Prd 014 Why adopt the JAR&A approach to precision configuration Created by James on 6/23/2013 12:55:24 PM
What are the main reasons you should consider using the JAR&A approach to precision configuration?
1. Dramatic increase in decision support information
Exponential increase in decision support information from the simplest operational information to the most complex multi-facetted executive level strategic analysis using the most sophisticated analytical techniques available. Such sophisticated analysis is ONLY possible with configuration’s developed using these methods.
2. Dramatic operational efficiencies
Dramatic operational efficiencies at every level of the business – do more with less.
3. Dramatic system operational improvements
Drastically improved IBIS (ERP + BI + plus) effectiveness and efficiency.
4. Reduced system operating costs
Radically reduced system operating costs.
5. Strategic efficiencies
Dramatic strategic efficiencies at every level of the business – think more clearly, ask more critical questions, get more reliable and effective answers to more diverse questions.
6. Leaner and more competitive organization
A leaner and more competitive organization and every level.
7. See the business differently and better
A radically different and BETTER way of looking at the business.

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