SNw 045 Strategic Essence: The Missing Link: Part 3 -- The Essence IS DifferentThe strategic essence of the organization IS different, it is unusual, the competitors have different strategic essence or manage it differently, IF the organization is of any size and has been moderately successful then there are some KEY things it is doing that are unique and different
SNw 046 The Real Issues in BIS: Part 2 -- Mythology and Lack of Executive CustodyInformation Technology Mythology, the wide spread of marketing hype driving misrepresentation of the business information systems environment coupled with lack of integrity and other factors that result in the industry generally failing to deliver on its promises, together with Executive Custody, the ownership of integrated Business Information Systems by the CEO of the business are discussed
SNw 049 Strategic Essence: The Missing Link: Part 4 -- The Essence should be the Point of DepartureThe strategic essence of the organization should be the point of departure AND the focal point of every business information systems project -- THIS is the component of the business that should be jealously protected, strengthened and enhanced and it is the part of the business that is most vulnerable to bad decisions and botched projects