Web 05 Organizing Microsoft Outlook Created by James on 8/22/2014 9:49:51 AM A comprehensive explanation of how to set-up Microsoft Outlook to organize your emails in a manner that makes it easy to handle the full diversity and complexity of emails that executives and managers typically receive
Organizing Microsoft Outlook
Dr James A Robertson PrEng
Do you use Microsoft Outlook as your email software?
Do you receive dozens or even hundreds of emails every day?
-- relating to diverse topics, some customer related, some supplier related, some personal, some professional, etc?
-- plus a diversity of marketing emails, some of interest and others clearly junk?
Are you in a position where you need to keep some or many or most of these emails for reference and want them neatly stored away where you can quickly and easily find them?
-- often for contractual and legal reasons?
Would you like to locate emails almost instantly and effortlessly?
Do you have thousands or even tens of thousands of emails in your Outlook Inbox folder?
Are your IT staff constantly nagging you to delete emails because you are "taking up too much space"?
Is your "Outlook pst" data file "too large" and you have been warned of dire consequences if you do not delete emails?
Do you regularly have to sort your inbox on sender email address or scour your inbox in other ways to find a particular email?
Would you like this to be much easier and faster?
Do you manually maintain folders of correspondence relating to different topics with drag and drop and frequently forget to move emails?
-- or accidentally drop them in an adjacent folder only to be lost forever barring a frustrating and time consuming search?
Do you communicate with a whole spectrum of people on a particular topic or project and struggle to pull together all related correspondence?
Do you frequently want to locate your replies to particular correspondence or locate emails that you originated and have to dig through your "Sent Items" folder?
Have you previously "lost" important emails because you could not locate them even though you were sure they were there?
Have you ever been in a situation where your organization has been legally prejudiced because you could not locate a critical email?
-- from five years ago or longer?
Would you like to have a structured store of emails on your hard drive -- outside of Outlook?
Would you like to be able to locate emails, even from years ago, rapidly and with almost no effort -- on a consistent basis?
Would you like to send targeted mailings to selected groups of people based on the nature of their relationship with you or some specific service criterion?
Do you feel that you waste hours on Outlook every month because it is so clumsy and inefficient and you do NOT know what to do about it?
If you answered "YES" to some or all of the above questions then this video "Organizing Outlook" is for you
Please note that the above problems are largely solved using simple techniques that you will are taught in this video NOT with costly software -- in some cases low cost software will be demonstrated
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