Software to Manage Client Asset Operating Costs
241 2 Check Bay Control and Logging Software -- if development is proposed itemize what is required
242 1 Liaison and consultation with module specialists
243 2 Integration must be comprehensively proven with site references if a 3rd party product is proposed
244 3 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
245 4 In-depth consultation with Client subject matter experts
246 5 Develop best practice standards for configuration
247 6 Develop Client codes facilitated by JAR
248 7 Coordinate with other modules
249 8 Laboratory configuration and testing
250 1 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
251 2 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
252 3 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
253 4 Specify, document and test module specific workflows (processes)
254 5 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
255 6 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution with executives
256 9 Other Check Bay Control and Logging module configuration and integration activities
259 Total Materials Management and Tracking
261 3 Software to manage Consolidation Center Operations
262 1 Liaison and consultation with package specialists
263 2 Integration must be comprehensively proven with site references if a 3rd party product is proposed
264 3 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
265 4 In-depth consultation with Client subject matter experts
266 5 Develop best practice standards for configuration
267 6 Develop Client module specific codes facilitated by JAR
268 7 Coordinate with other modules
269 8 Laboratory configuration and testing
270 1 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
271 2 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
272 3 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
273 4 Specify, document and test module processes
274 5 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
275 6 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution
276 9 Other Consolidation Center configuration and integration related activities
279 Total Consolidation Center    
281 4 Software to Manage Sub-Contractors
301 5 Software to Manage Quoting
320 6 CRM -- Internal Instance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM
321 1 Liaison and consultation with module specialists at …
322 2 Compliance with Group standards
323 3 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
324 4 In-depth consultation with Client subject matter experts
325 5 Develop best practice standards for configuration
326 6 Develop Client module specific codes facilitated by JAR
327 7 Laboratory configuration and testing
328 1 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
329 2 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
330 3 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
331 4 Specify, document and test module processes
332 5 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
333 6 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution
334 7 Other CRM configuration and integration related activities
337 Total CRM -- Microsoft Dynamics CRM  
377 9 Proof of Delivery Documentation Management
394 Total Proof of Delivery Document Management
396 Total Specialist Modules    
399 7 Configuration and Integration of Finance and Administration Modules
400 1 Finance
401 1 General Ledger
402 1 Liaison and consultation with module specialists
403 2 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
404 3 In-depth consultation with Client subject matter experts
405 4 Develop best practice standards for configuration
406 5 Develop Client Chart of Accounts to JAR&A standards
407 6 Laboratory configuration and testing
408 1 General ledger integration must be tested with ALL modules with financial elements
409 2 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
410 3 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
411 4 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
412 5 Specify, document and test module processes
413 6 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
414 7 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution
415 7 Other General Ledger module configuration and integration related activities
418 Total General Ledger    
420 2 Accounts Receivable
421 1 Liaison and consultation with module specialists
422 2 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
423 3 In-depth consultation with Client subject matter experts
424 4 Develop best practice standards for configuration
425 5 Develop Client codes facilitated by JAR
426 6 Laboratory configuration and testing
427 1 Invoicing must integrate tightly with Financials
428 2 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
429 3 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
430 4 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
431 5 Specify, document and test module processes
432 6 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
433 7 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution
434 7 Other Accounts Receivable module configuration and integration related activities
437 Total Accounts Receivable    
439 3 Accounts Payable
440 1 Liaison and consultation with module specialists
441 2 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
442 3 In-depth consultation with Client subject matter experts
443 4 Develop best practice standards for configuration
444 5 Develop Client codes facilitated by JAR
445 6 Laboratory configuration and testing
446 1 Accounts payable must integrate tightly with invoicing with regard to payment of sub-contractors
447 2 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
448 3 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
449 4 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
450 5 Specify, document and test module processes
451 6 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
452 7 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution
453 7 Other Accounts Payable module configuration and integration related activities
456 Total Accounts Payable    
458 4 Cashbook
459 1 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
460 2 Develop Client codes facilitated by JAR
461 3 Laboratory configuration and testing
462 1 Identify any Client specific Cashbook requirements
463 2 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
464 3 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
465 4 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
466 5 Specify, document and test module processes
467 6 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
468 7 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution
469 4 Other Cashbook related configuration and integration activities
472 Total Cashbook    
474 5 Assets Register
475 1 Liaison and consultation with module specialists
476 2 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
477 3 In-depth consultation with Client subject matter experts
478 4 Develop best practice standards for configuration
479 5 Develop Client codes facilitated by JAR
480 6 Coordinate with Fleet Management and Business Management Modules
481 7 Laboratory configuration and testing
482 1 Assets Register must integrate tightly with Fleet Maintenance module and other related modules
483 2 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
484 3 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
485 4 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
486 5 Specify, document and test module processes
487 6 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
488 7 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution
489 8 Other Asset Register module related configuration and integration activities
492 Total Assets Register    
494 6 Other Finance
495 1 Activities as necessary to fully configure and commission other module/s -- list in same detail as above
498 Total Other Finance    
500 Total Finance    
502 2 Human Resources
503 1 Must integrate with other modules which tie in to personnel data
504 2 In-depth evaluation of proposed solution relative to existing product
505 3 Liaison and consultation with package specialists
506 4 Integration must be comprehensively proven with site references 
507 5 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
508 6 In-depth consultation with Client subject matter experts
509 7 Develop best practice standards for configuration
510 8 Develop Client module specific codes facilitated by JAR
511 1 Develop knowledge and experience (competence / skills) categorization
512 2 Develop other HR module specific codes
513 9 Coordinated with Business and other modules
514 10 Laboratory configuration and testing
515 1 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
516 2 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
517 3 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
518 4 Specify, document and test module processes
519 5 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
520 6 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution
521 11 Other Human Resource module configuration and integration related activities
524 Total Human Resources    
526 3 Payroll
527 1 Must integrate with Business and other modules which tie in to personnel data and cost data
528 2 In-depth evaluation of proposed solution relative to existing product -- 
529 3 Liaison and consultation with package specialists
530 4 Integration must be comprehensively proven with site references
531 5 Comprehensive walkthroughs of the module
532 6 In-depth consultation with Client subject matter experts
533 7 Develop best practice standards for configuration
534 8 Develop Client module specific codes facilitated by JAR
535 9 Coordinated with Estimating and Contract Costing
536 10 Laboratory configuration and testing
537 1 Develop workflows, standards, policies and protocols
538 2 Develop comprehensive statistically representative data and situation test pack
539 3 Configure in the Laboratory, test and refine
540 4 Specify, document and test module processes
541 5 Specify and develop module specific Computer Based Training material
542 6 Final presentation and walkthrough of entire solution with executives
543 11 Other Payroll module related configuration and integration activities
546 Total Payroll    
549 Total Finance and Administration  
552 8 Integrated Laboratory testing and laboratory simulation operation
553 1 Establishment of Laboratory
554 1 Detailed planning of integrated laboratory simulation programme
555 -- goal of the laboratory is to BREAK IT until IT cannot be broken
556 2 Specify laboratory facility
557 3 Procure equipment and establish laboratory facility
558 4 Collate and consolidate detailed statistically significant test packs for each module into one integrated test pack
561 Total Establishment of Laboratory  
563 2 Testing of individual modules
564 1 Commission and test individual modules in the laboratory as they become available -- see list above
567 Total Testing of invidiual modules -- details listed on a per module basis in preceding sections NOT included here
569 3 Test Integration
570 1 Test integration of modules as they become available
573 Total Testing of integration as modules become available
575 2 Testing and acceptance of the integrated solution
576 1 Technical integration
577 1 Technical testing of integrated solution until the entire solution works technically -- 3 iterations
578 2 Other activities necessary to get the integrated solution to a point where it can be utilized by the business team -- 3 iterations
580 2 Business operational integration
581 1 Operational testing of the integrated solution until the entire solution works at a business operational level -- 3 iterations
582 2 Other activities necessary to get the integrated solution to a point where it can be presented to executives -- 3 iterations
584 3 Simulation and review of integrated solution -- first iteration
585 1 Comprehensive simulation of live operation with small but statistically significant test data pack
586 2 Systematic presentation and walkthrough of entire solution with executives
587 3 Other activities relative to first iteration
589 4 Simulation and review of integrated solution -- second iteration
590 1 Revise, refine and optimise solution
591 2 Comprehensive simulation of live operation with small but statistically significant test data pack until ready to present to execs
592 3 Systematic presentation and walkthrough of entire solution with executives
593 4 Other activities relative to second iteration
595 5 Simulation and review of integrated solution -- third iteration
596 1 Revise, refine and optimise solution
597 2 Comprehensive simulation of live operation with small but statistically significant test data pack until ready to present to execs
598 3 Systematic presentation and walkthrough of entire solution with executives
599 4 Other activities relative to third iteration
602 Total Testing of Integrated Solution  
604 4 Development and testing of integrated reports and BI models, etc
605 1 Development of integrated reports -- 3 iterations with Executive review
606 2 Development of integrated BI reports, models and dashboards -- 3 iterations with executive review
607 3 Development of executive level strategic BI reports, models and dashboards -- 3 iterations with executive review
610 Total development and testing of integrated reports and BI models, etc
612 5 Specification, configuration, testing, refinement and documentation of integrated workflows and operating procedures
613 1 Specify and configure workflows and operating procedures -- iteration 1
614 1 Define workflows from executive level and document
615 2 Review and refine with management
616 3 Review and refine with operational personnel
617 4 Configure in the system
618 5 Walkthrough
620 2 Specify and configure workflows and operating procedures -- iteration 2
621 1 Define workflows from executive level and document
622 2 Review and refine with management
623 3 Review and refine with operational personnel
624 4 Configure in the system
625 5 Walkthrough
627 3 Specify and configure workflows and operating procedures -- iteration 3
628 1 Define workflows from executive level and document
629 2 Review and refine with management
630 3 Review and refine with operational personnel
631 4 Configure in the system
632 5 Walkthrough
634 4 Finalize and accept workflows
635 1 Management review
636 2 Executive review
637 3 Acceptance
640 Total specification, configuration, testing, refinement and documentation of integrated workflows
642 6 Development of training materials
643 1 Documentation of policies and standards -- 3 iterations
644 2 Development of user manuals -- 3 iterations
645 3 Development of Computer Based Training material with tests and performance measures with executive review -- 3 itns
646 4 Other activities necessary to develop a comprehensive training environment for the enterprise
649 Total development of training materials  
651 7 Training
652 1 Training of Operational Personnel
653 1 Overall system operation, integration impacts -- who is affected by what I do -- how the whole system fits together
654 2 Policies, standards, protocols, escalation, authories, etc
655  -- includes speed and accuracy of data capture for all personnel with significant keyboard input requirements
656 3 Touch typing test for all personnel responsible for significant keyboard input
657  -- touch typing classes for those who do not achieve a minimum standard of 20 words per minute at 99% accuracy
658  -- team must include an instructor
659 4 Training on CBT until reach required standard -- multiple repetitive cycles
660 5 Comprehensive operational simulation until all staff trained to level where they can migrate to new system easily --at least 3 itns
661 6 Other training related activities for operational personnel
662 7 Declaration of operational readiness
665 Total Training of Operational Personnel  
667 2 Training of Supervisory Personnel
668 1 Overall system operation, integration impacts -- who is affected by what I do -- how the whole system fits together
669 2 Policies, standards, protocols, escalation, authoriies, etc 
670  -- includes speed and accuracy of data capture for all personnel with significant keyboard input requirements where applicable
671 3 Touch typing test for all personnel responsible for significant keyboard input
672  -- touch typing classes for those who do not achieve a minimum standard of 20 words per minute at 99% accuracy
673 4 Training on CBT until reach required standard where applicable -- multiple repetitive cycles
674 5 Comprehensive training in conjunction with operational simulation until all supervisory staff are trained to a level where they 
675  can migrate to the new system easily -- at least 3 iterations
676 6 Other training related activities for supervisory personnel
677 7 Declaration of supervisory readiness
680 Total Training of Supervisory Personnel  
682 3 Training of Managers
683 1 Overall system operation, integration impacts -- who is affected by what I do -- how the whole system fits together
684 2 Policies, standards, protocols, escalation, authoriies, etc
685  -- includes speed and accuracy of data capture for all personnel with significant keyboard input requirements where applicable
686 3 Touch typing test for all personnel responsible for significant keyboard input
687  -- touch typing classes for those who do not achieve a minimum standard of 20 words per minute at 99% accuracy
688 4 Comprehensive training in conjunction with operational simulation until all managers are trained to a level where they
689 can migrate to the new system easily -- at least 3 iterations
690 5 Other training related activities for managers
691 6 Declaration of management readiness
694 Total Training of Managers    
696 Total Training    
698 8 Formal declaration of readiness to commence live operation -- issue certificate of readiness
699 1 Declaration by implementer Team Leader
700 2 Declaration by implementer Project Manager
701 3 Declaration by implementer Project Director
702 4 Declarations by Client Heads of Departments
703 5 Declaration by Client Project Facilitator
704 6 Declaration by Client Contract Manager
705 7 Declaration by Client Executive Sponsor
706 8 Approval by EXCO
707 9 Board approval
708 10 Partial Release of Retention
711 Total declaration of readiness to commence live operation
713 Total Integrated Laboratory testing and laboratory simulation operation
716 9 Custom Development -- lump sum budget provision -- all stages 3 iterations with Executive review
717  -- Custom development ONLY undertaken in extreme circumstances where it is essential to support core strategic differentiators
718  -- It is expected that Precision Configuration that accurately models the real world will minimize the need for custom development
719 1 Propose possible custom development
720 2 Concept specification
721 3 Develop business case
722 4 Review and refine business case
723 5 Formal approval
724 6 Detailed specification
725 7 Development
726 8 Testing
727 9 Acceptance
728 10 Deployment in the Laboratory
729 11 Comprehensive integrated testing -- break it until it cannot be broken -- 3 iterations
730 12 Other custom development activities
733 Total Custom Development -- lump sum provision
736 10 Overall System Integration
737 -- Impacts all systems, modules and components
738 1 Develop comprehensive integration schema
739 2 Develop coding standards for integration
740 3 Develop operational "way of working" standards for integration
741 4 Develop test packs for integration
742 5 Oversee all aspects of integration testing in the Laboratory
743 6 Certify that integration is fully tested and ready for deployment
744 7 Other integration activities
747 Total Overall System Integration  
750 11 General System Requirements
751 -- Impacts all systems, modules and components
752 1 Multi-company and multi-currency operation
753 2 Remote connectivity or batch synchronization for isolated areas
754 3 Simulate cross-border operation including interfacing with third party systems such as customs and clearing
755 4 Simulate operation in remote areas
756 5 Other general system functionality and capability activities
759 Total General System Requirements
762 12 Operational commissioning and ramp-up to formal handover including fine tuning and bedding down
763 1 Develop detailed commissioning plan at the level of each business unit and each functional area -- exec review -- 3 itns
766 Total planning for operational commissioning
768 2 Commissioning in xxx2
769 1 Pre-commissioning communication and change facilitation per area commissioned
770  -- what we are going to do -- what we are doing -- what we have done
771  -- note that "support" includes hot-line support
772 2 Support for one week prior to commissioning
773 3 Support over the 48 hours covering commissioning
774 4 Support for next five business days
775 5 Support for the next 15 business days
776 6 Additional support over first month end
777 7 Support for the next fiscal month
778 8 Support for the next three fiscal months
779 9 Support for the next six fiscal months
780 10 Additional support over first year end
781 11 Additional support for first three months after year end
782 12 Other support
785 Total Commissioning in xxx2    
787 3 Commissioning in xxx1
788 1 Pre-commissioning communication and change facilitation per area commissioned
789  -- what we are going to do -- what we are doing -- what we have done
790  -- note that "support" includes hot-line support
791 2 Support for one week prior to commissioning
792 3 Support over the 48 hours covering commissioning
793 4 Support for next five business days
794 5 Support for the next 15 business days
795 6 Additional support over first month end
796 7 Support for the next fiscal month
797 8 Support for the next three fiscal months
798 9 Support for the next six fiscal months
799 10 Additional support over first year end
800 11 Additional support for first three months after year end
801 12 Other support
804 Total Commissioning in xxx1    
806 4 Commissioning at xxx3 -- very limited scope
807 1 Pre-commissioning communication and change facilitation per area commissioned
808  -- what we are going to do -- what we are doing -- what we have done
809  -- note that "support" includes hot-line support
810 2 Support for one week prior to commissioning
811 3 Support over the 48 hours covering commissioning
812 4 Support for next five business days
813 5 Support for the next 15 business days
814 6 Additional support over first month end
815 7 Other support
818 Total Commissioning in xxx3    
820 5 Formal declaration of project completion and final handover to Client
821 1 Declaration by implementer Team Leader
822 2 Declaration by implementer Project Manager
823 3 Declaration by implementer Project Director
824 4 Declarations by Client Heads of Departments
825 5 Declaration by Client Project Facilitator
826 6 Declaration by Client Contract Manager
827 7 Declaration by Client Executive Sponsor
828 8 Approval by EXCO
829 9 Board approval
830 10 System is now in full, stable operation
831 11 Formal handover event
832 12 Release of Retention
835 Total declaration of project completion and formal handover
837 Total Operational Commissioning, Ramp-Up and Handover
840 13 Operational support per 12 month period from anniversary of handover
841 1 Ongoing support
842 2 System elaboration
843 3 Upgrades
844 4 Other operational support
846 Total Operational support first year of full operation
849 14 Contingency
850 1 Implementer discretion contingency if required by bidder
851 2 Client discretion contingency only released with Client approval
            Grand Totals    
I the undersigned …………………………………….. (name) hereby certify that this schedule has been rigorously quality controlled and represents the definitive pricing for Professional Services for the Client Business System and ERP Project and confirm that …………………………………… (name of company) will deliver the required solution for the prices shown here on a fixed price per component basis with a tolerance of 10%, that is that the final offer price will not be more than 10% greater than the price above -- for Stage 1 of the bid process

Download 06 System Procurement Bill of Services in Microsoft Excel xlsx format

07 Bid Compliance Checklist

The Bid Compliance Checklist is designed to ensure that bid documents are complete and that bidders comply with prescribed requirements.  Bidder are required to initial each item to confirm compliance and reference to the documents that underpin the specific point where this is applicable


  Item       Description            
  1 Stage 1 Screening
    Failure to supply or comply with any of these items may result in the offer being disqualified from further consideration
  1 1 Present at First Briefing (NOT mandatory for Implementers)
  1 2 Present at Second Briefing
  1 2 Present at Third Briefing
  1 4 Offer documents received on time
  1 5 Covering letter clearly stating the name of the firm and the names, address and telephone number of the proposers representative
  1 6 List of all sub-contractors and associates who form part of the bid and identifying the Prime Contractor
  1 7 Afidavit from the Prime Contractor accepting full legal accountability in terms of the Offer relating to the Request for Proposal
     for the conduct and delivery of ALL sub-contractors and the Software Vendor and signed by a Director of the Company
  1 8 Letters from ALL sub-contractors and the software vendor confirming commitment to the leadership of the Prime Contractor
  1 9 Supporting documentation from each sub-contractor
  1 10 Board or EXCO resolution mandating the bidding director to bind the Prime Contractor
  1 11 Proof of annual turnover and balance sheet of the Prime Contractor in support of their ability to under-write a fixed price contract
  1 12 All pages in the submission are numbered and there is a page number index
  1 13 Five copies of the proposal (including a CD with electronic copies)
  2 Stage 2 Screening -- Preparatory for In-Depth Evaluation
    Failure to supply any of these items may result in the offer being disqualified
  2 1 General
  2 1 1 Formal proposal with regard to safe guarding the interests of Client on a sustainable long term basis
  2 1 2 Written confirmation that the full Request for Proposal including Appendices has been read and understood and
    and that the solution offered will FULLY satisfy these requirements OR schedule of items that will NOT be catered for
  2 1 3 One copy of the Request for Proposal plus Appendices initialed on every page by a director of the bidding organization and
    also by other parties where appropriate
  2 1 4 Formal written confirmation that the specification has been read, understood and accepted
  2 1 5 Activity time schedule (Gantt Chart) provided with work breakdown structure in accordance with the Bill of Services
  2 1 6 Any other information requested by Client during the bid preparation period
  2 1 7 Acceptance that Client is not responsible for any costs incurred by proposers in submitting tender bids
  2 1 8 Acceptance that Client reserves the right to visit the premises of the proposer if deemed necessary.
  2 1 9 Acceptance that false information may result in exclusion from the bid process
  2 1 10 Acceptance that a short listing approach MAY be followed and short listed bidders may be required to provide additional information
    and present their offering  in a format and at a date and time to be agreed with short list candidates.
  2 1 11 Written Guarantee that with proper configuration the software will fully meet the requirement
    and undertaking that any unforseen customization in order to fit the business will be for the Implementers account
  2 1 12 Written Guarantee that the software will be supported for 20 years
  2 1 13 Written undertaking that Implementer accepts legal accountability for advice
  2 1 14 Letter from Insurer confirming Professional Indemnity Insurance cover to an appropriate level is in place
  2 1 15 Written undertaking by Vendor that they are willing to sign a legally enforceable go-live clearance certificate and acceptance of damages
    and undertaking with regard to remediation of mission critical defects once go-live certificate is issued
  2 1 16 Written undertaking by Implementer that they are willing to sign a legally enforceable go-live clearance certificate and acceptance of damages
    and undertaking with regard to damages relating to failure or sub-optimal performance after go-live certificate is issued
  3 2 Cost Proposal and Supporting Documentation
  3 2 1 Signed summary of total software and Bill of Services fee cost proposal in the Spreadsheet supplied by Client
  3 2 2 Signed detailed Bill of Services cost proposal in the Spreadsheet supplied by Client
  3 2 3 List of assumptions made in the Bill of Services
  3 2 4 Summary of professional fee rates for standard work, standing time and travelling outside of xxx per staff designation in the schedule supplied
  3 2 5 Travelling rate per kilometer and any other costs outside of xxx
  3 2 6 Discussion of items in the Request for Proposal that drive costs by more than R25,000 and suggestions, if any, to mitigate cost
  3 2 7 Schedule of any other costs that may not be catered for above
  3 A proposal that does not contain detailed pricing will be disqualified
  3 2 8 Confirmation that the offer includes all the following: a. Provide software b. Detailed analysis 
    of the exact requirement c. Gap analysis of standard software versus requirement d. Customize if 
    necessary to fit the software to the requirement (zero customization is preferred) e. Technical and 
    business testing of the customization f. Configure software to fit requirement g. Conduct a formal
     laboratory test of the configuration and optimize as necessary h. Commission and implement the
     software i. Training of Client staff in all aspects of the operation of the software j. Hands-on 
    support as required k. Hot-line support as required l. Ongoing support and maintenance of the
     software m. Upgrades and updates n. Additions and alterations to the software as required.
  4 3 Track Record and Proposed Team
  4 3 1 Documents evidencing track record of bidding organization / organizations
  4 3 2 CV's of proposed team members supplied
  4 3 3 Confirmation that the requirements with regard to availability of proposed team members have been accepted
  4 3 4 Names of key team members to be available for short list presentation
  4 3 5 Agreement that named key members are to be contracted for the duration of the project subject to commencement by agreed date
    must be signed by the organization and the team members in person
  4 3 6 Confirmation of ability to meet the requirement
  4 3 7 Evidence of the proposer's capability to deliver this technology solution
  5 4 Proposal with regard to each of the Major Components of the Requirement
  5 A clear and comprehensive response to each of the points that follow setting out how the requirement will be satisfied and
  5 and suggestions for alternative solutions
  5 The following high level structure, mirrored throughout the Request for Proposal must form the basis of all planning and bidding
  5 4 0 Comments on Overall Contracting Approach and suggestions for improvement
  5 4 1 Finalization of bid -- detailed planning, contracting, etc
  5 4 2 Establishment
  5 4 3 Project Management and Change Facilitation
  5 4 3 1 Project Management
  5 4 3 2 Change Facilitation
  5 4 4 Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence
  5 4 4 1 Data warehouse database, extract, transform, load, etc
  5 4 4 2 Business Intelligence Software
  5 4 Basic Reporting
  5 4 Advanced Reporting
  5 4 Models
  5 4 Dashboards
  5 4 Other Recommended Elements
  5 4 5 Client Business Management Related Software
  5 4 5 1 Overall Client Business Management Solution
  5 4 5 2 Manage Asset Utilization and Turnaround
  5 4 5 2 1 Asset Utilization and Turnaround
  0 4 6 Other Specialist Modules
  0 4 6 1 Software to Manage Asset Operating Costs -- interfacing with third party systems
  0 4 6 6 CRM -- Microsoft Dynamics instance for internal use at Client
  0 4 6 9 Proof of Delivery Document Management 
  0 4 7 Finance and Administration Modules
  0 4 7 1 Finance
  0 4 7 2 Human Resources (incumbent = ...)
  0 4 7 3 Payroll (incumbent = ...)
  0 4 8 Laboratory
  0 4 9 Custom Development
  0 4 10 Overall System Integration Requirements
  0 4 11 Operational commissioning and ramp-up
  0 4 12 Operational support
  0 4 13 Contingency
  0 4 14 Other items NOT catered for elsewhere
  6 Confirmation of Comprehensiveness of Offer -- includes ALL of the following
  6 1 Ongoing Executive Liaison
  6 2 Establishment
  6 3 Project Management
  6 4 Change Facilitation
  6 5 Provide all offered software
  6 6 Detailed analysis of the exact requirement
  6 7 Gap analysis of standard software versus requirement
  6 8 Establish and operate Laboratory
  6 9 Configure software to fit requirement
  6 10 Customize if necessary to fit the software to the requirement (zero customization is preferred)
  6 11 Technical and business testing of the customization
  6 12 Formal laboratory testing of the configuration and optimize as necessary
  6 13 Establish Data Warehouse
  6 14 Develop Data Warehouse Extract Transform Load (ETL)
  6 15 Develop and document workflow (process) standards
  6 16 Develop reports
  6 17 Develop Business Intelligence models
  6 18 Develop training material including Computer Based Training
  6 19 Training in all aspects of the operation of the software
  6 20 Formal issue of Certificate of Readiness for Live Operation
  6 21 Commission and implement the software
  6 22 Hands-on support as required
  6 23 Hot-line support as required
  6 24 Ongoing support and maintenance of the software
  6 25 Upgrades and updates
  6 26 Additions and alterations to the software as required.
  6 27 All other services required to achieve a stable, robust, high value sustainable outcome
  7 Other Points and Reminders
  7 1 Assist with the cleansing of Master Data.  The level of effort expected from Client personnel to be clearly spelt out in the proposal
  7 2 Assist with take-on of Master Data, opening balances and other data to be transferred from the existing systems.
    Recommended approach clearly discussed in the proposal
  7 3 Assist with verification of take-on data.  Level of involvement to be clearly spelt out in the proposal
  7 4 Provide standard software maintenance, updates and enhancements in perpetuity
     Vendors are required to declare the annual license fees for the first five years and thereafter the maximum year on year license fee increase
  7 5 Proposed Client Undertakings to Balance Fixed Price noted and accepted
  7 6 Bidders may suggest alternate or additional measures if they consider it appropriate
  7 7 The lead Implementer Solution Architect responsible for designing the configuration must be highly experienced and be able to
  7 8 operate comfortably at the Executive level and evidence strategic thinking abilities at a level that ensures that the final solution is
    strategically appropriate and meets long term strategic goals
  7 9 Submission of an offer constitutes an implicit guarantee that in the event of it being found that the standard package does NOT fully meet the
    requirement, the standard package will be modified by the vendor as required or custom development undertaken around the standard 
    at no extra cost
  7 10 Implementers are invited to make suggestions for improvement. With regard to project governance, roles and project meetings
  7 11 Client shall NOT be liable for any costs incurred by bidding organizations in participating in the bidding process;
  7 12 Where it is necessary to integrate with existing systems then appropriate provisions must be made in the Bill of Services and an appropriate 
    contractual agreement with that party must be supplied as part of the Offer Pack 
  7 13 Acceptance of each review cycle of specifications, testing or any other iterative refinement process will include a formal declaration by both the
    Client team members involved AND the Implementer team members involved that the iteration has been thoroughly and 
    rigorously executed – both sides will face sanction if it is found that this declaration is unfounded
Name of Bidding Organization
Name of Authorized Signatory of Bidding Organization
I hereby certify that the bid pack includes ALL the above items
with the exclusion of the items noted and that we comply with the items
set out above with the exclusion of items noted and that we accept all terms
that we have initialed in the YES column

Download 07 Bid Compliance Checklist in Microsoft Excel xlsx format

08 Bid Adjudication Score Sheet


The Bid Adjudication Score Sheet is a set of weighted factors designed to focus the adjudication team on those requirements that are CRITICAL to the success of the project measured in terms of Business Outcome.  Factors are determined in close consultation with the client Chief Executive and Executive Team



Scoring Calculations


Score Sheet Lines


  Item     Description          
  1 Level of Confidence in Sustainability of Software Investment
  1 1 Size of Software Company Internationally  
  1 2 Size of xxxn presence    
  1 3 Guarantee of support for 20 years  
  1 4 Recognize Right to Maintain and Repair  
  1 5 Willingness to place source code in Escrow or other measures to guarantee sustainability
    Total / Avg -- Level of Confidence in Sustainability of Software Investment
  2 Track Record and Credibility of Implementer and Core Client Business Management System
  2 1 Size of Implementer in xxx  
  2 2 Willingness to be held accountable legally & financially --  Professional Indemnity Insurance
  2 3 Track Record with organizations similar to Client  
  2 4 Track Record in Client Business  
  2 5 Track Record in xxx xxx    
  2 6 Capacity and Ability to support throughout xxx xxx  
  2 7 Track Record of the Core Business System Software Offering in Client Business Globally
  2 8 Track Record of the Core Business System Software Offering in Client Business in xxx
    Total / Avg -- Track Record and Credibility of Implementer
  3 Headline Business Requirements
  3 1 Single Prime Contractor – Integrator / Implementer -- fully accountable
  3 3 Ability to interface / integrate with the full diversity of third party systems required throughout xxx
  3 7 Software to manage xxx  – must share data with customers
  3 11 Off-the-shelf recognized brand accounting modules (ERP) -- must be a mainstream brand
    Total Headline Business Requirements  
  4 General Project Requirements -- Comprehensiveness of Offering and Goodness of Fit
  4 0 Comments on Overall Contracting Approach and suggestions for improvement              
  4 1 Ability to accommodate poor electronic communication in xxx              
  4 2 Finalization of bid -- detailed planning, contracting, etc              
  4 3 Establishment              
  4 4 Project Management and Change Facilitation
  4 4 1 Project Management    
  4 4 2 Change Facilitation    
  4 5 Operational commissioning and ramp-up              
  4 6 Operational support              
  4 7 Contingency              
  4 8 Other items NOT catered for elsewhere              
    Total General Project Requirements -- Comprehensiveness of Offering and Goodness of Fit                
  5 Data Warehouse, Lab & Custom Dev -- Comprehensiveness of Offering and Goodness of Fit
  5 1 Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence
  5 1 1 Basic Reporting      
  5 1 2 Advanced Reporting    
  5 1 3 Models          
  5 1 4 Dashboards        
  5 1 5 Other Recommended Elements  
  5 2 Laboratory
  5 2 1 Operation of Laboratory in accordance with Client Business Holding requirements
  5 2 2 Total solution integration  
  5 2 3 Computer Based Training software  
  5 3 Custom Development    
  5 4 Overall System Integration Requirements  
  5 5 General System Requirements  
    Total Data Warehouse, Lab & Custom Dev -- Comprehensiveness of Offering & Goodness Fit                
  6 Client Business Specific Modules -- Comprehensiveness of Offering & Goodness of Fit
  6 1 Overall Client Business Management Solution  
  6 2 Manage Truck Utilization and Turnaround  
  6 2 1 Truck Utilization and Turnaround  
  6 2 2 Operations Board    
  6 2 3 Interface with Vehicle Tracking Systems  
  6 2 4 Vehicle Milestone Monitoring and Reporting including alerts
  6 2 5 Load Broking to Sub-Contractors  
    Total Client Business Specific Modules -- Comprehensiveness of Offering & Goodness of Fit                
  7 Other Specialist Modules -- Comprehensiveness of Offering & Goodness of Fit
  6 1 Software to          
    Other Specialist Modules -- Comprehensiveness of Offering & Goodness of Fit
  8 Finance and Administration Modules -- Comprehensiveness of Offering & Goodness of Fit
  8 1 Finance
  8 1 1 General Ledger      
    Operate in Numerous Countries with transactions in multiple currencies to a single GL
    Contract Accounting / Divisional Reporting / Vehicle Costings
  8 1 2 Accounts Receivable    
  8 1 3 Invoicing including linkage to payment of Sub-Contractors
  8 1 4 Rates        
    Other Accounts Receivable  
  8 1 5 Accounts Payable    
  8 1 6 Cashbook        
  8 1 7 Assets Register      
  8 1 8 Other Finance      
  8 2 Human Resources      
  8 3 Payroll            
    Total Finance and Administration Modules -- Comprehensiveness of Offering & Goodness Fit                
  Weighted Score            
Name of Bidding Organization
Name of Authorized Signatory of Bidding Organization
I hereby certify that we have taken note of the above and that our proposal
addresses all these factors insufficient detail for them to be evaluated

Download 08 Bid Adjudication Score Sheet in Microsoft Excel xlsx format

08b System Procurement Gut Feel Factors

A rating sheet that takes account of the softer, gut feel issues in adjudicating the tender, this is in addition to the highly structured and very formal Adjudication Schedule that I provide and the formal Tender presentation standards that are laid down in the Request for Proposal master document

Very rough draft for discussion, weights are illustrative
Integrated Business Information System Procurement
Gut Feel Factors
For: Product and Implementer : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
By: Name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Item Factor Weight Score Weighted Score
1 Do I trust this Prime Contractor and think we can work well with them? -- does my GUT FEEL say they can deliver? -- as long term partners? 15 10.0 1.5
2 Do I trust this core xxx software product and software company and think they will work well with us as long term partners? -- does my GUT FEEL say this IS THE product? 8 10.0 0.8
3 Am I satisfied that they REALLY understand the critical issues? -- xxx, xxx? 10 10.0 1.0
4 Am I really satisfied that they REALLY have the required capacity to give us first class service and deploy an A team? 13 10.0 1.3
5 Am I satisifed that their pricing is honest, fair, realistic and competitive? -- for their product in our business? 16 10.0 1.6
6 Can I see a clear value proposition for their services with their product in our business? 18 10.0 1.8
7 Am I willing to put my signature to a recommendation that this is the right service provider and product for our business for the next 20 years? 20 10.0 2.0
  AVERAGE / TOTAL 100 10.0 10.0

Download 08b System Procurement Gut Feel Factors in Microsoft Excel xlsx format

09 Table of Contents of Submission

The Table of Contents of the Tender Submission is prescribed in detail in order to ensure that different bids can be lined up against one another and accurately compared

Table of Contents for Offer Document Pack


Offer Volume 1

Detailed Offer

The offer is to be presented in large Lever-Arch files (5 sets) with the following contents – files and sections are to be numbered in accordance with this schedule.  The pages in the entire file set are to be numbered on a per section basis with a Table of Contents referring to these page numbers.  Page numbers may be handwritten.

This document is for the convenience of bidders and to ensure that all bid documents are structured in a similar manner for ease of evaluation.  In the event of a documentation requirement specified elsewhere not being catered for here, that requirement can either be catered for in the comments on individual bid pack documents or in the Other Documents section, Section 6 of this document.

The pricing schedule in the form of the fully completed Bill of Services and the Software Schedule are to be bound as a separate A3 volume.

The entire document pack is also to be supplied electronically on CD (5 CDs – 1 per document set) with the same structure as this Table of Contents with all items in Adobe pdf format.

The Excel spreadsheets for schedules prepared in Excel must be on the CD as well as in pdf format. 


1. Contractual Summary

The core contractual documents that summarize the entire offer

1.1 Covering Letter

Covering letter including contact details of bidding company, bid company contact person, etc


1.2 Signed Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement


1.3 Overview of the Offer

A few pages setting out the offer in summary highlighting the key elements of the offer and what differentiates it


1.4 Financial Summary of the Offer

A concise document setting out the commercial proposal and headlines of the offer.


1.5 Table of Contents of the entire file set with page numbers (pages can be manually numbered)


1.6 Certificate of Compliance and Acceptance

Certificate by a Director of the bid company signifying compliance with the terms of the bid and acceptance of the terms of the bid – see template provided in Section 10 of this file.


1.7 Board / EXCO Resolution

Resolution by the Board or Executive Committee of the Prime Contractor mandating the Bidding Director to contract the Bid Company.


1.8 Summary Financial Statements for Bidding Company (or copy of Annual Report)

Summary Financial Statements or Annual Report to demonstrate that the Bidding Company has the financial muscle and balance sheet to underwrite its offer.


1.9 Formal Proposal with regard to safe guarding Client Interests with regard to a twenty year investment life

Document that addresses the issues of sustainability of the software investment for a minimum of 20 years and the Right to Maintain and Repair is recognized.


1.10 Confirmation that the Request for Proposal document has been read and understood


1.11 Confirmation that the Headline Requirements Specification document has been read and understood


1.12 Gantt Chart for the project


2.  Further Contractual Information

Further contractual documents relating to the offer:

      2.1 Other information requested during the bid process


2.2 Written guarantee that with proper configuration the software will meet the requirement


2.3 Written guarantee that the Implementer carries Professional Indemnity insurance sufficient for a project of this magnitude and accepts the role of trusted professional advisor – letter from insurer


2.4 Written guarantee by Implementer that they will sign a legally enforceable go-live readiness certificate and will accept liability if configuration related issues cause commissioning damage


2.5 Written guarantee by Software Vendor/s that they will sign a legally enforceable go-live readiness certificate and will accept liability if software related issues cause commissioning damage


2.6 Software Cost Summary

Schedule listing all software proposed, whether it is a core offering or a third party specialist add-on product and names of specialist team to support the software.

The detailed schedule is to be bound with the Bill of Services as an A3 document


2.7 Bill of Services Cost Summary

Signed Bill of Services Summary containing the FINAL offer price – use Excel schedule provided – the main schedule is to be submitted as a separate A3 bound document


2.8 Assumptions made in the Bill of Services Costing


2.9 Hardware Cost Summary

Schedule listing all hardware proposed


2.10 Schedule of Software License Costs for the first five years

Annual license fees for software for first five years and maximum annual increase thereafter


2.11 Schedule of Team Members and Rates

Schedule listing the Key Team Members who will form the backbone of the team and confirming that they will be bound to the contract subject to commencement of work on the advertised date.  This schedule must also list the rates for the team members.  Details regarding team members are to be provided in section 3.


2.12 Signed and Completed Bid Compliance Checklist

Signed and initialed schedule Bid Compliance Checklist.  Every item in the Bid Compliance Checklist must be initialed, either in the “Yes” column to signify compliance or the presence of the required item or in the “No” column to signify non-compliance or the absence of the item or non-acceptance.

Client reserves the right to disqualify any offer that contains items excluded on the Compliance Checklist or elsewhere.


2.13 Signed Bid Adjudication Form

Rating form signed to signify that the basis of adjudication has been noted and taken into account in the proposal and that all items on the schedule have been addressed


2.14 RFP Exclusions

Document listing any items in the RFP that the bidder is NOT prepared or able to comply with and, where appropriate, suggesting alternative terms or measures.

Bidders must be aware that Exclusions or Non-Compliance may result in the bid being disqualified.


2.15  Exclusions from Headline Requirements Specification

Document listing any items in the Headline Requirements Specification that the bidder is NOT prepared or able to comply with and, where appropriate, suggesting alternative terms or measures.

Bidders must be aware that Exclusions or Non-Compliance may result in the bid being disqualified.


2.16 Bill of Services Exclusions

Document listing any items in the Bill of Services that the bidder is NOT prepared or able to comply with and, where appropriate, suggesting alternative terms or measures.

Bidders must be aware that Exclusions or Non-Compliance may result in the bid being disqualified.


2.17 Software Schedule Exclusions

Document listing any items in the Software Schedule that the bidder is NOT prepared or able to comply with and, where appropriate, suggesting alternative terms or measures.

Bidders must be aware that Exclusions or Non-Compliance may result in the bid being disqualified.


2.18 Exclusions from the Reference Documents Pack

Document listing any items in the Reference Documents Pack that the bidder is NOT prepared or able to comply with and, where appropriate, suggesting alternative terms or measures.

Bidders must be aware that Exclusions or Non-Compliance may result in the bid being disqualified.

3. Bid Professional Team

Contractual documentation relating to all professional team members – for the first round of bidding only the senior team members are required:

3.1 Implementer Project Director

3.1.1 Certificate of Commitment

Certificate signed by the Prime Contractor and the team member binding the team member to the project for the duration of the contract – template provided.


3.1.2 Summary

One page summary of why this person has been put forward for this role.


3.1.3 CV


3.1.4 Other supporting documentation


3.2 Implementer Team Leader

Sections as above.


3.3 Implementer Project Manager if different to Team Leader

Sections as above.


3.4 Implementer Strategic Solution Architect

Sections as above.


3.5 Implementer Transportation Team Leader

Sections as above.


3.6 Implementer Finance and ERP Team Leader

Sections as above.


3.7 Other team members -- Provisional

The remaining names are to be put forward on a provisional basis with the understanding that their availability may change prior to award of the contract and they may be substituted.  These names are provided to substantiate that the bidder has the resources to fully undertake the project.


4. Details of the Core Software Offering

Information relating to the core offering.

4.1 Certificate of Compliance

Certificate stating that based on the available knowledge the software proposed is capable of meeting the requirements of Client – use template provided.


4.2 Overview of the Product Suite on a Module by Module Basis

Follow the hierarchy used in the Request for Proposal


4.3 Detailed Information on a Module by Module Basis

5. Details of the ERP and Finance Software Offering

Information relating to the ERP and Finance offering.

5.1 Certificate of Compliance

Certificate stating that based on the available knowledge the software proposed is capable of meeting the requirements of Client – use template provided.


5.2 Overview of the Product Suite on a Module by Module Basis

Follow the hierarchy used in the Request for Proposal


5.3 Detailed Information on a Module by Module Basis

6. Third Party Software and Associated Professional Teams

Contractual documentation relating to all third party software contributions proposed

6.1 Module Name – Software Product Name – Support Company Name

6.1.1 Certificate of compliance

Certificate signed by the lead contractor and the sub-contractor binding the software company and the service provider to the project and confirming that the software meets the headline requirements as far as can be determined – use template provided.


6.1.2 Overview of the software and service

Why this product has been put forward and the qualifications and experience of the implementers.


6.1.3 Detailed information on the professional team


6.1.4 Detailed information on the software


6.2 Ditto for the next third party module, etc


7. Other Information

Any other information that bidders consider appropriate or that is requested elsewhere and not explicitly provided for here.


8. Full document set on CD

A full set of the offer documentation, including the initialed copies, is to be provided on CD at the end of the main offer volume – there must be a CD in each of the five sets.


Offer Volume 2

Detailed Bill of Services and Software Schedule in Separate Binder in A3 format


Detailed Bill of Services and detailed Software Schedule bound in a separate A3 ring binder or file.

These schedules may be enhanced by the addition of additional rows and columns in designated locations in order to ensure that the offer is properly documented such that these schedules can form a key component of the final contract.

Comments and additional lines and columns required to align the methods of the bidder with the structure required by Client are to be inserted in the masters of the Bill of Services and Schedule of Software.

The hard copy documents in the Master set must be signed in full on the last page and initialed on every page.  The other sets can contain photocopies.

Copies of the spreadsheets must be supplied on the disk referred to above.


Offer Volume 3

Annotated Copies of Documentation

Bidders will be supplied with electronic copies of all the documents making up the Client Request for Proposal and are required to comment in highlighted text boxes within the body of these documents in terms of the details of their offer, how the offer complies, concerns they may have, etc

1.  Annotated Copy of the Request for Proposal

Annotated copy of the Request for Proposal – bidders will receive a copy of the document in MSWord format and are required to insert highlighted text boxes as appropriate in which they offer comments and responses in terms of how their offer will comply with the specific item to which the annotation refers.

These comments are only required where the other documentation does not address a particular point.


2.  Annotated Copy of the Headline Requirements Specification

Annotated copy of the Headline Requirements – bidders will receive a copy of the document in MSWord format and are required to insert highlighted text boxes as appropriate in which they offer comments and responses in terms of how their offer will comply with the specific item to which the annotation refers.


3.  Annotated Copy of the Reference Documents Pack

Annotated copy of the Reference Documents Pack – bidders will receive a hard copy of the document set and an electronic set on CD.

Bidders are required to insert notes as appropriate on the Reference Pack schedule in terms of how their offer will comply with the specific item to which the annotation refers or where there are exceptions or exclusions or suggested alternative approaches.


Offer Volume 4

Signed copies of the entire Request for Proposal Pack

Bidders are required to submit a copy of the Client Request for Proposal Pack signed in full on the front cover and initialed on every page of EVERY DOCUMENT to signify acceptance.

The copy with original signatures must be in a clearly marked “Master Set” – the other sets can contain photocopies.

Scanned copies of each of these signed documents are to be included on the Offer CD.

Download 09 Table of Contents of Submission in Microsoft Word docx format

10 Certificates for Use on the Project

A selection of tough Certificates designed to focus ALL parties attention on accountability for outcome, rigour and quality of work, create a platform for tough contractual responses in the event of non-performance.  Please consult your legal advisor in terms of exact wording in your jurisdiction

Certificates to be used on the Project


The documents contained in this section comprise two elements:

1.  Documents to be used in submitting proposals.  All the documents in this section are final and are to be used in submitting the offer.

2.  Proposed documents to be used during the project.  All the documents in this section are drafts for discussion and to be reviewed and refined in consultation with the successful bidder.

The same basic approach will be used for any other Certificates that are found to be required or may be identified during the project.

Bidders are permitted to suggest refinements to wording and approach.

Table of Contents

1.  Documents to be used in submitting proposals

Certificate of Compliance to be signed by the Bidder Executive responsible for the offer – preferably the Chief Executive -- 4

Certificate of Availability of Nominated Team Member -- 6

Certificate of Compliance of Core Construction Management Software Suite -- 7

Certificate of Compliance and Commitment of Sub-Contractor or Specialist Software Vendor and Implementers -- 8

2.  Proposed documents to be used during the project

Client Domain Experts Team Certificate of Completion of a Document Review Iteration -- 10

Client Domain Experts Team Certificate of Completion of a Testing Iteration -- 12

Certificate of Readiness to Commission -- 14

Certificate of Readiness to Handover – 17

1.  Documents to be used in submitting proposals.

Certificate of Compliance to be signed by the Bidder Executive responsible for the offer – preferably the Chief Executive

I the undersigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (Full Names)

Identity Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

being a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Position)

of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Name of Company)

hereby declare that:

1.  I have been mandated by the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of Mandating Body) to submit this offer to Client;

2.  That our personnel have engaged with and understood the Request for Proposal, Headline Requirements Specification, Bill of Services, Schedule of Software, Collection of Reference Documents and all other documents in the Client Request for Proposal document pack and that our offer fully complies / complies subject to the stated exceptions (Delete whichever is NOT applicable);

3.  That . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of Company) is fully capable of, and committed to, supplying these services in compliance with the stated terms and conditions and is willing to contractually bind itself to these conditions and price subject to the stated exclusions;

4.  That . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of Company) accepts full accountability for the conduct of all sub-contractors / partners / other parties that form part of its offer;

5.  That . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of Company) has negotiated with the Team Members who are core to this offer in order to ensure that they are willing to bind themselves to this project for the duration of the project and that Certificates to this effect are attached;

6.  That in the event that  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of Company) has misrepresented its knowledge, experience or the suitability of the software offered that we will cause Client considerable damage in terms of wasted time and effort, business disruption and other factors and that we accept liability for such damages;

7.  We understand that any exclusions from the Request for Proposal or Requirements may disqualify our offer.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name)

SIGNED at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .  on this the . . . .  day of . . . . . . . . . . . 2014


Certificate of Availability of Nominated Team Member

I the undersigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (Full Names)

Identity Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . .

being a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Position)

with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .(Name of Company)

hereby declare that:

1.     I am available to fill the role set out in the offer to Client;

2.    I understand that by engaging with me Client will make a substantial investment in time and cost on their part in order to ensure that I understand their business and the proposed solution in order that I may perform my role and that, in the event of my leaving during the course of the project Client will suffer significant inconvenience and that unbudgeted time and cost will be incurred in ensuring transfer of the knowledge that I have gained to a replacement;

3.    I confirm that I have no intention of leaving the employ of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Name of Company)

4.    That irrespective of developments on or off the project I hereby commit myself to the Project at the Level of involvement set out in the Bid Documents for the duration of the Project.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name)

Signed at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .   on this the . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . 2014


Certificate of Compliance of Core Construction Management Software Suite

I the undersigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (Full Names)

Identity Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

being a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Position)

with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Name of Software Company)

hereby declare that:

1.    The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Name of Software Suite) offered is entirely suitable for application in the Client business;

2.   We understand that by purchasing / licensing our software Client will make a substantial investment in time and cost on their part in order to implement the software and that, in the event that our software is NOT a good fit they will incur substantial and ongoing costs and business risk

3.     We accept that should such losses be incurred that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Name of Software Company) will be liable for damages concomitant with the extra costs incurred.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name)

Signed at . . . . . . .  . . . . . .   on this the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 2014


Certificate of Compliance and Commitment of Sub-Contractor or Specialist Software Vendor and Implementers

I the undersigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . .   (Full Names)

Identity Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

being a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Position)

with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .(Name of Company)

hereby declare that:

1.    Our software fully / partially (Delete whichever is NOT applicable) meets the requirements set out in Section . . . . . . . of the Requirements Specification relating to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Description in the RFP Documentation)

2.    We accept that  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of  Prime Contractor) will lead this project and that we are bound by the same terms and conditions as apply to them

3.    The following personnel associated with our product will be involved in the Project:

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We confirm that these personnel will be available for the duration of the Project as set out in the accompanying Certificates.

4.   We commit that irrespective of developments on or off the project we hereby commit our organization to the Project at the Level of involvement set out in the Bid Documents for the duration of the Project.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name)

Signed at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   on this the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . 2014

2.  Proposed documents to be used during the project.

Client Domain Experts Team Certificate of Completion of a Document Review Iteration

I the undersigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (Full Names)

In my capacity as Team Leader of the Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (Name of Team)

Comprising myself together with the following team members:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Have completed the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(name of Activity on Project Plan)

I hereby confirm that:

1.     The team has invested sufficient time to thoroughly and comprehensively review the above component;

That we are fully satisfied that all adjustments / revisions / other activities (specify)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . necessary to ensure that we have a robust specification / configuration / other  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  have occurred;

2.     I understand that if I issue this certificate and issues are subsequently identified that were overlooked during this work package by this team this will result in extra costs to Client;



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name)

Signed at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    on this the . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 20. . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Contract Manager to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Implementer Business Area Team Leader to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Strategic Solution Architect to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Project Manager to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Project Facilitator to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Client Domain Experts Team Certificate of Completion of a Testing Iteration

I the undersigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (Full Names)

In my capacity of Team Leader of the Client  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (Name of Team)

Comprising myself together with the following team members:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Have completed the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . (Name of Activity on Project Plan)

I hereby confirm that:

1.     The team has invested sufficient time to thoroughly and comprehensively test the above component;

That we are fully satisfied that all adjustments / revisions / other activities (specify)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . necessary to ensure that we have a robust solution / configuration / other  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  have occurred;

2.      I understand that if I issue this certificate and issues are subsequently identified that were overlooked by this team during this work package this will result in extra costs to Client;




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name)

Signed at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  on this the . . . day of . . . . . . . 20. . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Contract Manager to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Implementer Business Area Team Leader to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Strategic Solution Architect to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Project Manager to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Project Facilitator to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Software Vendor Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that the above team have thoroughly executed the required work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Certificate of Readiness to Commission

We the undersigned:

Client Team Leader  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Implementer Team Leader  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

In our capacities as Team Leader of the Client Laboratory Test Team and Implementer Team Leader respectively of the teams comprising ourselves together with the following team members:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Have completed Comprehensive Laboratory Testing of the full configuration and implementation plan

We hereby confirm that:

1.    In issuing this certificate we are aware that premature issue of this certificate could lead to serious business damage, inconvenience and unbudgeted costs;

2.     The team has invested sufficient time to thoroughly and comprehensively review and test the configuration;

3.    The configuration has been substantively stable in the Laboratory with ongoing testing activity for not less than thirty business days;

4.     We are fully satisfied that all required functionality is working correctly; 

5.     We are fully satisfied that all reports, models and dashboards are accurate and functional;

6.     All training material has been prepared and tested;

7.     All personnel have been thoroughly trained and tested and are skilled at a level that they can rapidly and accurately adjust to running the new system;

8.    That we have assessed all possible risks in-depth and are satisfied that all measures necessary to mitigate these risks are in place with appropriate accountabilities and ownership.


We accordingly advise that it is our considered opinion that it is safe to commission the system and we advise that it is our considered opinion that  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (Name of Implementation Company) has fully complied with their contractual obligations in delivering the required solution in the Laboratory and that the retention applicable to this stage of the project can be released and that the software can now safely be commissioned.


_______________________________                                      _______________________________

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . (Client Name)       . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Impl Name)

Signed at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .   on this the .  . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that it is safe to commission the system  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Contract Manager to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

I am satisfied / not satisfied that it is safe to commission the system  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Team Leader to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . 

I am satisfied / not satisfied that it is safe to commission the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Strategic Solution Architect to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . 

I am satisfied / not satisfied that it is safe to commission the system  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Project Manager to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that it is safe to commission the system  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Project Facilitator to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that it is safe to commission the system  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that it is safe to commission the system  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Software Vendor Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that it is safe to commission the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Certificate of Readiness to Handover

We the undersigned:

Client Team Leader  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Implementer Leader  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

In our capacities as Team Leader of the Client Commissioning Team and Implementer Commissioning Team respectively these teams comprising ourselves together with the following team members:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Have completed Comprehensive Review of the Operational Installation

We hereby confirm that:

1.     The team has invested sufficient time to thoroughly and comprehensively review the ongoing operation of the system in Client;

2.    The configuration has been substantively stable in Client in full production for not less than thirty business days;

3.     We are fully satisfied that all required functionality is working correctly;

4.     We are fully satisfied that all reports, models and dashboards are accurate and functional;

5.     All personnel are operating effectively and precisely and do NOT require further training;


We accordingly advise that it is our considered opinion that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (Name of Implementer) has fully complied with their contractual obligations in delivering the required solution and that the remaining retention for this project can be released and that the support for Client can now move into the Operational Support Phase.


_______________________________                                      _______________________________

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Client Name)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Impl Name)

Signed at . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  on this the  . . . . . day of .  . . . . . . . . 20. . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that full operational delivery has been achieved in Client and that the project can move into Operational Support Phase and the final Retention can be released

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Contract Manager to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that full operational delivery has been achieved in Client and that the project can move into Operational Support Phase and the final Retention can be released

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Implementer Team Leader to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . 

I am satisfied / not satisfied that full operational delivery has been achieved in Client and that the project can move into Operational Support Phase and the final Retention can be released

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Strategic Solution Architect to sign) date . . . . . . . . . 

I am satisfied / not satisfied that full operational delivery has been achieved in Client and that the project can move into Operational Support Phase and the final Retention can be released

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Project Manager to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that full operational delivery has been achieved in Client and that the project can move into Operational Support Phase and the final Retention can be released

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Project Facilitator to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that full operational delivery has been achieved in Client and that the project can move into Operational Support Phase and the final Retention can be released

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Implementer Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that full operational delivery has been achieved in Client and that the project can move into Operational Support Phase and the final Retention can be released

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Software Vendor Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . .

I am satisfied / not satisfied that full operational delivery has been achieved in Client and that the project can move into Operational Support Phase and the final Retention can be released

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client Executive Sponsor to sign) date . . . . . . . . . . . .


Download Certificates for Use on the Project in Microsoft Word docx format

Random Selection of Articles by Dr James Robertson

Cnf 073 Critical Factors for I.T. Success in a Declining Economy

Ways of managing Information Technology to obtain longer investment life and greater benefit and return on investment from existing systems and infrastructure
Std 028 Why Regular Communication between the Project Leader and the CEO is Vital

A business information systems project that extends across the full ambit of the organization is almost certainly the most difficult and most challenging project that any organization can undertake.  This MUST be driven by the CEO as custodian and supported by a highly experienced and very mature Project Leader.  These two people must communicate constantly and effectively in order to ensure that they remain aligned to give the CEO the solution that is required
SNw 059 Strategy: What is it?

This article examines the fundamental defintion of strategy as the Essence of the Organizaiton and HOW it THRIVES.

SNw 023 What is computer software? REALLY? and ERP? And what determines the sustainability and maintainability of business software?

Many people have mistaken ideas regarding what constitutes computer software.  This article seeks to provide understanding
Cnf 071 SA Engineering to Thrive SAICE Railways and Harbours

The application of the principles that I have developed and successfully applied in the business information systems and IT arena to the broader technology arena in South Africa with regard to the challenges being faced in the South African economy with a view to developing an initiative to turn the economy around from a technical perspective
Sem 01 Why your Business Information System is NOT delivering and HOW to FIX it

A concise executive briefing directed at informing executives and senior managers with regard to the REAL issues in business information systems and the measures to take to obtain greater value from their existing investments

11 Schedule of Reference Documents

A key component of the approach is to assemble a pack of every single piece of paper, spreadsheet and screen shots and other information of every manual and computer based component of the business that the new system is to either provide or interact with
The documents handed out for general tender should be redacted and unsuccessful bidders can be required to return the file/s
A full set (NO redaction) must be issued to the successful bidder during the detailed discovery process -- redaction means to erase or otherwise blot out sensitive information
The covering schedule must indicate the level of importance of each item in the pack and whether it is a required deliverable


Draft for Discussion


Schedule of Reference Documents

Relating to an

Integrated Financial Solution


A Financial Suite and Data Warehouse,


Data Sharing, Implementation and

Project Management Services


This file contains all documents acquired during preparation of the bid file.  While every effort was made to ensure that the collection is comprehensive bidders are required to validate completeness during their detailed discovery workshops.

All documents are strictly confidential and to be used only for the proposal submission.

The copies in this file are redacted.  A set of documents without redaction will be supplied to the successful bidder on commencement of Stage 3[JAR UK1] .

The documents are catalogued below.

The sequence of the documents corresponds to the major components of the Business Requirement.

Relevance is rated on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 = information only, effectively not at all relevant to the specification and 10 = absolutely fundamental to understanding the specification.

In preparing the tender submission the cost of providing each item must be listed and where there are aspects of the requirement that have a large impact on costs this should be identified and options offered in terms of excluding requirements that drive higher costs.[JAR UK2] 


1.       Name of Document

1.1 Purpose / Use: Short explanation of purpose

1.2 Number of Pages: n

1.3 Relevance: 10

1.4 Description: This document is produced while capturing information for …

[JAR UK1] Reminder re making sure you have a master set BEFORE you redact

[JAR UK2] Please list all the documents 

Download 11 Schedule of Reference Documents in Microsoft Word docx format

12 Information required from Third Party Software Suppliers

In some cases bidders may need information from third party software suppliers who are providing services or information to the client, this document provides basic information for this purpose


Information Required from Third Party Software Providers



Please supply the following information for us to furnish to the organizations that are bidding to supply a Business Information System, ERP, Data Warehouse and other components to meet the full system requirements of Client.

We require sufficient information for the bidders to assess the scope of work required to pass data between your system and their systems.

We do NOT necessarily require on-line, real time interfacing, batch uploads or electronic data interchange or other low technology techniques on a scheduled basis will generally suffice.

From a scoping perspective we are looking at the typical data that would be passed between your system and other systems in either direction.

1.  Name of Vendor

2.  Name of System

3.  Name of Person completing this questionnaire

4.  Please supply any marketing and technical information that you can in support of the goals of this document

5.  Brief discussion of the functionality in your software to pass data to third party products

6.  Constraints on passing data

7.  Brief discussion of the functionality in your software to receive data from third party products

8.  Constraints on receiving data

9.  Ability to add user defined fields to main tables

10. Any other information that will enable bidders to form a high level view of the effort required to pass data to and from your system

Download 12 Information required from Third Party Software Suppliers in Microsoft Word docx format

13 Skeleton Agreement

This is a broad framework for a contract.  The exact contract will need to be drafted by your organization's legal advisers based on the legal jurisdiction in which your organization operates

Agreement with regard to the supply, configuration, commissioning and support of an integrated Financial Systems solution for Client


1.  The Parties

a.       Client



2.  Definitions and Interpretation[JAR UK1] 

2.1 The following terms have the following meanings in this agreement:

2.1.1 “Agreement” means this written agreement and all the tender documents cited in this document as well as any documents incorporated in this agreement by reference;

2.1.2 “Contractor” means …;

2.1.3 “Client” means Client …;

2.1.4 “RFP” means the “Request for Proposal” document;

2.1.5 “Tender Pack”  means the pack of documentation submitted in response to the Tender Request;

3.  Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

The Contractor has signed a Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure agreement in favour of the Client and hereby confirms that it is bound by this agreement.


4.  Certificate of Compliance

The Certificate of Compliance submitted by the Contractor as part of the Tender Submission forms part of this agreement.


5.  Annotated and Signed Request for Proposal

This agreement is based on the Tender Pack issued by the Client and all submission designated below form part of this agreement.

As part of the Tender Pack the contractor submitted an annotated and signed copy of the Request for Proposal document.  This document has been reviewed by the Client and additional notes or adjustments made in discussion with the Contractor such that the final form of this document, signed by both the Contractor and the Client, forms part of this agreement.


6.  Laboratory Specification

The Laboratory Specification document, annotated and signed by both parties forms part of this agreement.


7.  Annotated Requirements Specification

The annotated Requirements Specification signed by both parties forms part of this agreement.


8.  Software Schedule

The software schedule annotated and signed by both parties forms part of this agreement.


9.  Bill of Services

The Bill of Services, annotated and signed by both parties forms part of this agreement and constitutes the only basis on which payments will be made.


10. Certificates for Use on the Project

The set of Certificates annotated and signed by both parties will be used as appropriate for all milestone acceptances and other deliverable based activities.


11. Set of Reference Documents

The set of Reference Documents annotated and signed by both parties provides the base in terms of which the minimum deliverables for the project will be measured with further deliverables as documented elsewhere.


12. Information Regarding Data Sharing with Client Internal Systems

The information regarding Data Sharing with Client Internal Systems annotated and signed by both parties forms part of this agreement.


13. Project Plan

The detailed Project Plan signed by both parties forms part of this agreement.


14. Detailed Solution Architecture

The Detailed Solution Architecture document signed by both parties forms part of this agreement.


15. Contractual Terms from Contractor

Document or documents provided by Contractor which have been accepted as part of the Contract and signed by both parties.


16. Breach, Termination, Indemnity and Liability[JAR UK2] 


17. Force Majeure[JAR UK3] 


18. Dispute Resolution[JAR UK4] 


19. Other terms of this Agreement.[JAR UK5] 


20. Domicilium and Notices

20.1 The Parties choose domicilium citandi et executandi [JAR UK6] as:

20.1.1 The Client at

20.1.2 The Contractor at


21. Successors and Assignees[JAR UK7] 


22. General[JAR UK8] 


23. Schedules as per body of Agreement


 [JAR UK1]Attorney to add whatever definitions and interpretations you consider appropriate

 [JAR UK2]Attorney to add as you see appropriate

 [JAR UK3]Attorney

 [JAR UK4]Attorney – whatever Dispute Resolution Clauses you consider appropriate – basically mediation followed by arbitration

 [JAR UK5]Attorney – anything else that you think should be added here

 [JAR UK6]Standard clauses

 [JAR UK7]Standard clauses

 [JAR UK8]Standard clauses

Download 13 Skeleton Agreement in Microsoft Word docx format

01 Large Project -- Request for Proposal for Turnkey Solution

This is the RFP for larger projects referred to above, the document is too long to include on this webpage but is attached below

Download 01 Large Project -- Request for Proposal for Turnkey Solution in Microsoft Word docx format

Download Complete Document Pack in WinZip zip format

Dr James A Robertson PrEng

Business Systems NOT delivering?

Call the Business Systems Specialist

Dr. James Robinson

Dr James A Robertson -- has been involved in the effective application of Business Information Systems, including but NOT limited to ERP, since 1987 and in the profitable and effective use of computers in Business since 1981.

Drawing on a diversity of experience, including formal military training in Quick Attack techniques at the Regimental Commander level, Dr Robertson has developed highly effective methods of investigating any sub-optimal Business Information Systems situation -- be it an established system or a stalled project or any other source of Executive frustration -- quickly and concisely diagnosing the root cause of the problem and prescribing concise practical actions that Business Executives can effectively act on see the Pulse Measurement page and also the Sample Reports page for redacted real reports.

He has also developed highly effective methods of strategically enriching systems to unlock the full potential of existing investments, see the Precision Configuration page and couples this to architecting small pieces of clever software that harness the full potential of your investment, see the Software page.

If you are having problems with your systems, your project or your IT Department, call The Business Systems Specialist

Business System Failure is RIFE -- we offer insight into why this happens AND WHAT is required to prevent it.

Failure is at epidemic levels with massive damage done to client companies -- if you are NOT aware of the extent of the problem please visit the About Failure page for a catalog of major failures running to billions of Pounds and Dollars.

All evidence indicates that the established players do NOT know how to deliver stable, reliable high value solutions that WORK.

There HAS to be a better way!

This website provides information relating to that way with a large collection of white papers, presentations, standards documents, etc that you can use to start bringing the situation under control

We also offer high level advisory services with regard to the application of the principles advocated on this website

We offer an ENGINEERING APPROACH to addressing these issues

Click here to read more about the Engineering Approach

By Engineering I mean the formal, structured, highly disciplined, highly systematic, highly practical approach that consistently delivers results in ALL areas of human endeavor where formally trained and certified engineers are the ONLY practitioners permitted to operate -- think large buildings, factories, motor vehicles, aircraft -- highly complex systems that work at a level that we take it for granted that they WILL work and where failure is all but unthinkable and, when it happens, attracts immediate public attention and rigorous investigation directed at ensuring that such failures are prevented in the future -- in fact, everything that the management consulting industry that implements complex software systems is NOT

This approach is discussed further on the Engineering Approach page.

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Random Selection of Articles by Dr James Robertson

Std 024 The ART of Strategic Business Information System Project Leadership

The general tendency is to think in terms of Project Management for business information systems projects and the reality of many business information systems Project Managers is that they are administrators rather than strategic leaders.  This article discusses the role of the Strategic Business Information Systems Project Leader as effectively an interim executive who reports directly to the Chief Executive and acts as an advisor, agent and proxy for the CEO in managing the entire integrated business information systems project to achieve a high value business outcome

Std 026 Old Software IS Viable

Many business information system projects are motivated on the basis that the existing systems are obsolete.  This article challenges that argument with regard to a significant number of systems and presents information that will enable executives and managers to take a pragmatic view of this debate

Book -- The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success

In 2003 I undertook an in-depth analysis of all the information and experience that I had gathered with regard to the factors giving rise to Business Information System failure including ERP and general IT and classified this information into a number of categories including "The Factors Causing Failure" and "The Critical Factors for Success" based on this I developed a two day Course "The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success" which is still offered today.

Based on this I wrote the book of the same name, which is available in electronic form here for download:

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James has a very detailed profile on LinkedIn should you require further information about him.

You can also connect with him on LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/DrJamesARobertsonERPDoctor

James has an open networking profile -- click on "Connect" and use email address James@LinkedIn-at-JARA.com.

Contact Us

You can contact us on

Email: James@James-A-Robertson-and-Associates.com

LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/drjamesarobertsonerpdoctor

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Articles by James A Robertson and Associates

There is a large body of white papers, articles and other content produced by Dr James Robertson available on this website

Please click here to visit the detailed listing of articles

ArticleTagCloud for Articles Published by James A Robertson and Associates

7 steps to FIX your ERP      80:20 regarding software replacement      aborted projects      abstract      abstractness      accounting      actionable      adjudication      Advantage Data Transformer      advisory      agreement      all possible classifications      all reports      all software elements required      all spreadsheets      all tasks required to execute the project      Alpha Omega      analysis of data      analytics      animation      answers to the questions we have NOT yet thought to ask      Armscor      arrogant ignorance      art of strategic business information system project leadership      ASCO      attendance register      attorney      audit      audit cost reduction      bankrupt organizations      basis for achieving alignment      basis of payment      basis of pricing      better way      bid adjudication      bid adjudication score sheet      bid compliance      bid compliance checklist      bill of materials      bill of services      BIS      BIS failure      BIS success      boots in the mud      BPM      BPM dangerous      BPM distracting      BPM ineffective      brainstorming      break it until it does NOT break anymore      break it until it will NOT break any more      budget      budgeting      business engagement      business executives      business improvement      business information system      business information system failure      business information system success      business information system taxonomies      business information systems      business information systems procurement      business information systems projects      business integration      business intelligence      business intelligence models      business knowledge and experience      business participation      business process      business process mapping      business requirements focused      business requirements specification      business simulation laboratory      business systems      business systems laboratory      business understanding      by the book      care      case studies      case study      CEO      CEO -- project leader communication      CEO as custodian      CEO definite views      certificates      challenges      challenging presentations      change facilitation      change for strategic reasons      chart of accounts      classification schemes      clever software      client changing scope      client compact      clinical codes      coaching      Cobol      COBOL CAN be retained      Cobol still viable      code schemes      coding conventions and standards      cognitive span      collapse      communication      competitive advantage      competitive advantage through precision configuration      competitiveness      compiler      complexity      compliance      compliance checklist      comprehensive testing      Compuware      conference speaking      conferences      confidentiality      configuration      consultant NOT delivering what required      contract      contract certificates      contract law      contracting      contractors      corporate planning      cost      cost-quality-time      CPT 4      CPT4      critical factors      critical factors for IT investment success      critical factors for success      critical factors for technology success      critical human foundation      critical issues      critical issues analysis      critical requirements      CRM Risk Control      cubic business model      custom development      custom software      customer focused      data      data content      data engineering      data entities      data warehouse      DB2      definitions      design against failure      design and development      design for success      determination of strategic essence      determining strategy      diagnostic code      diamonds in the dust      differentiated      differentiation      diffusion of innovations      discovery      dislike of failure      dispute resolution      do NOT change systems because of alleged software redundancy      do things competitors could NOT do      document pack      Dr James A Robertson      Dr James A Robertson PrEng      dramatic benefits      dramatically improved strategic management information      driver of success      Dunning-Kruger effect      ease of use      economic collapse      economics      effective communication      effectiveness      efficiencies      efficiency      efficient filing of emails      eliminate light bidders      email      engineer against failure      engineered data      engineering      engineering approach      engineering approach to strategy      engineering failure      engineering laboratory      engineering services      engineering solution design      engineering techniques      enhance differentiators      enhance the differentiators      enhancing the value of your present investment      ensuring project success      enterprise resource planning      ERP      ERP configuration      ERP failure      ERP procurement      ERP success      ERP taxonomies      ERP value      essence IS different      essence of business      essence of the business and how it thrives      ethics      examples      exceptionally bad code design      executive briefing      executive briefings      executive custody      executive decision support      executive engagement      executive forum      executive frustration      expose hidden agendas      facilitation      factors causing failure      factors causing IT investment failure      factors causing technology failure      factors to manage for success      failure      failure to address soft issues      fashion      file table of contents      Financial Information System      financial information systems      financial management      fixing your ERP      focus for projects      folder design      foundation for delivery      full training      functional entities      future      Gantt Chart      gap analysis      general ledger      George Paton      go-live      go-live certificate      governance      governance = care      governance failure      group consolidation      Group Consolidation Chart of Accounts      growth      gut feel factors      hand holding      harshest judge of governance      hate failure      head count reduction      health management software      hierarchies      high level requirements      high road      high value      high value implementations      high value solutions      high value systems implementation      highly effective chart of accounts      holistic view of solution      how do you achieve executive custody      how the organization differentiates itself      how to      how to do it      huge opportunity      human foundation      hype      Hyperion      IBIS      ICD 10      ICD10      importance of executive custody      improved management information      in-box rules      incremental enhancement of existing systems      ineffectiveness      inefficiency      information required from third party suppliers      information technology      information technology failure      Information Technology Strategy      information technology success      Informix      in-house courses      innovative software solutions      innovator      inside head of CEO      insightful      instructions      intangible      integrated business information system      integrated view of business      integrity      intelligent data      interactive training material      interview      invitation to bid      isolated CEO = explosion      IT      IT and strategy      IT Audit      IT failure      IT governance      IT lies      IT management      IT mythology      IT non-performance      IT people who lie      IT personnel socialization      IT procurement      IT projects that fail      IT strategy      IT systems      IT systems procurement      IT the harshest judge of governance      James Robertson      Jof Nelson      key performance indicators      Kirsten Speer      knowledge management      laboratory      lack of an engineering approach      lack of precision configuration      lack of strategic alignment      lawyer      leadership      legal agreement      legislation      lies      list of required software      listen carefully      litigation      logical entities      loss information      low road      loyalty      MacDonald      maintain code schemes      maintenance      maintenance management      Malcolm McDonald      management      management information      managing contractors      manual      marketing hype      master data      master data classifications      master test data      mature facilitation      mature facilitator      measurable      measures of alignment      mentoring      Microsoft Outlook      misrepresentation      missing link      mistique      morals      Munich      mystique      mythology      new future state      New South Africa      no drill down      non-disclosure      NOT classic project management      obsolete is a fashion statement      obsolete software      old software IS viable      once software works it always works      on-line seminars      opportunities      opportunity to turn the economy around      organizing Microsoft Outlook      orientation of IT staff      own business experience      passion to enable clients to thrive      people are part of the system      personality matrix      planning      platform for a tough contract      precisio      precision      precision configuration      precision configuration advisory      precision configuration leadership      precision data      precision taxonomies      Predictive Index      preparatory steps      prescribed table of contents      presentation technique      presentations      preventing failure      preventing falure      preventing project failure      pricing      principles      problem statement      procedure code      process      processor ignorant of language      procurement      procurement timeline      professional speaker      Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa      profitability      programming languages are for the programmer      project facilitation      project leader      project leader -- CEO communication      project leadership      project management      project management IT project management      projects      prove it works      PSASA      psychology      psychometrics      public conferences      public presentations      public speaking      Pulse Measurement      quality      REAL issues in Business Information Systems      REAL value      recognizing failure      redaction      reduced audit costs      reduced head count      reference documents      Reg Barry      regulatory body      relationship Almighty      relationship orientated      remediation of existing systems      Rennies Group      reports      reports not reliable      request for proposal      requirements specification      results orientated      RFP      right things      rigorous process      rigorous strategic planning      risk management      Robert Priebatsch      robust business information systems procurement      robust business systems procurement      robust contracts      robust procurement      robust solutions      SAICE      SAP ABAP is similar to COBOL      scheduling procurement      scientific professional      score sheet      screen design      seminars      SEPT      service orientated      Service Orientated Architecture      simple techniques to enhance business information systems value      simulation      sloppy configuration      SOA      socialization      software      software assets      software design      software does NOT wear out      software is instructions for the bricklayer      software schedule      software specification      software specification standards      solution experience      solution knowledge      South Africa      South African Institution of Civil Engineering      speaking      Spirit Led      standards      strategic      strategic advisory      strategic alignment      strategic analysis      strategic analysis and design      strategic business improvement      strategic custom development      strategic definition      strategic discovery      strategic driver      strategic driving force      strategic engineered precision configuration      strategic engineered precision taxonomies      strategic essence      strategic financial information      strategic gap analysis      strategic governance      strategic information      strategic management      strategic management information      strategic plan      strategic planning      strategic project leader      strategic snapshots      strategic software      strategic solution architect advisory      strategic solution architect leadership      strategic solution architecture      strategically designed chart of accounts      strategy      strategy defined      strategy focused planning      Strategy Snapshot Toolset      StratGap      StratSnap      strengthen differentiators      structured analysis      structured chart of accounts      substantial management information      succeed by engineering against failure      success      successful deployment      survive      system knowledge and experience      table of contents      tailored presentations      take notes      taxonomies      taxonomy      taxonomy software      technology      technology failure      technology issues      technology management      tender document pack      tender pack      tender pack table of contents      test data      testing      The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success      the Critical Factors for Success      the essence of the business      the essence of the business and how it thrives      the essence of the organization and how it thrives      the factors causing failure      the first hour      The REAL Issues in Business Information System success      things right      third party suppliers      third world countries      thrive      time      tipping point      tough certificates      tough contract management      tough contracts      tough procurement      tough terms      training      training material      treatment code      understanding of data      understanding the engineering approach      Uniface      unlocking value      use different languages for new components      V3 Consulting Engineers      validation data      value      versus process      video      webinar      webinars      weighted factors      what is executive custody      what is strategy      what is the essence of this organization and how does it thrive      what to do      where is IT going      why executive custody is required      why the organization exists and how it thrives      why your business information system is NOT delivering and HOW to FIX it      why your ERP is NOT delivering and how to fix it      workflow      writer     

Table of Contents


About Dr James A Robertson PrEng -- The Business Systems Doctor -- and Other Topics

Catalogue of Major Business Information System Failures

About the Engineering Approach

James Robertson's Value Add

Attributes of a HIGH VALUE solution

Recognizing Business System Failure

The Critical Human Foundation

Old Software IS Viable

From South Africa

Competencies of Dr James A Robertson PrEng

About Professor Malcolm McDonald

Table of Contents

About my relationship with the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing

Comments relating to the Business Systems Industry and other topics

Testimonials and other positive material regarding James Robertson

Reference Articles

List of Articles

Article Catalogue

Achieving High Value Business Information System outcomes

Executive Custody -- What is it and HOW do you get it?

The REAL Issues in Integrated Business Information System Success

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2 -- Mythology and Lack of Executive Custody

Part 3 – Strategic Alignment and Precision Configuration

Why your ERP is NOT delivering and HOW to FIX it

IT Project Management

Pulse Measurement

CEO Anthony Lee Comments on his experience of the Pulse Measurement

No Charge Guarantee on the Pulse Measurement Service

Examples of Pulse Measurement Outcomes

Critical questions regarding the Pulse Measurement™

The Pulse Measurement Workflow

The Critical Factors for Business System (ERP+) Investment Success in the Pulse Measurement

Indicative Pulse Measurement Durations

What is a JAR&A Pulse Measurement?

Survival of the fittest – why it makes sense to measure the pulse of your business

Examples of Pulse Measurement Outcomes over 24 years

Sample Pulse Measurement Reports


Strategic Essence: The Missing Link in Business Information Systems

Strategic Essence: Overview

Strategic Essence: Part 1 -- Strategy Defined

Strategic Essence: Part 2 -- Differentiation

Strategic Essence: Part 3 -- The Essence IS Different

Strategic Essence: Part 4 -- The Essence should be the Point of Departure

Strategic Essence: Part 5 -- Discovering Strategic Essence

Strategy -- the Essence of the Business: What is it and how do you develop actionable strategic plans?

Simple Steps to Increase the Strategic Value of your ERP Investment

Free Strategic Snapshot Toolset and Manual

A strategy focused planning system beyond traditional budgeting

Tough IT and ERP Procurement and Contracting that Works

Robust Business Systems Procurement

Part 1 -- Introduction

Part 2 -- Bill of Services, Laboratory, Go-live Certificate, etc

Part 3 -- Executive Engagement, Bid Compliance, Adjudication and other matters

Procurement Documents

Guidance and Advisory Services

The Art of Project Leadership

Why Regular Communication with the CEO is Vital

The Business Simulation Laboratory

Precision Configuration and Strategic Business Information Architecture

Precision Configuration based on Strategic Engineered Precision Taxonomies

The JAR&A Cubic Business Model

Highly Structured Strategic Chart of Accounts -- a Vital Element of your Corporate Information Arsenal

The Product Catalogue -- an Essential Element of any Precision Configuration

Attributes -- answers to the questions you have NOT yet thought to ask

Case Studies of Notably Successful Projects with high value Precision Configuration

092 Doing things differently and better -- ASCO Case Study 2-- BPM Summit 2013

088 Strategic ERP Invesment -- ASCO Case Study -- Service Management Conference and Exhibition Africa

026 Information Architecture and Design of FIS for Rennies Group -- Financial Information Systems Conf

018 CRM Risk Control: Designing and Implementing an Integrated Risk Mgmt Sys -- Integrated Risk Mgmt Conf

011 V3 Consulting Eng: Benefits of MIS to Professional Practice -- SAICE 15th Ann Conf on Computers in Civil Eng

Strategically Enriching your Business Information Systems

Part 1 -- Introduction

Part 2 -- Principles of Data Engineering

Part 3 -- Steps in applying these recommendations

Simple Steps to increase the strategic information value yield from your Business Systems Investment

The Full JAR&A Taxonomy Manual

Part 1: Introduction, Problem Statement, Definitions and Examples

Part 2: Why Use JAR&A, Required Knowledge and Experience, Cubic Business Model and Chart of Accounts and Taxonomy Software

Part 3: How to do it, Case Studies and White Papers and other References

Example General Ledger Manual

Business Process -- Irrelevant, Distracting and Dangerous

The RIGHT Approach

Custom Strategic Software Design and Oversight of Construction

Standards for Custom Software Specification

What IS Software?

IT Effectiveness

Organizing Outlook

Critical Factors for I.T. Success

A Moral and Ethical Dilemma -- Systems that Fail

Case Studies examining Business Information System failures

The BBC Digital Media Initiative Debacle

The Bridgestone -- IBM Conflict

Speaking and Training

Showcase of Conference Presentations

Most Viewed Presentations

Briefings and Seminars

Why your ERP/BIS is NOT delivering and HOW to FIX it

ERP and IT Procurement that Delivers Results

The Critical Factors for IT and ERP Investment Success

Other Seminars

Conferences and Public Presentations

Conferences 80 to 99 -- 2009 to Present

Conferences 60 to 79 -- 2005 to 2009

Conferences 40 to 59 -- 1996 to 2005

Conferences 20 to 39 -- 1994 to 1996

Conferences 01 to 19 -- 1989 to 1994

On-Line Seminars (Webinars)

Webinar on Preparing and Presenting Webinars

Contacting James A Robertson and Associates Limited