SNw 044 Robust Procurement: Part 1 -- IntroductionAn overview of a robust business information systems procurement method designed to ensure that a robust and enforceable contract is entered into before a project commences
Cnf 076 The Problem of IT Mythology and Mystique - Bringing IT Audit Down to EarthThe real issues in IT Audit, cutting through mythology and mystique to examine the factors that should really be examined in IT Audits, ranging from strategic alignment and governance through to effective IT staff alignment with the business through boots in the mud socialization
Cnf 083 Strategic Analysis and Design -- An Engineering Approach to Strategic PlanningA rigorous (engineering approach) to strategic planning using critical issues based analysis techniques and structured gap analysis techniques to develop a comprehensive and rigorous multi-year plan that is measurable and actionable and traceable back to the original analysis in order to produced high value outcomes, requires effective strategic facilitation