TxM 052 Section 6.2 What is the JAR&A taxonomy software? Created by James on 7/4/2013 12:19:24 PM
What is the James Robertson and Associates taxonomy software?
1. Tools
The JAR&A taxonomy software is a set of software tools designed to assist with the development, deployment and maintenance of high precision taxonomies to JAR&A standards.
2. Standards
JAR&A standards lend themselves to the creation of software tools and require high levels of taxonomy precision in order to operate at full potential. These tools facilitate the creation of taxonomies to these high standards of precision and the high standards of precision in turn make the tools possible.
3. Taxonomy Builder
The basic taxonomy builder elements are a range of tools to assist with the creation and manipulation of hierarchies, addition of suffixes and coding of hierarchies to high levels of consistency with high levels of compliance with JAR&A standards.
4. GL Builder
General Ledger Builder is a sophisticated suite of software specifically designed for the precision specification and assembly of three dimensional code schemes such as the Location – Function – Account structure that is fundamental to the assembly of precision General Ledger Charts of Accounts – first prototype developed in 1990 as part of a 1,000 hour research and development project.
GL Builder is one of the two deployment modules that form the commercial software suite – the other elements are included in both of these modules as they relate to the main module concerned.

5. Complex List Builder
The complex list builder contains many of the other elements of the software designed as a sophisticated tool for the construction and maintenance of classification schemes associated with lists such as the SAP Materials Master, Lawson M3 and Infor LN Item Master, etc. The tool caters for very complex open ended coded logistical taxonomies and other complex lists.
The same tool is used for simple taxonomies.
Complex List Builder is the other deployment module that forms the basis of the commercial software offering – the other elements are included in both of these modules as they relate to the main module concerned.
6. Taxonomy maintainer
The taxonomy maintainer functionality is an integral part of the solution and provides facilities for code scheme maintenance.
It is one thing to build a precision taxonomy with a highly experienced facilitator, it is another to maintain the precision over time as people change and forget the finer nuances of the code scheme. Code scheme maintenance functionality provides tools to only allow addition of entries in valid locations, maintain the integrity of hierarchies and code schemes, check for duplicates and then generate the update files for all dimensions of all tables to be updated.
7. Report and BI builder
The Report and BI builder functionality are a planned future module that will exploit the highly structured list designs to provide the ability to rapidly generate and deploy diverse standard reports, dashboards and BI models taking account of the full complexity of the taxonomies.
This functionality is based on the realization that the full potential of the investment is only realized when information is delivered in a format that will give rise to high quality high value business decisions – this capability was first developed as a prototype in 1993.
Taken together this suite of tools offers clients an unsurpassed opportunity to obtain value from their existing business information system investments in ways that were never previously possible on a sustainable basis.
It is planned that the current versions of the software will eventually form the basis of a range of products to be marketed internationally.
To the best of my knowledge there is nothing that even vaguely compares to this software and methods available elsewhere.

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