TxM 043 Section 4.8 What is an IT Pulse Measurement? Created by James on 7/3/2013 5:31:15 PM
Do you have concerns about your I.T. function or about a specific project?
Are you debating whether to replace your existing financial and operational systems with a new E.R.P.?
Are you concerned that your company is not keeping pace with I.T. or is going in the wrong direction?
Are you wondering where you can obtain an independent third party opinion?
An I.T. pulse measurement by Dr James Robertson may be just what you need.
What IS an IT Pulse Measurement?
Dr Robertson's pulse measurement is a structured, interview based investigation into a problem that YOU define.
The pulse measurement comprises:
1. One on one interviews with your executive team.
2. One on one interviews with key business users of I.T. at various levels as appropriate to the focus of the investigation.
3. Interviews with I.T. staff and service providers coupled with review of critical systems as appropriate to the focus of the investigation.
4. A structured analysis resulting in a concise structured report based on the factors discussed in Dr Robertson's book "The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success".
This analysis identifies and prioritizes the "Critical Findings" and recommends prioritized "Critical Actions" arising from the investigation.
This is accompanied by a concise evaluation of the problem under investigation in terms of the criteria presented in the book.
5. Optionally the report may be followed with a formal presentation or briefing to your executive team and possibly other audiences.
6. Optionally Dr Robertson offers a critical issues workshop process to formulate specific response to the findings, such as definition of critical business requirements for a system (new or existing).
7. Optionally Dr Robertson offers advisory services with regard to implementation of his recommendations. This can comprise ad-hoc consultation or scheduled consultation which can take place on a retainer basis if that is appropriate to your requirements.
The I.T. pulse measurement has been developed to give a concise assessment of the health of your I.T. or other organizational issue through a limited scope, limited cost professional intervention that will give you greatly improved understanding of the problem in question and how to resolve it.
The findings are presented in a practical, no nonsense, manner that cuts to the chase in terms of the action required.
The pulse measurement is tailored to your exact requirements and will typically require from two to ten days of Dr Robertson's time giving a cost effective, high value, high impact diagnostic intervention.
"The lights have just gone on" -- exclamation by Executive Director of a client organization at the end of the second day of a pulse measurement when Dr Robertson provided a summing up of the investigation to that point and diagnosed the root cause of a project that was nine months behind schedule.
Over the years Dr Robertson has conducted dozens of pulse measurements for organizations of all types and sizes with regard to the full diversity of business systems, ERP’s, etc.
Outcomes have included turning around a decision of a client executive to scrap a system based on a one day investigation, turning around a failing four hundred million Pound Sterling project with a one day visit to London, identifying a fundamental defect in an implementation that was in the process of putting a client organization out of business and equipping the chief executive to take a new direction. There have been many other cases of IT departments turned around and major expenditure prevented.
It is not uncommon for an IT pulse measurement to save a client millions and sometimes even tens of millions.

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