TxM 015 Section 1.13 Key Benefits of the JAR&A SEPT approach to system and data warehouse configuration Created by James on 6/26/2013 5:27:33 PM
Why would you read this document or, for that matter, why would you consider Strategic Engineered Precision Taxonomies (SEPT) and Configuration to the standards developed and advocated by James A Robertson and Associates (JAR&A) for your organization?
Following are a few key benefits:
1. Systems easier to configure and configuration is much higher quality
An ERP or Data Warehouse (and Business Intelligence) system configured based on Strategic Engineered Precision Taxonomies to JAR&A standards is easier to configure, will be configured faster and more precisely and to much higher quality standards than conventional configurations.
This applies both to ERP's and other operational software systems AND to Data Warehouse (DW) and Business Intelligence (BI) implementations.
This leads to lower overall operating costs AND to increased "bang for the buck".
2. Faster and more accurate posting
Because the code schemes are so logical and so easy to read operators rapidly learn their way around the hierarchies and learn the codes (which are designed to be easy to remember), and therefore post faster and more accurately. This leads to reduced costs (headcount) for the same transaction throughput or more transactions for the same headcount.
It also greatly reduces downstream time and cost resulting from inaccurate data.
3. Easier, cheaper and more accurate and more sustainable reports
The writing of reports is quicker, easier and therefore cheaper and the quality of reports is orders of magnitude higher, they are also far easier to maintain and therefore much more sustainable.
This leads to reduced operating costs, reduced time wasted, gets away from dozens of reports doing roughly the same job, gets away from multiple reports given different answers for supposedly the same query, etc.
Long term cost savings and knock on operational benefits are huge IF the SEPT taxonomies are correctly designed, implemented AND maintained.
4. Greatly reduced maintenance costs of systems and reports
As noted above, the cost of producing and maintaining reports is drastically reduced.
Major opportunities are created for MUCH more sophisticated and much higher value reports – the reports you originally expected when you signed the order!
5. Much better quality and sustainability of management information leads to faster and better decisions
The quality, reliability and sustainability of management information referred to above leads to faster and better management decisions at all levels of the organization.
Better decisions made fast reduce operating costs and allow the operation to grow with the same headcount or allows natural attrition to reduce headcount for the same outputs.
6. High levels of ownership of data improves governance and leads to improved organizational efficiency and effectiveness
The fact that the data accurately models the physical world and therefore accurately models the business removes issues of uncertainty over who owns data and therefore who owns the business outcomes. This leads to greatly improved governance and this in turn leads to greatly improved operational efficiency and effectiveness – do more for less cost.
7. Increased profitability through reduced costs and improved value adding decisions
These improvements in effectiveness and efficiency give rise to increased profitability.
Capping this with improved high value (strategic / thrive / essence of the business) decisions results in strategic effectiveness (better decisions) and efficiency (better decisions made and executed faster).
Once we have a situation where executive management and all other managers and supervisors are consistently aligned with the right things done well the overall profitability, viability and growth of the organization will far surpass those for organizations without SEPT.
The currency value of MUCH BETTER decisions is impossible to compute.
One bad decision can cost millions or even put an organization out of business.
One excellent decision at the right time can cause an organization to grow dramatically.
What value do YOU ascribe to being employed by the market leader as opposed to being part of an organization that has been taken over and is to be "right sized"?
Currency does not describe the true value of this benefit...

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