Links to previous articles at
end of article |
This article gives an example of
how a simple solution that delivered the RIGHT
information to the RIGHT people at the RIGHT time
enabled a business to thrive and then goes on to
- what constitutes the RIGHT
information and how this should be delivered;
- how to deliver information to
the RIGHT person;
- how to deliver information at
the RIGHT time;
- what constitutes a THRIVE
All of this is supported by
information on my website.
An in-house briefing is
offered to assist your organization to internalize and
apply the principles discussed in this article and its
In 1981, having generated over 7,000 pages of laboratory data in my PhD
research I purchased, with the help of my father, a complete computer
installation comprising one of the first "Personal Computers" including
letter quality printer and X-Y plotter to process this data.
In 1982 my father asked me to join his specialist investment consulting
business and computerize it.
my first foray into the use of computers in business, although I had
been using them in engineering since 1973. I imported some of
the first spreadsheet software from the USA and developed a suite of
fundamental economic models that were much more sophisticated and more
comprehensive than their manual predecessor, thus enabling us to run
numerous scenarios. I also taught myself to write business
software using the "Basic" programming language with refinements, and
wrote a database and reporting application that took the outputs of the
spreadsheets and reported results against the latest share prices thus
giving up-to-date earnings yield projections in presentation format.
In the first year of operation the South African Gold Mining industry
was facing a change in its tax and lease regime and the exact changes
were not known. We ran numerous scenarios and set up models
for all eventualities. Literally within an hour of the new
tax formulae being announced we published updated earnings estimates
for all the major shares and faxed these reports through to our major
clients. Clients included the Gold Funds of Union Bank of
Switzerland, Banque Louis Dreyfus and various major London, Glasgow,
Johannesburg and New York Stock Brokers.
We were far ahead of our competitors with the result that our clients
were able to make timeous investment and divestment decisions and
thereby gain substantial financial benefit from our advice.
We continued to provide these reports weekly and at times more
frequently for the next ten years until my father finally retired at
the age of 80. The end result was that, at the age of 70 and
following a triple heart bypass my father was able to double his client
base and create a revenue stream that lasted for ten years. I
also spent four years learning about economics and markets.
From this project I learned that accurate and reliable information,
accurately and timeously presented using simple computer solutions, and
which enabled high value business decisions, could add huge
This lesson has remained with me ever since such that my core focus in
all that I do in advising clients always relates to how to assist them
to obtain maximum value from their business information
systems. This thinking is always focused on the principle:
the RIGHT information to the RIGHT people, at the RIGHT time in order
to enable THRIVE decisions"
word "thrive" is derived from the work of Professor
Malcolm McDonald
who states that if an organization does the right things well,
that organization will thrive. This thinking is central to my
consulting work, as exemplified by my logo, based on Malcolm's
Strategy—Tactics Matrix.
This understanding is fundamental in diagnosing why most organizations
are NOT getting the expected value from their Business Information and
ERP Systems; AND with regard to what is required to unlock the full
value of those investments. All the information on my website
is ultimately directed at achieving this one objective – enabling
clients to get the right information to the right people at the right
time in order to enable THRIVE decisions.
The balance of this article examines this principle in more detail.
The RIGHT Information
What IS the "right information?"
The right information is whatever information I need right now to
answer whatever question I have right now with regard to ANY aspect of
my organization that has attracted my attention and where I can
reasonably expect that information to be resident in my computerized
business information systems. In other words, ANY information
of relevance!
The right information can take the form of routine analysis accurately
and timeously presented in summarized form with the ability to
immediately and without assistance drill down electronically to the
detail. It can also be more complex.
Fundamentally the RIGHT information includes strategic information that
relates to the essence of the organization and how it thrives and this
includes diverse measures relating to customers, products, etc -- which
all inform strategic decision making.
Inherent in this requirement is a
need for the data to be highly structured and classified
in a manner that permits quick and concise analysis – my
series of articles on "Strategically
Enriching your Business Information Systems" is
progressively unpacking this and the information in the
" part of my website presents considerable
information of relevance.
However, inherent in the "right information" is a more challenging
requirement – "answers to the questions I have
NOT yet thought to ask – NOW" – this sounds
impossible, doesn't it? Actually it is relatively easy with
the right design approach – I plan to discuss this in a subsequent
The RIGHT People
This "RIGHT information" should be delivered to the executives,
managers and supervisors and, in some cases, operational staff who need
it to make the right decisions.
The key requirement is that the data and associated reports are highly
structured in a manner that accurately models the governance of the
Central to meeting this requirement
is what I term "The
Cubic Business Model
"© a logical model that defines the structure of the organization
and from this the logic of the Chart of Accounts and every aspect of
the integration and operation of every business system in the
enterprise. This model provides the logic which enables the
Chief Executive to see the entire business in a highly summarized form
and then drill down to the detail relevant to the domain of
responsibility of every executive, manager or supervisor. I
also plan to discuss this in a subsequent article.
The RIGHT Time
As I learned in the anecdote that I shared at the beginning of this
article, timing of information delivery is critical. The
right information delivered too late for the best competitive or
operational effectiveness decision to have maximum impact is close to
useless. This is a major weakness of most of the
configurations that I have investigated.
situation in which executives wait for 2 or 3 days or even weeks after
month-end for consolidated analysis of corporate performance is
unacceptable. Even a delay of one day is
unacceptable. All core information should be available
instantly with the exception of certain monthly accruals, such as
depreciation, where a delay of a day or two may be acceptable depending
on the nature of the business. Very few organizations achieve
this across the entire spectrum of data required for decision
making. They may get this right at the operational level but
seldom achieve it at the executive strategic level.
Management Accountants, Cost
Accountants and others laboring for days or weeks in
spreadsheets and other add-on tools to produce reports
with little or NO drill down capability is totally
unacceptable. The methods that I advocate with
regard to "precision
result in the required timeous delivery of information and are
scheduled for discussion in subsequent articles.
Enable THRIVE Decisions
thrive decision is a decision that results in the
organization doing the RIGHT things from the perspective
of the customer or a decision that results in the
organization doing things RIGHT from the perspective of
the customer or, ideally, both -- refer McDonald
can relate to special software and information
capabilities made possible by precision configuration --
see the ASCO
Case Study for an example. It can also relate
simply to the ongoing smooth running of the
organization, see the V3
and CRM
Risk Control
the end of the day the capability of a system to enable
thrive decisions is the cumulative outworking of a wide
diversity of factors. This commences with
understanding the strategic essence of the business,
through a robust and effective procurement process,
culminating in comprehensive precision configuration
comprehensively tested in a business
simulation laboratory
This results in a commissioned system that is a precision strategic
information delivery machine. Everything else is second order
-- although the "everything else" is the entire focus of most business
information system implementers.
If you do NOT have the luxury of a new system implementation then these
same techniques can be applied incrementally to existing systems to
achieve the same overall result in time.
Do your systems TRULY deliver the RIGHT
Information to the Right Person at the Right Time to Enable THRIVE
have devoted many years of my life to understanding what is required to
deliver the RIGHT information to the RIGHT people at the RIGHT time in
order to enable THRIVE decisions and would welcome the opportunity to
assist your organization to develop this capability.
many years now I have been delivering a five hour
executive briefing titled “Why your business information
systems are NOT delivering and HOW to FIX
This briefing provides a consolidated view of the key issues with
regard to business systems from an executive management perspective and
presents the information that executives need in order to effectively
manage their systems and gain maximum value from their investments
When presented in-house I like to calibrate the briefing to the exact
circumstances of the client and I do this by way of a one hour
interview with the Chief Executive and a one hour walk-through of
existing systems the morning of the briefing
The briefing comprises:
1. Context and
– a wide range of general principles with
regard to the effective application of business information systems
linking to fundamental business principles;
2. What are business
information systems really?
– a no nonsense, cut
to the chase, discussion of the REAL characteristics of business
information systems coupled to debunking of the myths that frequently
result in executives being reluctant to get involved and being hijacked
by technologists – I make considerable use of physical world examples
to make my points;
3. Why business system
implementations fail to deliver (the REAL
– 3% of non-performance is technical, the remaining issues are
business, people, data and method related – this presentation makes the
factors causing failure and sub-optimal outcomes explicit in a way that
enables executives to effectively manage them
4. Precision
– the missing link in business information
systems performance – discussion of little known factors that have a
huge impact on sub-optimal business outcomes and which, if effectively
addressed, have a huge impact on business value yield – if I have the
opportunity to spend an hour with you and an hour with your systems I
will inform this discussion with examples of real issues in your data,
should they exist – in my experience they ALWAYS do;
5. How to fix it
– discussion of the Critical Factors for success
together with practical measures that delegates can apply immediately
to improve the value yield of their existing investments;
6. Discussion
– I will answer questions throughout the presentation and
will also allow time for discussion at the end of the presentation in
order to ensure that you and your team have practical answers that you
can immediately apply.
The entire presentation is informed by practical examples from my
experience with the application of computers in business over more than
three decades.
As a special “get to know me” offer I would like to offer you the above
as a one day on-site package delivered in your offices to a maximum of
20 delegates for £1,750 / €2,100 / US$2,700 excluding VAT, travel and
accommodation outside of London, UK.
am very confident that no matter where you are with your systems –
frustrated with a new implementation that is not delivering, wondering
whether to replace an elderly legacy system, embarking on new systems
procurement or simply wanting to get more out of your existing systems,
you will get value from this one day engagement – I will take your
current circumstances into account in all that I present.
In the event that the personnel who will be attending the briefing are
NOT comfortable with English we can arrange to translate the slides
into the language of your choice and deliver the briefing through a
translator. Please contact me for applicable pricing.
Should you book this event and pay for it before 31 December 2014 I
will give you a 20% discount on the above fee.
I would welcome the
opportunity to connect with you by phone or Skype to
discuss this further.
Yours faithfully,
Dr James
James A Robertson and Associates Limited
Assisting clients to thrive through
effective and efficient application of Business Information Systems
eMail :
Website : http://www.James-A-Robertson-Associates.eu
Linked In
: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/DrJamesARobertsonERPDoctor
Services Offered
A Robertson and Associates offer a range of services
directed at enabling clients to put in place
comprehensive measures to achieve the level of system
effectiveness and efficiency discussed above in such a
way as to give lasting high value low life time
operating cost outcomes
includes a range of in-house presentations on topics
such as "Why your Business Information System is NOT
delivering and HOW to FIX it", "Business Information
Systems in Strategic and Competitive Management", "The
Critical Factors for Business Information System
investment success" and "Lessons from the Bridgestone –
IBM case documents".
of these can be delivered as one hour presentations,
half day executive briefings or two day courses.
They can also be presented in standard format or
tailored to your organization through a series of
executive interviews
also offer short, sharp diagnostic interventions to
determine why your business system, department or
project is NOT delivering or is stalled, including easy
to understand actionable advice on how to turn the
situation around
will give you an independent evaluation of the health of
your existing systems and give guidance on whether they
REALLY need to be replaced or not and, in many cases,
advise how to greatly extend the life and sustainability
of those systems
click here to email me for more
Articles published so far in the article series
to which this email refers:
Strategically Enriching your Business
Information Systems
Discussion of practical specific measures that can be taken in order to
greatly improve the information yield of business information systems
at both the operational and executive strategic level. A
number of simple steps that can be taken immediately and more complex
measures that can be taken over time.
thread is discussing increasing business system and data
warehouse value yield using techniques that lead to
significantly improved business intelligence capability,
including support for the ability to “obtain
answers to questions we had not previously thought to
”. This builds on the content in the Strategic Essence and
Real Issues threads. Articles to date include:
Principles of Data Engineering
Steps in Applying these
Robust Business Information Systems Procurement
In order to fully apply the methods and principles discussed in the
threads above with regard to new systems it is vital that a robust and
effective approach to procurement is applied. This requires a
tough procurement approach directed at achieving a tough business
outcome orientated project that ensures a high value outcome.
This thread discusses the components of such a procurement
approach. The individual documents and processes that make up
the approach are outlined. Thereafter the components are
discussed in more detail. Articles to date include:
Bill of Services, Laboratory, Go-live Certificate,
Executive Engagement, Bid Compliance, Adjudication and
other matters
Critical Lessons from Real Life Business
Information Systems Failures
Information Available on the Website
Please browse my website for more information
home page, http://www.James-A-Robertson-and-Associates.eu
will give
you a good overview of what I am advocating and help you to navigate
the entire site.
of Contents
lists all the webpages on the site, there is a
lot of deep content that is NOT immediately visible.
contains well over 150 articles on diverse topics.
Keyword Cloud
provides alphabetic keywords linking to many
of the articles
lists around 90 conference presentations, nearly
all different with around 40 of the presentations live on the site for
you to view and download -- email me if there is a presentation you
would like to view that is not on the site.
you would like to know more about me there is detailed
information on the website and further detailed
information on LinkedIn
the Testimonials
page to hear and read what clients and others
have to say about me
the Failure
Catalogue to get a realistic perspective of the
severity of the problems with the business information
systems implementation industry. There is also a
description of what I mean by the word Failure
in this context
page on The
Critical Human Foundation
will give you some idea of
the full diversity of the matters that I take into account in advising
my clients
Please contact me for more information
look forward to discussing how I can assist you to unlock the FULL
value of your Business Information Systems investment, no matter which
software you have, how old it is or how dissatisfied you are with it
Email addressed to !*EMAIL*!